Need some freezer cooking inspiration? Head on over to Finding Hope to read about how Kayse and Bethany made 112 lunches in 7 hours!
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Chantal Hewitt says
This might be a stretch, but I have been making your freezer burritos and loved them! But I went to the website and it’s now gone ? is there anyway I could get the recipe from you?
Amie says
I love this post! I do freezer cook, but mostly bread items. We handle lunches a little differently. We make lunches out of dinner leftovers and make a casserole to freeze if we get low on our frozen meals. This works well for us and doesn’t take much time at all. I used to buy small frozen dinners for under $1, a yogurt cup for 30 cents, and an apple and I thought I was really doing well. I don’t spend anything extra on our lunches now. Now that I will be home with my two boys for the summer, I will be spending a little extra for lunches. I hope to spend less than $5 more per week.
Becky says
Allright . . . I don’t want to diminish the awesome-ness of this production, but cinnamon rolls are NOT lunches!
Crystal says
You don’t eat cinnamon rolls for lunch?!? 😉
Actually, it was my mistake on this post because I realized later that they said “meals” not lunches. They were probably counting the cinnamon rolls for breakfasts. So my apologies on that mistake when I wrote up the post this morning.
I was so inspired by their post!
Donna says
They did a fantastic job!
Jennifer Lee says
Thanks for posting this! It caused me to get myself in gear today! I made 24 burritos and 17 of the little homemade hot pockets so far. Waiting on the chicken and ham to cool and take off the bone so I can make some more! Hoping to make enough to pretty well get my husband and I through summer without having to worry about cooking lunch.
Crystal says
Great job! Way to go!
dEB says
So this is motivating! I might have a busy weekend. Lately I just haven’t wanted to cook much. So maybe I will just have a jam packed day 🙂
To get me started.
Sarah says
Does anyone else love the idea of freezer cooking but has a family that will not eat most of the food after it has been in the freezer.
Lunches for us and muffins for breakfast none of this works in my home, they all like fresh. I make fresh salads and fresh items for breakfast so that I keep with diet plans.
I can do some of the dinner meals freezer which does help. But lunch and breakfast items are out.
I do the smoothie mixes for breakfast and snack but everything else is purely fresh just made items. Diet is the main dicator in our home
Crystal says
Have you tried making muffin mixes? (I think you mentioned that’s what you make for breakfasts?) That would at least save you some time, while still being able to have fresh muffins every morning.
christie says
You can make muffin batter and pour it in the muffin pan. ( Pan should be lined with muffin papers.) Put this in the freezer for about an hour or until firm. Then the muffins can be stored in the freezer in a ziplock bag. To bake just put the muffins in the muffin tins. Add 5 min to the suggested baking time. Bake at same temp as usual.
I hope this helps. They taste fresh to me!
~ Christie
Shelly says
I saw this yesterday when I visited her blog. That is a lot of food to get done in one day. Good job.
Lisa-panaMOM says
Way to go!!!!
Jessica says
Can they come to my house and do that? Pretty please? Between my kids and my severe all day long “morning sickness”, I can’t even make my DD her favorite pb sandwich (the smell makes me get sick). I was just on the phone with my ob’s office asking what to do about my dehydration which is particularly bad this week. The smell of the bread on my table made me start gaging while talking to the nurse 🙁
Most days I can eat fruits and popsicles but anything else, varies by day and what I can eat one day I can’t stand the next 🙁 I’m doing everything the ob’s office says to try, with no avail (vitamin b6, unisom, and so forth). I had it with my DS but not the dehydration problem.
So anyway, if somebody could come over and make lunches for my family for the next month, that would be super!! 🙂
Jamie says
Jessica- I recently got over the same problem with severe morning sickness lasting through my second trimester (couldn’t smell any kind of meat cooking or stand the smell of anything) and it has actually helped me now that I am well into my third trimester because I have really focused on getting things (food, stockpile, kid’s schedules, and work) organized for the couple months. I think without the worry that I will never have the energy to get it all done, I never would have thought about putting all my energy in. So while I can relate to how you feel hopefully you will begin to feel better and for now just feed your little one whatever you can stand that day.
Jessica says
It’s awful isn’t it?! My DH wanted to take me out for Mother’s Day lunch and I asked for a raincheck. I enjoy cooking under normal circumstances but even mild smells-bread- make me sick right now!
Jamie says
I can relate! I had to go to the hospital quite frequently for IV’s and was eventually put on a medicine that is usually prescribed for chemotherapy patients. My morning sickness lasted the entire 9 months!!! Ugh. I always wanted a big family, but after surviving two rough pregnancies, I just feel so blessed to have my two beautiful children!
Grace says
Oh, I feel so bad for you Jessica! Have you asked your doctor for Zofran? The first time around it didn’t help. With my second pregnancy, I ate Zofran like candy (well, not exactly:), but it helped a lot! I think I suffered ‘pre-partum’ depression for 9 months-lol.
Kayse says
You just made my day, times 100!! Thank you!!!
Debbie says
Already saw this yesterday and wanted to comment but didn’t have one of those commenting accounts and was in a hurry but anywaysss, Kayse’s post was awesome and all the pics are great and very very inspirational! Great job!!