My heart goes out to all of our readers in Connecticut and everyone else affected so deeply by the tragedy this morning. I was gone almost all of today without my computer or phone and only heard bits and pieces of news. But what I heard was beyond devastating.
I just got home a little while ago and I had some other posts and deals planned to run tonight, but in light of today’s events, I’ve shelved those to share tomorrow or another time.
I’ll be back to regular blogging tomorrow. Tonight, I’d ask you to please join me in praying for all of the families and loved ones who are experiencing incomprehensible pain, shock, and sorrow.
Stacey and Brooke are offering a free chapter from their book, Hope for the Weary Mom, that shares about their personal experience of dealing with the Virginia Tech shootings. If you are hurting tonight, I encourage you to download the free chapter and read it.
Lisa says
I just finished reading that chapter. Thank you for that Crystal. I don’t think there are words that can explain any of what transpired yesterday. A small close-knit community was rocked to its core and the ripples are being felt around the world. The more details that come out, the more I want to stick my head in the sand and pretend like nothing happened.
I am a mother of 4 children ages 14, 12, 7, and 5 and as a parent my heart just aches for these families. I also live in Southbury, Connecticut. On Friday, my children’s schools were on lockdown and it was terrifying to say the least. Newtown is our neighboring town and Sandy Hook Elementary is less than a ten minute drive from my house. With towns so small and so close together, it’s hard not to be affected. I have a friend who had children in that school that thank God made it out alive. But there are friends of friends, neighbors, and many others who weren’t so lucky.
For everyone who is struggling to understand this horrific tragedy, may I recommend the book “The Shack”. It was hands down the best book I’ve ever read and really puts death and God into perspective. May we all turn to him in our time of need and forever there after…
Meredith M says
I’m a mother of a 6 year old and a 4 year old…. I’m also an elementary school teacher. Can’t stop crying. So very grateful my children are right in front of me. So very proud of all those teachers. Their bravery….. My prayers to God that He helps everyone through this.
Gina says
This hit me hard on so many levels… I am a CT resident, a former elementary teacher, and mom to 3. Praying for all the families involved.
Lisa says
I was born and raised in CT about 25 minutes away from Newtown. It is an area that I’m sure no one imagined such horror taking place. I’ve been out of state over 20 years but tonight my heart is there. I heard about this tragedy after coming home from my children’s school Christmas concert. My school has many precautions for safety but of course today doors were unlocked and how were we to know who belonged there or not. It made me think of how this can happen anywhere! I have cried often today for the children and their innocence gone. All they were thinking about was Santa and Christmas. How could this happen. Yes they are safe with Jesus, but their parents…how can you survive it. My family has been praying for the victims and their families, the children even did their very best rosary tonight.
Bethany in AZ says
Crystal, thanks for posting this. I intentionally checked your website this evening because I just knew you would write something about the devastating event that unfolded in our nation this morning. I have two young children and I keep thinking that at this time last night 20 families kissed their little ones goodnight not knowing that it would be the last time they would do so here on Earth. Utterly heartbreaking. May the Lord comfort and carry these families as only He can do.
Jen says
My three year old put her arms around me when I lay in bed with her tonight. I didnt think she knew I was crying but she brushed away my hair, kissed my forehead and said, “I love you very much.” I held her tighter.
I made a donation to their local family charity for counseling services. I pray it helps and wish I could do more.
Jenny says
Jen–where did you do that–would love if you would post info.
shannon says
I would also like the information posted too please
Jen says
Theres a few options there. I just wish there was more we could do.
Crystal says
Thank you so much for sharing! If others find other ways/links/sites, please let us know!
Katie says
I knew she would too, I kept checking as well knowing it would relieve my heavy heart, I’ve been crying all day 🙁
Crystal, if you don’t mind me asking what is your religion? I admire your devotion and want to get myself and 2 daughters into church.
My tho ughts are with the victims of this
Crystal says
{Hugs!} to you, Katie!
I’m Christian. If you have any questions regarding religion, you are more than welcome to email me: [email protected]
Allison says
Very generous… thank you for posting this and reaching out. My heart is breaking, but cant inagine the broken hearts in Conn. Only God can heal this… and Christ is sympathizing, our Great High Priest who has suffered in every way and been tempted in every way we have, yet was sinful in nothing. Hebrews 4:14
Taciana says
I’ll join you in prayer too.
Amanda says
I have walked around with a heavy heart since hearing of this tragedy this morning. I do not live anywhere near CT, but I feel so awful for all of the family members and friends of the victims. I can’t even imagine what those poor parents are going through right now. I will continually send prayers to all of those that have been affected by this evil, senseless act.
I can’t even fathom what kind of person could commit an act like this. When I think about those poor, sweet little angels it brings tears to my eyes. May each one of those innocent souls rest in the arms of God this evening.
Patty says
I have been sick all day over what has happen. I grew up in CT and work not far from Newtown. Not that it matters if it happend close or far away the saddness of what has happened is overwhelming. My husband who is on his way home sent me a text a few minutes ago that a close friend (who we met through) has friends that lost their child today. She was a kindergartener at the school. I can’t even begin to imagine how horrible it is. As a mom of a 7 year old I can’t stop thinking about the fear those little angels had and that all they probably wanted was their mom or dad….
I wish we could all shield our children from this sort of horror. My prayers go out to everyone that is effected in anyway but this horrible tragedy.
Anna says
A bad guy broke into our home and hurt my daughter. She (we) survived. We testified–she was 11 years old when she faced him again in court. The bad guy got 2 life terms plus 180 years. Our lives changed forever. I am forever grateful that my daughter and my family survived our tragedy. Five years later my daughter is thriving. Not a day goes by that I don’t say a prayer for her and am beyond grateful that she is alive.
My hearts go out to those who were injured and to those who lost children today. Life will never be the same for them. I still live with the horrible memories of the violence that impacted out lives but am so grateful we lived through it and we are alive. I cried for the families today and cried for the pain that they will have work through. A terrible tragedy.
Megan D says
When my kindergarten son came home from school today I held him close and just snuggled and held him…..fighting back tears as I’ve tried to shelter him from the terrible news. My heart goes out to all the parents in CT, I can not imagine the pain they’re feeling. Remember to love your babies everyday and make sure they know that love is with them always.
Everlasting Designs says
Our hospice doctor came in today to check on us. He asked if we knew anyone from Newtown. I lived in the area some time ago and knew what a sleepy quiet town it is. As I spoke to the doctor my voice caught…I gently replied that I would endure the pain of losing my husband to cancer 100 times over before I could endure what my old neighbors are facing tonight and for the rest of their lives.
Peace and comfort to all the heartbroken and shattered families in Newtown.
Katie @ Holidays for Less says
Thank you for this post, Crystal. I live in CT and it’s surreal to see blogs, businesses and celebrities from all over the country talking about my little state for such a tragic reason. Thankfully, thankfully I was not directly impacted by the tragedy today, but I do have a good friend who was a teacher there (she’s OK) and stories are starting to surface of friends of friends who lost a child today. I have shed more tears today than I care to shed in a whole year.
Hug your children tonight. Let them stay up a few minutes later than normal. Play an extra round of a board game with them. Read an extra story at bed time. We are the lucky ones who get the chance to do all of these things tonight; there are 20 families in a community just a few minutes from me who won’t ever have the chance to do those things again.
God bless…
Kristy says
Will join you in praying.
shannon says
My heart hurts so much for those affected by this devastation. We are praying for the children, families, and community.
Kathy says
Praying as well…
melissa says
Tiffany says
Thank you for posting this! It’s important that we all hold our little ones a little closer tonight and remember to be thankful for each and every moment we have with the ones we love.
Diane says
You are so right. We all only ever have today with our children and none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.
DIANE says
I am so sad about todays events. I cant imagine the pain of losing a child.
Diane says
I have lost children and it is horrible. Praying for all of the families.
Anna says
I almost lost a child and that was horrible–still is at times remembering events. Can’t imagine the pain of losing a child.
Lyndsay Withey says
Our hearts and prayers go out to the families effected by today’s events. Words can not express the pain as a mother that I am feeling. I know that I am going to hug my daughter a little more tightly tonight.