Happy Tuesday! How is your week going? It’s only Tuesday, I know, but so far, it’s been SUCH a great week for me! Here’s how I did on my goals list last week:
Marriage/Mothering/Homemaking Goals
1. Write a love note to Jesse.
2. Have an at-home Movie Date with Jesse.
3. Finish reading a book with the kids.
4. Watch the Democratic debate as a family(my kids are loving watching all of the debates and discussing all things political right now!)Personal Goals
5. Start working on a new handwork project.
6. Finish at least one book.Business Goals
7. Finish article due for my book launch.
8. Do a Money-Making Mom scope each afternoon at 3 p.m.(Are you joining us for this? If not, you can download the Periscope app and search for my name or @MoneySavingMom to join in live. Or, you can watch the replays on Katch.me/MoneySavingMom)
9. Everything done for special Influencer Boxes to go out to about my new book.
10. Write emails to go out to email lists about book launch.
Here are my goals for this week:
Marriage/Mothering/Homemaking Goals
1. Write a love note to Jesse.
2. Have an at-home Movie Date with Jesse.
3. Finish reading a book with the kids.
4. Watch (or listen to!) the Royals games together. {GO ROYALS!}
Personal Goals
5. Keep working on the boot cuffs I’m knitting.
6. Read through I Used to Be So Organized & blog about it every day.
7. Work on being on time for my daily Periscope shows.
Business Goals
8. Don’t check email until after 12:30 p.m. every day.
9. Do a Money-Making Mom scope each afternoon at 3 p.m. (Are you joining us for this? If not, you can download the Periscope app and search for my name or @MoneySavingMom to join in live. Or, you can watch the replays on Katch.me/MoneySavingMom)
10. Send out the very first Money-Making Mom email newsletter (want to be on the list? Sign up for my free 5-day course on How I Make a Full-Time Income from Home here.)
How did you do on last week’s goals? What are your goals for this week? I’d love to have you share your progress on last week’s goals and your goals for this coming week in the comments. Of, if you’ve blogged about it, leave your direct link below. Let’s cheer each other on to live purposeful and productive lives! You can download a free customizable weekly goal-planning sheet here.
Pam says
I love the idea of having weekly goals. I’m off on maternity leave with my 2 month old and 2 year old and I find the whole day can slip by and it’s 3pm and the older kids are coming back from school and then it’s dance and evening activities- makes for not getting anything done!!
We are in Toronto and are cheering on the Blue Jays Monday night we watched the game and would flip over to our federal election results. Funny how those things were exactly what we were doing!!
Jenny @ Women With Intention says
Go Royals! 🙂 My big goal thus week us to read your new book! Love that I’m included on the launch team!
Jamie says
Wow, you did great last week! I rarely get all of my goals crossed off. (But I’m ok with that.)
I’m really enjoying setting specific goals and seeing progress made each week. Living more intentionally feels so great!
Karen says
Oh, the email. And notifications… I find that our morning runs so much smoother and school is more successful when I put my phone away and avoid the computer until after lunch. It’s still a constant battle.
Thank you for the e-mail course! I just finished day 3 and am being so encouraged. I’m so looking forward to the book!
Crystal says
Hi Crystal, it’s Crystal! 🙂 I’ve been loving your scopes… you are such an inspiration. I’m in CA so they’re waaay toooo early for me to watch live and comment, but I watch every day and I’m so grateful to you.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on goal setting – I haven’t seen you do a scope on that and it would be an awesome topic! I just finished a Michael Hyatt podcast on goal setting and he suggests 10 at a time, say, per year, and yet above you have ten for the week, so since I value your ideas so much, I’d love to hear how you do goal planning. On more of an every-day basis. I get how to make year long goals, and he says to keep it to 7-10, but then should we do separate smaller, say weekly or daily goals on top of that?
Thanks for all you do! You are changing the world!!
Crystal (Dever) 🙂
Ciara @ Favored Mom says
Thank You for being so transparent with your Goals! It’s such an encouragement! And, many thanks for opening up the opportunity to share ours.. 😉 Look forward to keeping up with everyone. :):)
Jen @ Theniftythrifylady says
I love how you incorporate reading a book into one of your website posts! I make it goal to read a book a week but it is never realistic for my schedule. I need to join a book club to hold me accountable I think. Enjoy the rest of your week!
Sarah@TheOrthodoxMama says
I love that you are including simple activities with your kids–the debate and the Royals game–in your goals. Last week we went apple picking, and this week we’re going to my son’s baseball game as a family. I think that fall is my favorite season for family activities!
Cheryl says
My main goal since September is just to focus on what I am doing at the time. I work part-time and usually have 2 or sometimes 3 days off a week. On my off day I do what job/tasks are most important for the day. I try to be careful so I don’t schedule too much on 1 off day. (my kids are 11 and 13 and in school) Today I washed the bedding, took care of all the outdoor garden potted plants, and got dinner together in the crockpot. I took my walk right after I got home so I had my exercise for the day. This has really helped me so I don’t feel like I’m cramming everything into one day.
Victoria says
My goals for this week are
1. Personal: Finish the fiction book I started 2 weeks ago.
2. Business: Finish putting a box about my free for subscribers Christmas On A Zero Budget: The Printable plan at the bottom of each Christmas post.
3. Family: Enjoy a drive to and from Indy with my middle child as we go their to visit his friend (my friend’s son) and my friend (his friend’s mother) for the day.
4. Home: Catch up on the laundry from our trip over the weekend. I have done 6 loads today! Yet I still have at least another 6 loads left. When everyone is adult sized it takes forever to catch up.
amanda@lifeasmrsemerson says
Last week was a pretty good week. I hit more than half of my goals and the goals that I didn’t completely finish I at least have a great head start on. I’m definitely making progress. 🙂
Hoping to start some Christmas sewing and finish up some fall projects this week. The weather is absolutely gorgeous today so we took our read alouds outside this afternoon. Hoping to get into a nice fall routine this week. (We moved my daughter’s therapy appointments around so hopefully this will make for a smoother week.)
Elyssa says
I just have to ask… by having similar goals each week pertaining to your marriage… does it take away from the “flair” of it that comes from sporadic romance? For instance- do you or your husband get tired of the love notes that come from you each week? Just curious 🙂
Crystal Paine says
No, we find that it’s such a great way for us to keep the romance in our marriage and for us to be looking constantly for things to be thankful for… creative ways to show love!
Jenny H says
Does Jesse write you a love note too? I would love if my husband did that!
Vickie says
I noticed your goal about your emails. Does it give you more time to do something else? Do you ever worry?
Crystal Paine says
It’s so that I can focus fully on my family in the mornings and then deal with business stuff in the afternoons. For me, personally, it helps me compartmentalize and being able to be present better!
Jen @ Theniftythrifylady says
I was going to ask the same question. I have been hearing this as new trend and I have to admit that I like it.
Nichole says
So I am so clueless about politics and whose running.
How do you educate yourself and your kids?
Crystal Paine says
We’re watching all of the debates, listening to their answers, talking about the issues, and letting our kids ask honest questions/share their perspective. We want to train them to think for themselves and be analytical so this is a small way we’re aiming to try to do that.