Margin. It’s a beautiful word — and it’s something that most all of us could use more of. It usually doesn’t just happen; you have to intentionally create space to breathe in your days.
As we head into 2013, be sure to check out my article over at The Better Mom talking about how to find more margin in your day. Here’s a snippet:
Throughout the last few years, I’ve become a firm believer in the need for margin in my life. Without it, I become overwhelmed and overworked.
Having white space in my day allows me to breathe, think and keep my creative juices flowing. It gives me energy and zest for life — which is a beautiful thing.
Now, I know that about right now, most of you are simultaneously nodding your heads and shaking them back and forth. You long for that breathing room in your day, but it seems impossible to pull off with your current packed-to-the-max schedule of must-dos.
Well, here are four suggestions that have helped me achieve that much-longed-for and greatly needed margin in my life…
Natasha says
I really liked #4- Get the hard things done first. My New Years Resolution is to start running and complete a 5k by the end of the summer. Now that I got my IPod for Christmas, I am all set to go! Just gotta start getting up at either 4am or 5am…depends if I work that day!
Karina says
Great post and so timely as we all shoot for new, bright and shiny goals in the coming new year.
I strongly desire to rise before my kids and get myself situated as well as make a plan for the day. There are several challenges to this, but one in particular defeats me every time. My children(ranging from baby to preschooler )are very light sleepers. Our small house is all one level and the bedrooms are on top of each other and just off of the kitchen and living room. We use noise machines and do our best to be quiet, but without fail, if I get up before they normally do, within 5 min they are up and it’s all for not.
I am stumped here. I am definitely without margin or order in my day and would really benefit from even 30 min. in the morning to get things started off well. Any suggestions in how to approach this unique and discouraging issue?
Crystal says
Can you turn on a lamp by your bed and stay in bed and pray/read/plan for the day? Or sit on the bathroom floor with the door closed?
You might not be able to get the laundry started or the dishes done, but maybe you can get in some refreshing quiet time planning and preparing for the day?
Karina says
This is why I posted the comment. You ladies have such great advice that makes me say, “duh! ” as well as ” praise The Lord for practical insight here!” That’s a great idea to just try and do what I can from bed. Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. The personal care means a lot.
Crystal says
Yay! I’m so glad the ideas were helpful! And thanks for reading here. 🙂
Susan says
I was going to suggest keeping your computer in your bedroom so that you can hop online in the mornings and get your blog-jogging done before leaving your bedroom.
If you’re a coffee drinker and you have a master bathroom with even a little corner of counter space, keep your coffee pot in there so you don’t need to go the kitchen for coffee. In the first hour or so of the morning, I have no reason to leave my bedroom other than to get coffee. Back when I lived in a two-story house, I kept a coffee pot in the upstairs bathroom to avoid trekking up and down the stairs. (Nowadays, I would probably trek the stairs for the exercise alone). But if I was in your shoes and trying to avoid waking little ones, then I’d try not to leave the bedroom at all.
Karina says
Thanks, Susan!
I wish we had a master bath, but I think I can figure something out. I am a big coffee girl and I think I could bring in my electric water boiler and some instant coffee (gasp! ) just to have something.
Even coffee, prayer and day planning for 20-30 min would be great. Thanks so much for the help.
Julie @Logger's Wife says
Nice reminder after a crazy 2 weeks of Christmas prep and Christmas activities. I’m actually taking today “off” of everything except those few things that have to get done every day.
Susan says
Why do you call it “margin?” I’m asking sincerely.
Crystal says
Margin in your day is basically just what margins in a book are. It means giving yourself white space and breathing room in your day so that your day and to-do list isn’t completely overwhelming. We need margin so that we don’t wear ourselves completely down and burn ourselves out.
I hope that clarifies!