Last week was a good week. I did a whole lot of resting. And even thought that was hard for me, it was already so good for me.
This whole giving myself grace, taking time off, and taking it super easy has taught me a lot! It’s given me so much more compassion for others. And it’s taught me the beauty of slowing down.
I’m so grateful that near the end of the week, we discovered that the antibiotics I was on for the infection I contracted after my surgery were making me really sick and tired. Once I got off of those, I started to feel world’s better.
Yesterday morning, I woke up and called Jesse (who was already serving at the early morning service at church) and said, “I think I FEEL NORMAL!!! I forgot what it feels like to wake up and not feel completely nauseous and gross and tired! THIS IS AMAZING!!!”
Anyway, I’m so, so, so grateful! Thank you for all of you who have prayed so much for me over the last three weeks. You all bless me so much!
I’m keeping my goals simple again this week so that I can continue to rest — especially since we are headed to South Africa next week and I want to be all rested up for that!!
This week’s goals:
Marriage/Mothering/Homemaking Goals
1. Write a love note to Jesse.
2. Have an at-home Movie Date with Jesse.Personal Goals
3. Get at least 7.5+ hours of sleep every night.
4. Read and blog through Simply Tuesday.Business Goals
5. Finish special downloads for my book launch.
6. Speak at MomCon (are you going to be there! If so, I’d LOVE to meet you at one of my two sessions!)
This week’s goals:
Marriage/Mothering/Homemaking Goals
1. Write a love note to Jesse.
2. Have an at-home Movie Date with Jesse.
3. Prep for our family trip to South Africa next week!!!
Personal Goals
4. Get at least 7.5+ hours of sleep every night.
5. Read and blog through Nourished.
Business Goals
6. Finish special downloads for my book launch. {I cannot WAIT to tell you more about these!!}
How did you do on last week’s goals? What are your goals for this week? I’d love to have you share your progress on last week’s goals and your goals for this coming week in the comments. Of, if you’ve blogged about it, leave your direct link below. Let’s cheer each other on to live purposeful and productive lives! You can download a free customizable weekly goal-planning sheet here.
Angela @ Setting My Intention says
You’ve inspired me to start blogging about weekly goals. The accountability of blogging about it is helpful! Thank you! Have a wonderful trip!
Janeen says
Isn’t it amazing how feeling out of whack makes us appreciate the blessing of good health?! Feeling sick also makes me more sympathetic toward those who are chronically ill. Glad to hear that you’re doing better and will be in tip top shape for Africa.
Romy says
Praise the Lord you feeling better Crystal !
and pls see ” War Room” excellent film ! Will inspire you and also
“90 Minutes in heaven”
God bless you ~
Guest says
So glad to hear you’re on the mend and feeling more like yourself! I’m sorry that you’ve been having those side effects from an antibiotic but in a strange way, it makes me feel better. I was on one a few years ago and I felt SO WEIRD on it. I knew they could cause nausea and such but didn’t realize they could cause these other symptoms. I’m thankful for medicines but they definitely come with their own set of issues!
Susan says
The quote you have is similar to Col 3:23 – my daughter’s memory verse for the month at church: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord. And Happy Birthday!
Victoria says
I am so happy that you are finally feeling better. I hope your upcoming trip goes off without a hitch I know you have been really looking forward to it. Oh and happy soon to be birthday!
Maryalene says
I totally bombed on my goals last week so I’m calling a mulligan and trying again this week.
Crystal Paine says
You can do it! I’m cheering for you!
Melissa says
So glad to hear you are feeling better! South Africa trip – awesome!!
Crystal Paine says
Thank you so much!
Jenny @ Women With Intention says
I can’t wait to hear about your trip and the blessings that will come from it for you and for those you will be serving! 🙂
Laura says
So glad you’re feeling better sweet lady! What a blessing.
My goals have been back and forth. I have a pile of my husband’s shirts I still need to iron and need to discuss yearly goals with my husband as well.
I did organize our office a bit and kept up with light house cleaning, which I’ll take as a win with 3 kids under age 6, a family getaway and blogging. 😉
Crystal Paine says
Congrats on getting some organizing done!
Vickie says
Oh so glad you are feeling better! Timing is perfect for your trip to South Africa! Have a blessed week
Crystal Paine says
Yes! We are so grateful!
amanda says
Glad that you are feeling better! I’ve had to recently slow down on what goals I accomplish each week because my daughter has some health problems. Thankfully she is doing better but we still attend therapy 2-4 times per week. 🙂 This week I”m looking forward to a trip to FL with my kids, dad, and sister!
Crystal Paine says
I’m so sorry about your daughter’s health problems. I’m grateful that she’s doing better, though.
amanda says
Thank you so much.
Jamie @ Medium Sized Family says
I’m excited to read about your trip to South Africa again! And so glad to hear you are starting to feel better.
Crystal Paine says
I’m SO excited about it — especially to bring my husband and kids and our friend, Brian, this time!
Sarah@TheOrthodoxMama says
I am really looking forward to reading about your family’s trip to South Africa! This week I am starting the Elite Blog Academy, so my major goal is to spend the time and effort needed to improve my blog. Really looking forward to it!
Crystal Paine says
I hope you love EBA!
Katie B. says
So, I’d just moments ago sent you an email to say that I hope you’re feeling better, and urging you to show yourself the same grace that you give to your family and us. I am SO glad to hear you’re on the road to recuperation!
Now, all those things you told Jesse about feeling normal, and how you’d forgotten how great that feels: that, my friend, is how I feel after your morning makeover series. I’d forgotten what it was like to wake up excited to get out of bed, to feel in control of my day, and to actually feel rested. Your course worked a wonder in my life!
Thank you.
Crystal Paine says
Aw, this comment blessed me so much! THANK YOU!