I’m having my yearly garage sale next week so this week I’m hard at work clearing clutter out of our rooms, cupboards and closets in preparation. Since I love to encourage simple living on my blog and because I also believe you save a lot of time and money by being organized, I thought it would be fun to include you all in my Clear Out the Clutter Challenge.
Starting tomorrow, we’ll be working through our homes room-by-room in an effort to ruthlessly rid our lives of unnecessary things. You’ll get to see real-time before and after pictures of my efforts (yes, I’m even going to show you inside my closets and cupboards–as humbling as that may be!).
I’ll also be sharing ideas for how to streamline your lives, keep things more organized and clutter-free, and how to make money and bless others with your extra stuff. In addition, I’ll be giving away some of my favorite organization resources and tools to some of you who participate in the Clear Out the Clutter Challenge.
Are you with me? Stay tuned for your first assignments tomorrow morning.
connie says
I would love to take the challenge, I really could use the help
Stacie says
I wanna join. Is it too late?
Monica says
I love seeing your before & after pictures! We do the SAME thing in our house!! I really should take pictures! Every year April we go through every single corner of our house (attic, garage, closets & all!) and make a huge pile for the annual garage sale! And every year we make $500 plus on our sales so it keeps me motivated to know that extra $$ comes f/ cleaning out the house!!! Thankfully I always have a box in the kitchen that is labeled “garage sale” so as the kids outgrown something I make sure to price it & throw it in there so my pricing doesn’t take so long come sale time! April is my favorite month of the year because it’s clean out time!! Yaaaeeee!
Lynnet Hardwick says
My husband doesn’t read blogs, but when he got up this morning, he started cleaning the garage out. It was a HORRIBLE mess that really made me a bit angry every time I stepped in there. He’s a “keeper” person and I’m a “pitch it” person. It’s not totally finished, but its is so much better! We threw away so much stuff that was unusable, was able to do some organizing, straightening, and it actually looks 1/2 way decent! I can’t wait to see what you post next!
Kathy Spartan says
This is such a natural time of year to do this sort of thing. We moved just before Christmas and have oodles of stuff that just doesn’t fit this house, not enough closets even though there is more footage. I have been in the kitchen this past week and have gobbs of dishes to go and this weekend as I get out the summer clothes and put winter things away, some is just going out the door! Work requires most of my energy and the going is slow, but I am making progress and this motivation is a good thing, thanks.
denise says
Okay I must be a big goober, but for the life of me I can’t find the first challenge. Coming in late in the game but what to do all of them!
Leandrea says
I am in! I can’t read and didn’t realize today was kitchen day. I started in the bathrooms. I will catch up though!
Mrs H says
Count me in! 🙂
Julie says
I am *kicking and screaming* inside but will do it…LOL. I am in!
Vanessa says
Does it count if you clear out a real live Ground Hog?
Beth says
Just discovered you blog today so I have a bit of catching up to do but I’m in… Thanks for the inspiration!
Hope says
I LOVE to declutter!!!
Heidi says
I’m so in! Can’t wait! I would also love tips on how to do a successful garage sale from start to finish.
Melanie Brownsberger says
I am trying to do this right now but have the syndrome of “mayb I’ll use that someday.” I’m in.
Vanessa says
I have that same syndrome. Can’t wait to hear how to get rid of it.
Tracey H. says
We’re assuming we’ll be downsizing once my dh is employed. So I’m decluttering with a vengeance and planning a garage sale within the month. I am looking forward to your challenge and suggestions.
Kimberly Yue says
I am joining in! Actually, I have been decluttering since the day we bought our house (November) and I haven’t stopped since! Many things were just given away, but I have 8 boxes of things going to my moms garage sale in May and hoping to double that in the next few weeks. Good luck to all my fellow declutterers!
Jennifer says
Oh I am so ready! Count me in!!
Tabatha says
I’m in!! Maybe this will kick me into gear for Spring cleaning that I just can’t seem to get started this year!! 🙂
Crissy S. says
For once, I am ahead of the game!
I learned to start in the rooms away from the living room. This is because once my living room is clean, I feel like I have success and stop. So, I started with my bathroom. I’m ashamed to say that I have so many samples that I haven’t even touched so I won’t have to buy much shampoo for a while!
Next, I went through my bedroom and especially my closest. One pile was clothes that still fit. Two piles were clothes that, regardless of fit, I was not going to wear again so they go to the consignment shop or Goodwill. Two other piles were clothes that don’t fit now. If I am not losing the weight that I keep promising to myself within 3 months, those piles go to Goodwill or the consignment shop.
I’m currently working on the kitchen and den at the same time. I’ll let you know how that goes!
Naomi says
I started doing this about a month ago. We have lots of stuff in our garage and more will be there. Will have a neighborhood sale the beginning of June and what I do not sell will go to the Salvation Army. Our children are grown and gone and our house is so full. We do not need everything. There is no reason why we cannot live much simpler. I cannot wait for the challenge
katie says
I’m in, oh boy I have so much stuff that we could get rid of
Tracy Zeringue says
I have the spring cleaning bug. I have thrown out 4 bags of trash and have a number of items to get rid of via garage sale, ebay, Craigslist, GoodWill. Tomorrow is trash day so that helps motivate me too.
Rose P says
I’m in. Was not ready to start tomorrow, but I guess I am now 😉
mary says
I am definitely in. I need some major help in the decluttering dept.
Kim says
Count me in! Although I feel like I have to sneak away old toys from the kids while they are not looking 😉
Kathy says
Thank you thank you thank you…I need inspiration…I am a horrible packrat and maybe seeing someone else get rid of their stuff will help me part with my piles of junk
Sarah says
We are moving in June so this is perfect timing! Maybe we won’t have to move so much junk…and can have a yard sale and make a little money too(it’s amazing what some people will buy!)
Dora says
Count me in on the challenge…I want to be clutter free and to get organized in my small little townhome. What a great idea; I’m looking forward to all of the ideas and especially the challenge.
Michelle says
Did I miss the assignments somewhere? for this morning?
Lisa says
I am so ready to join you on this one! I went through our hall closet yesterday and couldn’t believe how much stuff I found to get rid of. I can’t wait to tackle the rest of the house!
Laura D says
I’d love to join. We have a garage sale planned for this weekend and it’d be great to have extra motivation to get through everything. I’m amazed at the pile we already have. We have a sale every year, so how do we have so much stuff to sell? We live in a small apartment and try to be minimalists, but it still adds up!
Jessi says
Woohoo! there’s a big sale coming up and I need to gather all of my things to sell.
Amanda says
I’m in! We are having a yard sale at the end of the month and the spring cleaning bug has definitely bitten me!
Happy organizing!
Holly says
This is great! I need to get ready for a community garage sale at the beginning of next month! I’ll play along as I’m able to in the evenings.
Gigi says
I am so ready and in for this. Any clever ideas for small apartments are welcome.
Ann B says
I am in. Our neighborhood Garage sale is in a few weeks an I can’t wait to get rid of some of this stuff. I also desperately need to clean the garage!
Trixie says
Can you confirm if we are starting this today? Are you posting the updates and assignments on twitter or facebook, not here on MSM?
Amber says
@Trixie, I was wondering the same thing!
CINDY says
Charlotte says
I am in. We currently live in a small house and having 3 children: 9, 2, and 1 yrs old, I need to simplify and organize even more. Two weeks ago, my husband and I gathered and organized clothes that the children can no longer wear. We will sell these items very inexpensively at a local church sale next week. We also organized closets that same week. However, I know I need to purge some more. Excited about doing this.
laura says
Count me in!!! I am trying to sell my house for potential commercial property and I am getting rid of everything unnecessary. I am not doing a yardsale. I am donating it all to the family domestic violence shelter. They need this stuff much more than we do!!
Kristina Clegg says
If you have a lot of kids stuff, think about selling it at a Just Between Friends sale near you. Go to http://www.jbfsale.com to see if there is one near you. I made over $500 at our last one! Just a thought, happy cleaning!!
Jennifer I says
Yes, please! I am trying desperately to clean up and clean out. Just did my boys’ room this weekend, except for the windows, but get a little intimidated at the thought of doing the rest of the house. (I keep up on cleaning out kid toys and clothes pretty well.) Inspiration, please!
Paula says
I am definately in.
Tammy's GoodPlans says
I’m in!
Lisa says
Yea! This will be great motivation for me. I can’t wait!!
stacy says
I’ve been working on this little by little. I can’t figure out where it all comes from.
Jennie says
This is an on-going project in my house. With three growing girls, the clutter keeps coming. Here’s a post I wrote recently about how empowering it was for my then-three year old to declutter her room: http://www.sleepypendoodle.com/index.php/2010/02/27/cleaning-up-clearing-out/
Becky says
I had just started this myself. It will be good to have some extra help and motivation to keep going. I have a yard sale at the end of the month.
Annie R says
I’m in. I’ve been sorting through things slowly since January. We’ve been in our house over 2 years, and some boxes are still unopened. Yikes! My big sale is April 24, and I’m in high-gear to finish cleaning out. Thanks for the challenge!
Nicole says
Sounds like fun! I am having a garage sale next weekend! I need to clean out and declutter, I just hope I can convince my hubby to do it too!
Monica says
I am in!!!! We just went through a ton of clothes and I too am getting ready for a sale.
Carrie says
So…has anyone else received the instructions for today? I can’t find them…
Crystal says
They are coming in just a short while. I’m behind today because I got up late!
Phebe says
Hi Crystal! Thank you for this challenge! I am with you, girl! I just found out that we are moving June 2011, which is a ways away, I know. However, we have an adoption to complete and a house to sell before that time comes, so I think now is not too early to start getting things ready–simplifying, organizing, fixing up the house, etc. I want this to be a smooth move, not a crazy time… Thanks–I’m in!
Kristen says
I’m in, I want to start this badly along with some of friends!
Staci says
I am in! I am getting ready for a baby in 2 1/2 months and just finished a basement remodel. I will link up on my blog too. Thanks for the extra incentive. Staci
Nancy says
I am getting stuff together to donate to our Church Yard Sale. I lack the time or motivation to do my own yardsale (not a Saturday morning person!), but I feel great donating to my Church, plus it’s tax deductible that way, and all the extras go to Goodwill anyway, so it will end up with someone who needs it more than me! We are trying to clear out the “spare” junk room for our 1 year old’s bedroom – we’ll get her moved out of our room eventually!
Erin says
I am DEFINATELY in! Weekend of May 14-15 actually! My husband and I started cleaning out our store room this weekend and I’m going through the kids toys this weekend! Ready to get serious and do some major cleaning and selling! I’m really hoping to make enough to pay for our Milwaukee Zoo and hotel trip over labor day weekend!!
Kim says
I’m in, as well!
Linda says
Spent the morning cleaning out my basement. Oh, it feels really good to purge. Goodwill is coming on Monday. No desire to have a garage sale.
Nana Sadie says
I’m with you…working right now on the clothes closets because I’ve lost 45 pounds and nothing fits anymore! One closet is already done and a yardsale is in my future!
Heather D says
My husband will be happy to see me doing this with you!!
Michelle @ Boise Bargain Shoppers says
Ooohh, I’m going to try to do this with you. I need to so badly! It would be a great way to get everything decluttered to be ready for spring cleaning! I can’t wait to see your posts with tips!
Staci says
Good timing, we had family come to town last week, which inspired me in one room and made me want to do the whole house. Can’t wait to see what we get accomplished and all the good tips.
Shelley says
I am so in. I get distracted though so hopefully this will help me stay on track. 🙂
Donna says
I’m in! I’ve been doing this all winter, one closet or cupboard at a time and I’m ready get the rest of them done and finish this project!
MJ says
Count me in.
Elizabeth says
I’m in! We’re having 2 yard sales May 1– one at my son’s daycare (so all the baby clothes, toys, etc go there) and one for the rest of the stuff that I do with my neighbors every year. So bring it on!
Heather Kruger says
I am in too! I am so excited to see what ideas you have on organizing! We recently had a flood in our basement, so we are getting rid of a TON of stuff and am so excited to carry that over to the upstairs!
Karyn says
I am in! I really need to do this right now!!! Spring cleaning.
Edith says
Count me in! I need the accountability!
Marla says
I’m in!
Traci says
I AM IN!!!!!!!!!! My house is shameful! I need the accountability!
Sharon says
I am in. I feel like I am always TRYING to declutter, but not getting much done. Motivate me. Please.
Mrs. K Hewett says
I’ve been doing a little already, but could definitely use some extra ideas and motivation. It’s such a daunting prospect without encouragement. Thanks!
K Hewett
Leslie says
Count me in! We have a huge yard sale this weekend, so I’ve been preparing, but I need to add more to it!
Jenae says
You should consider just donating your items to Goodwill (or any other charitable organization) and make a thorough inventory of the items you donated (description, condition, and approximate retail value). The majority of the time, you will receive more money back in the form of a tax refund than you would if you were to go to the work of a garage sale. I have had several “experts” advise doing this over doing a garage sale. You might look into it and weigh your options. Plus, it is A LOT less work! 🙂
Laura says
We usually do that. I keep records of our donations and then enter them into “It’s Deductible” to get the goverment standard on my item’s value. I am amazed at how much that cuts our taxes!
However, this year I am ready to have my 2nd garage sale in my 19-year marriage. We have too much stuff! If I remember correctly, my first garage sale was a lot of work, but I’m ready to take the plunge. Following Crystal’s lead will help. I’ll need it!
Sherri says
@Jenae, Donating is certainly a lot less work than having a yard sale, and you know the stuff goes to a good cause. But the value of the tax break really does depend on your own circumstances. For us, in the 10% tax bracket, it’s worth my effort to do the yard sale. If I donate $500 worth of stuff, I only get $50 off my taxes. Even my most pitiful yard sale netted me more than that. I can donate what’s left at the end of the day.
Chris says
This sounds great. I have been doing this slowly on my own.
Brenda Keller says
This is great! Yes! Count me in!! This is perfect timing for me…I am planning a yard sale as well.
Claudia says
I’m with you! I need to do this myself too but haven’t gotten around to it either. I hate clutter and I believe it blocks anything good from coming to you.
Candice says
Yeah!! I’m definitely in! I have been going through the kids closet already to prepare for a garage sale in a few weeks so this will be great motivation for me!
Question – when you are building a stockpile and find that somethings have hung around for a couple of years (candles, airfresheners, etc) do you put those types of things in the garage sale??
Sherri says
@Candice, YES! I often sell my extra stockpile goods at yards sales. I price stuff at about 1/2 of the retail price, and it usually sells well.
Nicole says
A friend of mine held onto her baby items for quite some time, not able to sell or donate them for sentimental reasons. Our church is helping to start a NEW church one hour away, and she was EXCITED to be able to give those baby things for the new church nursery! If someone has trouble parting with things, find someone who really NEEDS them, or a church, or orphanage, etc. It makes it more personal, and you will feel good about knowing where the items are going!
Carol says
I’m in! I started on my closet last week and ARC is coming today to pick up my donation. I hope to have another large batch by the time I am finished with this challenge.
Nicole says
I force myself to do this regularly! I stay home with our 4 precious kids under 7, in our tiny 3 bedroom home…and MUST stay on top of clutter, so I can keep it the most beautiful it can be, even if small! 🙂 At the end of the day, all toys must fit in the closets and be put away, so I’m always looking for better ways to neatly organize. I despise “stuff” and am looking forward to clearing more out and making a little $$ at our church sale in a few weeks! I look forward to seeing your pics and how you organize.
Elaine says
I’m definitely in! One of my goals for 2010 was to clear out things we no longer use or need. I can’t wait to see what you accomplish! Thanks for this wonderful blog.
Amanda says
I am totally with you. Since we are expecting our first baby at the end of the summer I have already started cleaning out closets and cupboards. I have had great success by listing things on e-bay. I have been donating the rest to the salvation army. We have way too much “stuff” around the house and this will really re-motivate me to eliminate some of it. I haven’t missed one single item that I’ve gotten rid of yet!!!
kelly says
Can’t wait we have a garage sale coming up next week to!
Nancy says
Me too! We have to move this summer so the timing is perfect!
Nicci says
Im in~ I will be working at it a lot slower than some of you guys since I work full time, but I soo have to get the clutter under control! Cant wait to read your tips!
Tracy says
I am so in. I have already started, though my husband has been complaining because I have it all stored in the middle of our garage floor. At times, moreso now, I have been thinking I should just donate everything, though there is that little voice still saying keep it for a garage sale and make a little bit of money. I’m torn, so this is perfect timing!
Heather says
I am really excited about reading your blog through this and trying it out for my family too!
Angie says
Perfect timing for Spring Cleaning! I’ve been doing a little de-cluttering for months now, but really need to just do a concentrated effort for each room per day. Thanks for the motivation!
Samantha Wurme says
Count me in
Jennifer says
I’m definitely joining this challenge. I already am planning our neighborhood yard sale day the last Saturday of the month, so this is a great way to prepare!! I’m definitely interested to see if you have any ideas on storage for a cramped home. We have no garage, shed or basement so storing EVERYTHING in my house is becoming a huge challenge.
Kristie A says
I am having a garage sale next week. Count me in!
Julie says
I’m in! I was just saying that we have too much junk around here!
Kelly M. says
I’m in! Been working on spring cleaning since last week!
Melissa says
Yes! I am in! Will have to work around homeschooling, but any small amount of cleaning/organizing can help out right? Thanks!
Lindsey says
I’m so in, I’ve already done 2 rooms (play room and kids bathroom). Unfortunately, just those two rooms took me a week to finish. Ready to get serious!!!!
Kelly says
I am. I satrted last week on my spring break.
cathy says
I am definitely in. In fact, I started the process on my own a few days ago. I hate clutter and I’m always looking for ways to pare down. With young kids at home, I think you need to be especially ruthless with outgrown clothes and toys. I hope that by working with you I’ll see my house with fresh eyes. We never have a garage sale–we always donate our goods to charity–which is a good reminder to those who start to feel overwhelmed. Most charities will come to your house to pick up your unused items. My “trick” to keep myself motivated is to call a charity and schedule a pick-up and then I *have* to de-clutter so I’ll have something to give them when they come! 🙂
Sarah says
That is a REALLY good idea! I work so much better/faster when I have a deadline! I’ll have to remember that one…
Monica Bailey says
I am ready for the challenge! No more CLUTTER!!!!
carla says
I am in! I was just writing some goals last night! It will be fun to do it with others!
Vanessa says
Would love to join in but I did my spring cleaning a few weeks ago.Good luck to everyone.You will love the outcome.
Kim says
I am in. Neighborhood sale is this weekend in my neighborhood. Need to clean out clutter!
Sarah says
Count me in! My husband has been wanting me to do this for a while, but I’ve been lacking the motivation…this is just what I need. 🙂
Rhonda says
Oh how I need this right now. I’m in!
MaryEllen says
Where does all the junk come from? We had a HUGE yard sale last year, and we’ve already got a good pile started for another one this year. I’m already working on cleaning out, so I’d love to join you! Looking forward to it!
Kimberly says
I’m in! We are having a yard sale May 1st, and this will be a huge help. Thanks!
Ashley Bullock says
I’m in too! I have a little one and everyone buys toys and things all the time! She has 4 Easter baskets!!!
As for pricing yard sale items, price it to move! In other words, price cheap and don’t argue too much if someone makes a lower offer. As with children and spouses and general life, pick your battles. Don’t forget the point of the sale — GET RID OF THE JUNK!
No one has a yard sale expecting to get rich! Don’t add to the $$$ amount because of sentimental value because you’re only going to make money if you sale the items…if you hang onto them, you’ll donate what’s left and make nothing. This is what my step-mom and I have done and we nearly clean out each time! Also, there are people who look for our addresses in the paper because we have good stuff and it’s cheap.
Jennifer Kaiser says
I’m SO with you! I’ve got a baby on the way who’s probably going to arrive next month so this is PERFECT timing!!!! Thanks for the encouragement to get it done!
Megan says
I am in!
Andrea says
Bring it on!!
Bonnie Jones says
Awesome Challenge! We find that we are constantly trying to do better with this and we are amazed at how often (every other month) we take things to the Good Will to donate.
Ellen says
I was actually doing a little of this yesterday…I’d like to take part, but honestly don’t know if all can be done within a week. This week is lighter than others, but you’re talking mountains of stuff!
Honey Smith says
I am going to be a ruthless declutterer right along with you. It is a constant neccessity at my house. In order to really get rid of the clutter, I’d have to put my kids out by the curb, too-kidding!
Becky says
I’ve been working on it a bit here and there for the past couple months. Baby #2 arrives in two weeks so I can’t physically do MUCH anymore – and I have to do hubbies stuff when he is gone. Even if it hasn’t fit in 5 years he still wants to keep it. So I have a system to make sure he really won’t miss it! We’ve done a pretty good job of clearing out this past year – but still have some work to do. Kids tend to accumulate a lot of stuff!
Thanks for the encouragement!
Nikki @couponcookin says
I’ve been working on this for weeks. The only thing left are my two biggest challenges. They are: 1. Toys, I am not looking forward to this one as my oldest child wants to keep EVERYTHING. 2. Hubbie’s Stuff, Again with the I must keep everything, even the useless computer game boxes. I think I’ve be avoiding but it’s time to push forward. I’ll start with the toys because I can reason with the child. Any advice on what to do about the Hubbie’s stuff? Wish me luck!
Melinda says
I’m with ya sister!! I soooo need to clean out and get organized!!
Deborah Orem says
I’ll be decluttering right along beside you! Let’s get busy!!!
Amy says
I’m in. I need to declutter with a family of six things always get out of control!!! Thanks for the helpful ideas 🙂
Kirby says
I am in and ready for my first assignment
caroline says
I was just thinking over the weekend how much I need to get organized. We moved from a large house to a small apt so i need suggestions count me in!!
Cherity says
Perfect timing! All this nice weather has me in the mood to clean! I can’t believe how much clutter accumulates over the winter. Thanks for the inspiration!
Midwestgirl80 says
Can’t wait to play!
Henry says
Great idea, have recently done a mass clear out myself. I find eBay a great way to get some money back from stuff you would have thrown away!
Allison says
I cannot function with too much clutter! I keep my things cleaned out, and always have a little pile to donate to someone’s garage sale. My husband….well, that’s a different story. He gets to keep his messy mancave room and the top of his dresser. Everything else is fair game for me to clean!
Missy says
De-cluttering my house has been one of my goals for this year. I am definitely in.
Jenny says
Has been thinkin’ about doing this. Now, you gave me a lil’ push. I have decided to join ya! Not just due to your typical spring cleaning, but also due to the fact that we are closing on a new house in a few weeks! Sayin’ a prayer for everyone who is in for the challenge!
Karey says
It’s funny that so many people were already in the process of doing this. I too, tonight, worked on decluttering the master bathroom. Having so much junk on the counter makes it so hard to keep up on the cleaning. My husband asked “What’s gotten into you.” I filled 4 grocery sacks full of stuff I don’t use or was expired by many years, that went straight to the trash can tonight. I’m in for the challenge. Hopefully I won’t get any resistance from my husband. I wouldn’t mind starting up a neighborhood yard sale. Yard sales aren’t the funnest thing to do, from the experience I had a few times in the past, but do it with a bunch of neighborhood friends and it just might be kinda fun. We’ll be checking back for your ideas and challenges tomorrow. Yay-decluttering!!!
Connie says
You’re brave to post your clutter 🙂 We’ve been in this house for 22 years and I think every closet/cupboard has been cleaned out a time or two, but there are still some really old items lurking around here. Yikes!
Looking forward to your journey and hoping it inspires me 🙂
Tina says
I’ve been doing this for the last week. Can’t wait for the garbage men to get here tomorrow to fill it all up again.
Wendy says
I’m with you! I’ve already gotten somewhat of a head start, but it seems like the more I get rid of, the more I WANT to get rid of…what to do? what to do?
susan says
Great idea and thanks so much for sharing. I have been slowly, so slowly working on decluttering myself. I had a garage sale about a month and a half ago and I am going to need to do another one! How do we accumulate so much stuff?
Shannon says
Crystal, I am sure your closets and cupboards are immaculate compared to mine! lol. Once I get over strep throat, I will be sure to start decluttering and have a yard sale too! I agree that clutter saves money, because when things are organized you can do an honest inventory of what you have, and assess what you need! I am with you in the decluttering challenge! Count me in!
Heather Nothnagel says
Perfect timing as I was getting ready to do this same thing myself! I’m in!
Diane says
Count me in! I keep planning to do this and then something gets in the way. I told myself I was going to start this week so this is good timing.
Tracey says
Our neighborhood yard sale is Saturday morning. We are hoping to clear out clutter and cover expenses for our trip to Disneyland at the end of the month(give a day vouchers). Count me in!!!
Kaylea says
I’m at home on maternity leave for another couple of weeks…looking at my four walls all the time surely does remind me how much this needs to be done. I don’t think I could handle a revolutionary decluttering marathon, but something incremental to scrape off the top layer of detritus would surely be welcome.
becomingfrugal says
I’m in!!! We had a yard sale a few weeks ago, a joint effort with my dad, but we still had leftovers and I was inspired to clear more clutter, we have too much stuff!
cwaltz says
Okay, this is a challenge I feel somewhat safe in participating in. The kids can help and I’m not liable to waste food or burn down the house in the process.
Kathy says
I’m in reading all the posts got me motivated. I need to clean both my bathrooms and have been putting it off for too long. So I am going to do it right now before I go to bed. I will be ready tomorrow to attack the clutter.
Lindsay says
Im so in! Perfect timing. Funny how the Lord does that! 🙂
Anna says
I’m in! We have scheduled a garage sale for mid-June after I’m done with school for the semester. I’ve got wayyyy too much stuff and with 2 kids and all their stuff and hubbys stuff, we are bursting at the seams. Can’t wait to start the purge!
Chrissy says
I’m am SO excited about this! Thanks for sharing your life with us! You have been such a blessing to my life!
Messy No More says
I hate having a messy house, but I was not taught how to clean or de-clutter. I have had some very good friends come in and show me how they clean their homes(using my messy kitchen and living room to teach me). I would like to invite them over for a gathering to say thanks, but I need to finish what they started with me and clean and de-clutter the rest of the house. Hopefully this will be the shot in the arm that I need to get it done.
Phallin says
This is a real encouragement and a boost I need!!!
Nena says
Challenge accepted! Let’s get ready to rumble.
Sara says
We’ve been saving money because of this website. But when I came to the website and saw, “Clear Out the Clutter Challenge” I sighed deeply. My husband asked what was wrong so I read the post to him. His reaction, “God bless Money Saving Mom! What is her name?” I said, “Crystal.” “Crystal,” he said, thoughtfully. “That’s a good name.” “We are not naming our second daughter after Money Saving Mom!” was my reaction. He had to laugh because that was what he was going to suggest next!
In all seriousness, thank you for your commitment and encouragement in helping all of us become better homemakers. It does bring me joy and a wonderful sense of accomplishment to create a better home environment for my family by things like saving money, making meals from scratch and now the most dreaded…de-cluttering! But it won’t be so bad knowing that 100’s of others across the country are doing the same thing with me!
Crystal says
Your comment was so good I had to read it to my husband–who got a kick out of it, as I knew he would. Thank you for giving us a good chuckle tonight. 🙂
Christina says
I’m IN! Lets GO!
Heatherly says
I’m in!
Robin says
YES!! I’m in!! Out with the old! Thanks for the motivation!
Julie says
Ahead of you. I’ve decluttered on and off for four months. I am at the end as I’ve hit every corner. Our new rule in the house, unless we need it , it does not come in the house (small items the exception). Everything must have resale value (excluding HBA, etc).
A garage sale is out. I’ve unloaded a lot of stuff on Craigslist and Ebay with much success.
Jess says
We just decided to sell our home (5 days from decision to sell until the first showing tomorrow!), so I have been de-cluttering non-stop. Now that things are looking so spiffy around here, I am thinking I’d rather just stay!
brc says
Can I play too?? Our church rummage sale is May 1st. I’ve already started on the linen closet. Lots left to do!
I just read a book called “Not for packrats only.” It’s interesting in that it talks about the reasons (sentimental, financial, etc.) why people have so much difficulty parting with their “stuff.” Very insightful.
Jenn Lewis says
I am SO there! We are planning a yard sale for April 17th, can’t wait to get rid of all the junk! Looking forward to having some inspiration! Thank you!
Sarah says
Shannon says
I’m in! Planning a swap party so it’s perfect! Thanks for the extra amount of motivation!!! As someone with ADD, I can always use more MOTIVATION! 🙂
Saraj says
I just did this and it feels great! We had a huge yard sale and put some things in storage to move to a small apartment. Donated some items to Good will and Airmens Attic on a miltary base. We are enjoying our clutter free life so good that we are putting an ad in the paper to sell items in our storage sed too!
Laura says
Oooh, I’m definitely in! Can’t wait to see what changes will happen over these next few weeks. I definitely need some motivation.
Erika says
Count me in!!!!!!!
Melissa says
I’m in! We might be moving this summer after my hubby’s graduation. What better time to vanquish the clutter, and maybe even make a little money to help with moving expenses!
Hannah says
I’ve been working on this project for a couple weeks now. I love Freecycle! I just post my clutter, and it’s usually gone within 24 hrs. I give somethings to Goodwill, but I like the sense of my stuff going to someone who actually wants it. I’m not selling it, so I’d rather give it away than make someone pay for it at the thrift store. I love how Freecycle links the community.
The Coupon "High" says
We’ve been busy doing this all weekend. After the garbage comes this week and several trips to the good will, I will finally be able to park my car in the garage.
Todays task was the basebement.
I will be posting my pictures too and my goal from now on is at least a drawer/closet/cupboard a day.
Jen G. says
I can not wait to hear your tips! I have been working on de-cluttering my home for it to be put on the market May 1. But the more I do the more I seen to need to do. Already gave a truck load to Goodwill and I am moving other stuff from room to room. Help! Need lots of great ideas! =)
Summer says
Super! I am slowly working on the same projects. Perhaps your progress will motivate me to move more quickly :O)
Donna says
Thanks for the encouragement. It will be great to have someone motivating me to continue what I’ve already begun.
Cindy says
I am soooo in!!! Ready to go!!!
Dani says
I’m very excited for this! We recently moved to an efficiency apartment, for a few months, from a two bedroom! Needless to say we have reduced the amount of stuff that we have (although much of it was sent to our parents for the time being). Many bags of clothes we no longer wear were given to Goodwill. I feel like we still have too much stuff in our apartment, though it is kind of bare. Going from having two closets, a linen closet, and a coat closet to none has been quite the challenge. We are trying to me much more creative with our storage space and finding new ways to store our kitchen items and small amount of stocked up food.
Looking forward to many helps from you!
Julie says
I need this! We are having a yard sale for an adoption fundraiser in May so I have lots to do! Having 5 kids “stuff” accumulates pretty fast, especially with birthdays and holidays. Kids are really excited about raising money for our friends so they have started telling me that we can get rid of their stuff! Can’t wait to see how much I can get rid of!
Amy says
After moving my parents-and their twenty-seven year’s worth of accumulated stuff-to an apartment this weekend, I am soooo ready to attack my own home. I blog about my homemaking and clutter-clearing journey nearly every day, including daily “To Do” ideas for working my way through my home-one day at a time. I’m excited to join you!
April says
Are you and Life As Mom doing this as a team? I joined a similar challenge on her site. either way, count me in!
Crystal says
Actually, neither one of us knew that we were planning a similar challenge! 🙂
April says
Great minds think alike! Both of your websites rock. 🙂
jan says
Love it! we might be able to have a garage sale by July- we will probably still get snow next week!
Monica says
I am so overdue on decluttering my closets. I’m in.
shauna says
I have been trying to do this on my own! Let’s see your ideas!
Swappin' Spoons says
I am looking forward to this—all our homes get cluttered from time to time—I learned something early on in my marriage that helps me keep my house “clean” http://swappinspoons.blogspot.com/2010/04/is-it-clean-or-does-it-need-to-be.html
Abbie says
This is exactly what I need! Baby #3 is due in about a month, and I’ve been saying I have to get the kid’s room organized before she comes. Definitely count me in!
Erika says
great! i’m gearing up for a yard sale in a few weeks too! but i’ve only tackled the kids’ toys thus far! thanks for cracking the whip! 🙂
cjs says
I have been meaning to do the ‘decluttering’ (not sure if that is even a word??) for awhile now. Child goes back to school tomorrow, so I’ll take your lead! Thanks!
Rebekah says
I’m in! 🙂 I’m having a yard sale in a month and am overwhelmed at where to start! I’m looking forward to your posts. 🙂
Kassandra Wood says
I am SO in! Thanks so much! And, I cannot wait for your blog posts and some serious accountability!
Charlene says
Sounds great! I look forward to joining you.
Thrifty Florida Mama says
As someone who still has not removed the pine cones and evergreen from the tops of the kitchen cabinets from Christmas, I’m definitely in! Looking forward to it!
Susan J says
I’ve been working on this…though, of course, there is always more that can go! Our garage sale is slotted for the 17th of this month! It feels SO good to see the boxes for the sale pile up. I love getting rid of stuff we don’t use!
Alicia says
We are thinking about moving soon. This would be a great thing to do before we move so that we don’t have to move so much “junk”!!
Sara Cart says
I’m in. My husband will love it!
Jess says
how ironic- i am planning on spending my day tomorrow doing this too. My house is in dire need of some purging! A lot of garage sale pricing ahead!
Kellie says
If I declutter any more, we won’t have anything left! We truly have very little that we don’t use or love. I did clean out the winter clothes from my youngest’s closet last week so I have a bag to take to Goodwill, but everything else has already gone there or to the attic sale at our church. I love having empty space in my closets and basement!
Ln says
Same here. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to organize and de-clutter. And I’m always excited when someone passes on something to me that we can use, so I really enjoy cleaning out our things to pass on to others. I always daydream about having a yard sale, but I can’t stand stuff staying around even to wait on a yard sale and I start thinking about people who need it and well, out it all goes. I just cleaned out every family member’s closet today getting rid of clothes and replacing with summer clothes…you should see my children…they are the same way. I’ve done it since they were born and they have a real knack for realizing when they don’t use a toy anymore and eagerly pass it on. Still, I can’t wait to read your blog tomorrow and I’m sure I’ll find something I can organize!!!
Kellie says
I’m the same way – can’t stand to keep stuff around long enough to get enough together to have a yard sale! And people have been so generous in giving things we need to us that I just want to give things away to a person or group who needs them.
Katherine says
I’m already in the middle of this, in preparation for a move out of the country – I’ll appreciate all the help and tips you can offer!
Amy says
I’m in! I’m more of a follower than a leader, so this is great – lead the way!!
Stephanie says
Count me in! I have to work all week and have church Tuesday night, but I’m going to try to keep up as much as I can!!
Emily says
Oh I am SO in. I need to do this so badly. Our neighborhood garage sale is in early June, so I have a while to clear out my clutter and get ready…..good thing, it will probably take me that long.
christina m says
wow- this came at the right time!! i went crazy today trying to get rid of clutter and then was starting to get overwhelmed, but now i have new motivation!!
Elizabeth Horton says
My husband just told me I need to have a massive garage sale this Spring. I agree with him, but have no idea how I’m going to find the time to go through everything with a four month old baby. I think he’d just like to pick piles of my stuff indiscrimently and just get rid of them (see how he’d like it if I did that to his tools)
Stephanie says
I’m in. We’re packing to move May 1st and we’re having a garage sale on May 8th. I know, backwards, but the sale is at a friends house so I’ve been dragging my stuff there. Anyway, I’ve been purging a lot but I could always use some encouragement and advice!
RD says
I’m in!!!
Jaime says
I’ll do my best to keep up… sometimes having a full-time job (in addition to being “Mom”) makes extra time even more scarce!
Carrie says
Count me in too!
Beth says
I am with you for cutting the clutter, my kids are visiting Grandma for a few days so it is a great time to get rid of some toys! I am going to give all of my clutter to GoodWill, get rid of it quick and they will never miss it! (works on husbands too)
momondealz says
I’m in! I was just looking around my kitchen while preparing dinner tonight and thinking, “That can go. That can go. Oh yeah, that can go too!”
Amanda says
I am SO in! My hubby and I emptied 6 boxes from our room this afternoon. We moved in 7 months ago and still have unpacked boxes, not to mention clutter in our living spaces. I’m always inspired by your distain for clutter so I’m excited to have a challenge.
Angela says
I’d love for you to share your tips for pricing a garage sale!
Amanda says
@Angela, Agreed!
Tara says
I’m in. I have a shoulder injury that may hinder some of this process, but I’m in.
Tracy says
I’d LOVE to… but my husband gets very unhappy when I get rid of things… therefore, thanks for the invite, but I’ll be sitting this one out for the sake of a happy marriage =)
Theresa says
I’m so in. Looking forward to your blog tomorrow as well. I am having a sale in a couple months, but need that time to get ready.
Laura @ livingourway.com says
I need this too! I can’t wait.
Paige says
um, humbly joining you. : ) I really really need to do this as faithfully as you do–like twice a year. AND, we are moving in a month, so it is the best time ever!! Thank you MSM!
Tami says
My house recently burned down and I lost everything. It is the worst thing you can imagine however I am extremely lucky because I was able to get my husband and children out of the house in time. It has been almost 2 months since the fire and we are in a temporary house. This has given me a lot of time to reflect on all of the possessions I used to have. I have realized I didn’t really need everything I had and won’t be rebuying most of it. But at the time, if you would have asked me, I would have said, “Yes, I do need this George Foreman grill.” or “Yes, I really do need this meat slicer.”
amy says
@Tami, wow – what a story. You are right, we have too much ‘stuff’. so glad everyone got out fine.
Honey Smith says
@Tami, Glad everyone was ok. I’ll bet you benefitted from others giving you some of their things to replace what you lost. We can all give to others even if we don’t have much. I will donate a lot of stuff from the declutter to our school, food pantry, and friends.
robbie says
Yes, yes, yes! Spent a day off working on dejunking. How depressing how quickly it all piles up!
April says
We have a garage sale coming up too–not to mention I’m just tired of the clutter! I’m SO with you!
Sue says
I’m in. I just started preparing for a rummage sale myself so this will help me keep on track!
Jenn says
Considering we’re expecting #3 in November and we’re squeezed tight as it is in our 900 sq. foot 2 bedroom/1bath house…I better join in! May 5 in our town-wide garage sale.
Amanda says
I’m with you! Our garage sale is April 15-17. Started setting things up today. We find it’s much easier to just take it to the garage and put it with like items. Next Tuesday and Wednesday will be “pricing days”. And then, I go back to work Thursday and let my hubby run the sale!!!
Susan W. says
I am totally with you! We’ll be set-up for a neighborhood flea market in late May and I want to get as much stuff out of here as possible! Unfortunately my husband is more of the “collector” and I am the “minimalist”… so I guess we just even each other out. =)
Celeste says
I plan to be in. I need to clear clutter SO bad. BUT…this is planting time, so the best layed plans often don’t play out. Just sayin’ so you don’t hold it against me…Thanks for the challenge!
melissa says
Count me in. I’ve been looking for the motivation. This sounds like it to me. It will be fun doing it with cyber friends!!!!
Kara says
count me in. My house is in DESPERATE need of de-cluttering!
Amy says
I’m in this year! Exciting!
Sakura says
I’m so in!!! I was just thinking about having a yard sale soon. This will be an awesome start! I’ll watch the blog for what to do tomorrow! Thanks for the challenge.
Amy P says
I’m in too! I have a lot of work to do! This will be a fun challenge!
Donna says
Perfect timing! I just got a call today from a neighbor..making sure that I am leading our 4th annual block yard sale next month. I send out flyers to all my neighbors and we hold a block yard sale. This really brings in the crowds I tell ya! I have quite a pile started in the corner of my basement, but I am ready to go through each room and pile up more!
Agnes says
Oh, yes….I’m in!!! THANKS!
Amanda H. says
Sounds great! I’m getting ready to move halfway across the country and NEED this!
Lee says
clutter is my #1 enemy at my house, I am always up for getting rid of more!!
Trish says
I cant wait to see how you go about this. Im totally on board. We are overflowing with junk and I am SO ready to SIMPLIFY!
Mel says
Yes, I desperately need to do this too. I’m in!
Michelle says
Been working on decluttering one baby step at a time for some time now so hoping this will speed that up just a bit! Never had a yard sale, scared to death to try – so have been just giving stuff away left and right to charity stores, family memebers or anyone that wants to help me unload it out of my life. Would be nice to have a yard sale to make some extra grocery and gas money – but just don’t have a clue about where to start and how to arrange it in the yard. Can’t wait for the first assignment – thanks!
Shannon @ Mommie Cheapest says
I’m in! We had a yard sale last fall but already I see lots of things that are piling up, and just general clutter and disorganization. Can’t wait to get it all in order!
Andrea says
This is such a fabulous idea. I already have a garage sale stack as we are moving to Brooklyn NY in a month. While the apartment we are looking at is the same size, there are no closets and I am so ready to get rid of all this clutter!
Lorraine says
I am DEFINITELY with you. I am tired of living with clutter; it is making me crazy. I am going full blast with this challenge!!!
Milk Donor Mama says
It’s an ongoing process. I have to fight the demons I was raised with- a hoarder mother and collector father. My husband is a “saver” who can hardly bear to be rid of something even if it’s been in a box for 12 years. And having kids doesn’t make it any easier! We always have a bag going for donations to charity thrift stores, and I freecycle a lot as well. I’ve been trying to cut down on unnecessary purchases over the past year, and we’re hoping to put our house up for sale in the next year. And with a baby on the way, simplification is what I need!
Hilary says
This is just the motivation I needed! I am in!
Ana Maria says
Yay! I am so in! I desperately need to declutter this house! I will be up bright and early tomorrow and ready to read your blog! Thanks for the extra motivation to get crackin! 🙂
anshu says
I’m in. I was just thinking where to start since my home has accumulated a lot of stuff after our baby was born 6 months ago. Let the show begin 🙂
jen says
I am in too, we are thinking of moving, so this is the perfect time to de-clutter and have a garage sale soon!
missie says
I would LOVE to do this! We recently moved our bedroom downstairs into what was being used as the office. This past Thursday we tore down the plaster and lathe board in what had been our bedroom. In 4 days, we had that room torn down, insulated and dry-walled!!! A friend of ours is coming to do the finish work on the drywall in the morning and I can paint! That will become our daughter’s own room and we’ll do the same thing to the other bedroom and that will be our son’s own room! A perfect time to declutter!!
Bethany says
This is perfect timing. This week and next are my weeks to do this, and now I have extra help and “company.” I look forward to your posts and giveaways! I just wish it included an acountability phone call to see if I really get it done : ).
nancy says
Thank you for including us! The motivation will help. I’m excited and in….
Karissa Naslund says
I am a girl who loves to get rid of clutter! Can’t wait to follow along!
Lydia says
I’m in.
Karen says
I’m in. Just perfect timing as I need to dejunk the house.
Amber says
I am SO in! Reading you and FishMama everyday is keeping my laziness gene from completely taking over, lol.
wifeeonline says
I am in, too. We have a garage sale scheduled for this weekend also. Time to get it done.
Barbara says
Me too! I want to do this!
Denise B. says
Sounds amazing!!!! I am getting ready to quit my job to stay home with my kiddos (3 and 1) and this website has been nothing short of a miracle for me. I have been saving on groceries and using your tips on living simple so we can afford for me to be home. Getting organized will help too! I’m ready!
Sarah says
I need this!
Allison says
Perfect timing! I teach school and I’m on spring break this week. Today I designated as a lazy day, but I know I need to get some de-cluttering done the rest of the week. Now I’ll have something to guide me. 🙂
shelly says
Sounds like just the motivation I need!!
Trixie says
Count me in! I’m getting ready for our sale in a couple of months.
jennifer says
I am in! What do I need to do? LOL!
Davonne says
My home desperately needs this! I’m SO in!
Elizabeth Smith says
I love to declutter and reorganize. I am looking forward to your blog tomorrow.
ann says
This is great..i’m in!
Carrie says
I’m in too! we started yesterday in the front room… I am ready to clean and clense (sp?)… My husband is going to be so greatful too! he can’t stand the clutter!!!
Laura @ Frugal Follies says
Oh, my goodness, you do not know how much I need this kick in the tush. Thank you!
Tammy says
I am ready to start, have to work first thing in the morning. But, count me in as soon as I get off work and get into my “serious” clothes.
Katherine says
Our rummage is on May 1st. I’m up for the challenge! The bags are already lined up by the door – RUMMAGE – GIVE AWAY – THROWAWAY. This year they are going to fill up fast!
joanne says
I need to do this SO BAD!!! Count me in!!