I’ve been so blessed by the comments and emails from you all about how this series of videos I’m doing with Chris Seay is impacting you (you can watch the first two videos here if you missed them).
Here’s a comment that Kelly posted today:
My husband and I have decided that during Lent, we’ll do two weeks of eating from three different countries – so six weeks total. We chose one from each continent that houses the largest number of poor people – Honduras (Feb 22 – March 6), Kenya (March 7-20), and Thailand (March 21 – April 8).
We got the list of staple foods from Chris Seay’s website and are designating a limited amount of foods to eat during each two-week period (mostly just the ones from that list, but a few others to round out some food groups plus account for our CSA subscription which we can’t back out of). I’m five months pregnant, so we were a bit limited in what we could do – I didn’t feel very comfortable doing any literal fasting (skipping meals) or having an exceptionally limited diet, so I think this will be a good way to connect with some particular countries, get a little “bored” with eating the same staple foods over and over again, etc.
During the two weeks that we’re focusing on each country, we’re going to pray for that country (using guides from the book Operation World) and research that country (using the internet, books from the library, plus a few books we already own, and maybe watch documentaries on Netflix, if available). In addition, we’re going to designate some money to charities that work in each of those three respective countries.
Thanks for the inspiration! We’ve been wanting to do something like this, but things have gotten in the way a few times before (we just stocked up on tons of groceries, we’ll have house guests for a lot of the time, etc.), so now we’re just going to make it happen!
Looking forward to seeing how God works in our hearts AND how we’re able to help others through this experience. -Kelly
In today’s video, Chris talks about how taking a 40-day fast from excess from has impacted their family. He also answers my question of, “Can our feeble, small efforts really make a difference or are the needs so great that it’s not really even worth it?”
If you only have time to watch one of the videos from Chris Seay, I’d heartily encourage you to take two minutes and watch today’s video. I think you’ll be inspired and motivated by it–at least I know I was!
Interview w. Money Saving Mom Part 3 from Chris Seay on Vimeo.
Susan (FrugaLouis) says
This resonated with me because I had the privilege to spend the summer in Liberia when I was 14…what a beautiful people!
I know GFA is a great organization, but my understanding is that they don’t work in Africa. Anyone have a reputable Christian organization they’d recommend in Africa for clean water projects?
Marlana says
And I’m from Thailand, to make the list complete…though I don’t know what kind of food you are eating from Thailand, the poor actually eat cheap greens like morning glory, and rice. Traditional Thai is not really the “poor stuff” though boy is it delicious!
Dana says
Thank you so much for posting this! Our family is planning to do this and never would have had the opportunity to participate had you not posted. It’s amazing how God can use blogs 🙂
Karisa says
For Kelly,
What you are doing is very inspiring. Thanks for sharing!
I am from Honduras. I was born and raised there. I now reside in Fl.
I know you are in the middle of eating from staples regulary eaten in Honduras, but if you would like any ideas for meal planning, please do not hesitate to shoot me an email . Would love to help out =)
you can write me at karisa @ karisarivera . com
Alice says
I have been reading this blog for a while now. I have learnt a lot and been blessed with everything i have read. I have been so touched by the idea of the 40 day fast. First, i wanted to say that I have never commented here but felt compelled to comment today because of Kelly and her family’s plan for the fast. I come from Kenya and I am so touched to read that you will be fasting and praying for my country. Also, we are in the process of getting clean drinking water for the village I grew up in in Kenya called Tengecha in Narok south district. We are working with United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) in this project. You can also watch this video and pray for this project along with other needs as the Lord leads. Thanks. http://vimeo.com/19303824
Carol@simple_catholic says
Wow, Crystal. I just finished watching all three of the videos and I can’t tell you how touched and impacted I am. I don’t know exactly how the 40 day fast from excess will look for our family until I show these videos to my husband and talk to him about them; however, I know we definitely will be doing something.
Thank you so much for sharing these snippets of your interview with Chris Seay.
Tammy says
Cracking when I thought I missed some big news but realized it is Kelly having the new baby!Unless you have some news !!
kerrie says
Once a month my church encourages us to fast for two meals and then we donate at least the amount that it would cost for those two meals to the aid of local people in need. Think how much that adds up to over the months.
Personal sacrifice always increases our ability to aid. Great idea!
Ruth says
I am on board with this idea! Thanks. I would love to help bring a well for fresh water to a needy area. Does anyone know what organization I can contact? Does anyone know how many thousands of dollars it would cost? I think this is where God is touching my heart, and for other people (I would guess) it would be in different areas of need. Thanks again for this series.
Bobbie Jo says
Gospel for Asia – has wells they put in for $1000 for an entire community. This organization is the real deal….its awesome. We love Compassion of course too 🙂
Bobbie Jo says
Gospel for Asia will also send you a free book called Revolution in World Missions by KP Yohann which had a pretty profound impact on us. Drilling wells is one of the many ways they serve. http://www.gfa.org
Bobbie Jo says
that was supposed to be an addition to an earlier comment that I guess didn’t post – Gospel for Asia drills wells – $1000 per well for a community. They are a great reputable organization!
Marlana says
Gosepl of Asia is amazing. And I recently was at a village in a dump here in SE Asia, and there was a girl there vomiting from drinking the black water in the gully. Children do die this way. But the problem is most severe in Africa, and if I had money to put into a well, that’s where I’d put my money.
sheri says
CONGRAT on the baby. take care of yourshelf and get plenty of sleep.
Amber says