Whew! It feels so good — and so weird! — to have my book launch behind me!
After months and months of working on and prepping for it, now that it’s over with, life feels so quiet and my to-do list seems so simple. And it’s good. So good.
While I try to enjoy the power-through sprints when there are big projects and launches happening, I 100% savor the seasons of rest. And I’m so grateful to be heading into one of those seasons after a few very, very full months!
Here are my 10 simple goals for this week:
Marriage/Mothering/Homemaking Goals
1. Write a love note to Jesse.
2. Have an at-home Movie Date with Jesse.
3. Spend quality one-on-one time with each of the kids.
Personal Goals
4. Keep working on the boot cuffs I’m knitting.
5. Finish reading Just Show Up.
6. Make sleep a priority.
7. Start new weight-lifting program.
Business Goals
8. Don’t check email until after 12:30 p.m. every day.
9. Get at least 3 content pieces ready for next week (I’m trying to do a better job of working ahead instead of blogging by the seat of my pants!)
10. Do a Money-Making Mom scope each afternoon at 3 p.m. (Are you joining us for this? If not, you can download the Periscope app and search for my name or @MoneySavingMom to join in live. Or, you can watch the replays on Katch.me/MoneySavingMom)
How did you do on last week’s goals? What are your goals for this week? I’d love to have you share your progress on last week’s goals and your goals for this coming week in the comments. Of, if you’ve blogged about it, leave your direct link below. Let’s cheer each other on to live purposeful and productive lives! You can download a free customizable weekly goal-planning sheet here.
Vivian says
Hi Crystal, thank you, I’m very grateful. Your post — goal setting — has changed my life. It shed my wary, helpless caused by unproductivy/lack of results even already trying hard mostly, maybe i wanted to do big n too many things before. It cheers n give me self confidence to propel forward, even small steps still. Cheers n have a fruitful day.
Lynette says
Thank you so much Crystal for blessing us with your new book. I’ve read Money Making Mom and Saying Goodbye to Survival Mode this past week. I had to stop being lazy and work on my own business goals, things that I have been wanting to do for years now. I am now motivated to jump right in because nothing will be handed to me. Thanks for motivation! #teamgoals
Crystal Paine says
Thanks so much for your kind encouragement!!
Lisa says
Would love to hear more about your new exercise routine!
Victoria says
Can’t wait to see the boot cuffs! Are you having to learn how to knit on those needles that are attached to each other? Knitting on the round, I think it is called?
My goal for this week is to get ahead in my blogging so that I can work on a big project starting very soon.
After talking to my husband during date day last week I decided to give up on doing a periscope series and finish what I started before I go on to something new…….an eBook!
My goal is to get it done and off to be edited by the time Christmas break starts December 11th.
Also hoping to start decluttering the attic starting this week as the last room of my 52 Weeks To A Simplified Home Series.
After a year of decluttering my husband and I are loving the changes in our home so much that —again during date day— we brainstormed a new decluttering challenge for the blog for next year.
In a few weeks the new rental should be ready for me to paint so hopefully I will have a few very–very–productive weeks of blogging before that. Luckily I am just painting walls, not trim, cabinets and floors like the last home so that makes the project more bit size for me. Going to take it one wall at a time.
Crystal Paine says
Great goals for this week!!
Sarah@TheOrthodoxMama says
Congrats on the book launch! I can’t even imagine all that is involved in an event like that! This week I am sending the children’s book I’ve written off to my readers so that I can make edits next week and submit to a publisher. Pretty exciting!
Sarah says
That is exciting!! Good luck!!!
Crystal Paine says
Yay!! So exciting!!
Tina@GottaRunNow says
The book that you mentioned, Just Show Up, led me to the Mundane Faithfulness blog where the book (and much more) is discussed. Thanks for mentioning it!
Crystal Paine says
Oh yay! That makes me so happy!
Vickie says
Oh it always sounds so good! I didn’t not know you blogged by the seat of your pants too! Have a great day!
Crystal Paine says
I’m a total by-the-seat-of-my-pants blogger! Not necessarily what I would want to be, but that’s just how it often seems to go! I have been working on doing a better job of at least planning and outlining posts ahead of time, so that’s progress! 🙂
Vickie says
Oh you would never know it Crystal. You always make it look so put together!