Happy Wednesday! It’s Day 3 of the Go to Bed Early Challenge and honestly, I struggled with sleep last night. I didn’t wind down as early as I wanted to, I had trouble falling asleep, and then I woke up in the middle of the night and struggled to get back to sleep.
This morning, I realized that I hadn’t done a good job of taking care of myself yesterday: I didn’t exercise, I didn’t eat enough, and I didn’t drink enough. All these things likely contributed to a poor night’s sleep.
So this morning, I started out my morning with a big glass of lemon water, and as soon as is finished reading and journaling, I went out to the garage and got in a workout with Jesse.
Here’s to hoping for better night of sleep tonight! But for today, I’m going to choose joy, choose love, and choose gratitude. Because even though I didn’t get a great night’s rest, I can still choose a cheerful attitude!
Are you joining me for the Go to Bed Early Challenge? If so, leave a comment on this post to let me know how you did with your go-to-bed goal last night.
We’re in this together… And if you didn’t hit your goal, that’s okay! Give yourself grace, don’t beat yourself up, and know that you can try again tomorrow!
P.S. Read more about the Go to Bed Early Challenge here. Need some help and inspiration to go to bed early so you can get up and use your mornings well? Download Day 1 of Make Over Your Mornings for free (scroll to the bottom of this page to sign up for it!)
Anne says
I’m pregnant (bathroom trips!) and our toddler still needs help finding her lovey or when she has a bad dream in the middle of the night. So, I was up in the MOTN. I haven’t been setting my alarm since I got pregnant because I honestly need the sleep. I ended up missing my prayer and journal time some mornings, but I try to make the best of it. Sometimes my daughter gets to watch an episode of Daniel Tiger so I can have that time. This week, we’ve been coloring together first thing in the morning and that’s been really nice.
Keelie Reason says
Sorry you didn’t sleep well last night. 🙁 I hate that for you. I do not sleep well many nights, so I know it can be hard for you. Hope tonight is a different!
Crystal Paine says
Aw, thank you so much!
Kristen S. says
I just started using the Sleep Cycle app and wow, how interesting! On the day I exercised, my sleep improved by 19%. Also, my husband and I laughed so hard because one evening we had a big argument before bed, and that night ended up being my best sleep score. Apparently we need to argue every night before bed! (Not!)
Crystal Paine says
Too funny!! 🙂
Rosanna says
I stayed up a little later than I should have. I made it in bed by 10:40 instead of 10:30. I did get up at 6:00 and I exercised first thing this morning. I had been trying to exercise at night time, but I am honestly so exhausted that I haven’t been doing. So, I will go back to exercising in the morning. For some reason, the last two mornings, I have been awake around 5 a.m. several times, perhaps it’s a sign I need to get up even earlier?!
Lea Stormhammer says
Missed bedtime last night too – 1130pm, rather than 10pm. Didn’t sleep well either. Ugh. Did get up on time though. Hopefully tonight will be the magic night!
JeNae says
I totally missed my bedtime last night. My husband had to attend a meeting a couple of hours away and I waited up until he was home. So it was VERY hard to get out of bed when the alarm went off but I did it!
Karen M. says
Actually went to bed later than my 10:30 cutoff, but was still able to get up by 6:45 like I wanted.
Swapna says
I took a long nap in the afternoon and so couldn’t get to sleep at 10. I stayed up doing some laundry and went to bed at 11. Got up at 5:45 am and not too tired – so not bad.
Cambria says
Monday night I completely failed and was up until 11:30pm…
Last night I was in bed and asleep by 10:30 but baby was up for an hour last night so woke up not feeling very rested. Goal tonight is to be in bed by 9:30 to hopefully make up for the last two nights 🙂
Kim says
I have also been hitting my bedtime mark (10:30pm) but waking up later than a want. But I also have a cold so I think the extra rest is needed, and each day I’ve been waking up a little earlier. So I’m hopeful that soon I will reach my goal of 5:30am!
Teresa says
Got to bed on time, but woke late. Allowing myself grace right now so my body can heal faster from a cold.
Jill says
I stayed up too late watching TV with my husband on Monday night, but went to bed at 9:15 (15 minutes early) last night and woke up feeling much more rested this morning. I usually find myself completely drained by Thursday evening so I’m really hoping paying more attention to getting to bed on time will help prevent my typical Thursday crash. I agree with you about also eating well, drinking water, and exercising – it helps my day in all sorts of ways, including sleeping better.
Dee Wolters says
I have found that if I do not exercise that I do not sleep as well- I try to walk at least 2 miles each day. It makes a huge difference.
Denise @ Finally Get Organized says
I missed my ‘lights out’ time by 7 minutes last night. Luckily I usually fall asleep immediately and last night I stayed asleep all night. Still, it was tempting to hit the snooze one…more…time… this morning but I forced myself to get up on time as ‘punishment’ for not hitting my goal last night.