I was so excited to have a very productive week last week — and to be able to get almost all of my goals crossed off my list. Yay!!
Last week’s goals:
Family/Marriage/Mothering Goals
1. Read 3 chapters of The Magician’s Nephew to Kathrynne. Finish Caddie Woodlawn with Kaitlynn. Read a few picture books with Silas.
2. Write a love note to Jesse.
3. Play a game with the children.
4. Write thank you notes/birthday cards.Personal Goals
5. Work on memorizing & reviewing Romans 1:1-24.
6. Run 8 miles.7. Read Leaving Yesterday,
Bread & Wine, andWhat’s So Amazing About Grace?
8. Work for 30 minutes on my embroidery project.Business Goals
9. Write handwritten notes to go out with book launch packages.
10. Write one post for the 52 Ways to Save $100 a Year series.
This week’s goals:
Family/Marriage/Mothering Goals
1. Read 6 chapters of Loony Coon aloud to the girls. Read a few picture books with Silas.
2. Write a love note to Jesse.
3. Play a game with the children.
4. Have a movie night with Jesse.
Personal Goals
5. Work on memorizing & reviewing Romans 1:1-24.
6. Run 9 miles.
7. Read Leaving Yesterday, A Million Little Ways, Safe People, and A Christmas Gift for Rose.
8. Work for 30 minutes on my embroidery project.
Business Goals
9. Write more handwritten notes to go out with book launch packages.
10. Write one post for the 52 Ways to Save $100 a Year series.
How did you do on last week’s goals? What are your goals for this week? I’d love to have you share your progress on last week’s goals and your goals for this coming week in the comments. Of, if you’ve blogged about it, leave your direct link below. Let’s cheer each other on to live purposeful and productive lives!
You can download a free customizable weekly goal-planning sheet here.
melissa says
That is awesome you got all your goals done, I hoping to get this weeks goals done.
Sharla @ Slacker Saver says
Wow, good work getting so much done!
Ginger says
Safe People was a HUGE encouragement to me a few years ago – and instrumental in identifying safe and unsafe relationships in my life. I would love to hear your thoughts on it! And YAY for A Million Little Ways! 🙂
My goals…I actually started my 7 day challenge, so I wrote out my to-do list and actually crossed off 3 of those items. Eeek! 😉
Crystal says
I’m really excited to read it.
And thanks for the nudge to read A Million Little Ways. I’ve really been blessed by it so far.
I love your goals this week! 🙂
Jamie Rohrbaugh says
Wow, it looks like you had a really productive week last week. Way to go! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
The Prudent Homemaker says
My to-do list is HUGE for this week. It will be a stretch to get it all done, but part of my list involves making sure I delegate some things to the rest of the family (and just making sure they get done by other family members).
Today my husband helped me take care of two things on my list, and he said he’ll do another. I’m thrilled because we’re having company on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and I’m hosting Thanksgiving.
Mel says
Woohoo! Look at all those marked off items!
I haven’t written my goals for this week yet, and last week’s list has just a few things crossed off. Working 2 jobs with increasing responsibilities at both is really testing my organizational skills, and my productivity. It’s been a couple of months since I started the jobs, though, and I feel like I’m finally getting a handle on my schedule. Just in time for the holidays and our family birthday marathon (8 in Nov/Dec)!
Jenny @ Women With Intention says
You did really well on your goals! Great job! My family has a really busy week with 2 birthdays and Thanksgiving so most of my goals relate to that. 🙂
Jim says
Such great goals! Thanks for sharing them with us all!
Crystal says
Thanks for your kind encouragement! It’s amazing what the public accountability does for motivation. 🙂