Tammy has a great post up on ways to get beyond commercial products that don’t just involve the standard baking soda and vinegar you often hear of.
I’m seriously considering trying making my own toothpaste and deodorant after I make homemade laundry detergent. It might be a total fail, but you never know until you try!
Theresa says
I would be learly about using a homemade toothpaste, as it would not contain fluoride. I realize that many people avoid that, but as a dental hygienist, I’m convinced that it is important. It’s helps to remineralize the constant demineralization that is happening from different foods we eat. There are many other reasons and conditions that can make it very important. Topical fluoride isn’t the same as systemic fluoride (when it’s in your drinking water) because you’re not purposely ingesting it.
Niki says
I do not recommend the home made laundry detergent. The Felsnaptha does not rinse completely leaving a waxy buildup on your clothes. You won’t notice for a while but eventually your clothes won’t wash clean and smell mildewy. If you use cloth diapers you’ll notice that they smell like ammonia within a couple of weeks. I worked my way through an entire five gallon bucket of this stuff. Don’t waste your time or your money.
A good, cheap, clean rinsing soap is Charlie’s Natural Laundry Soap
My husband, and his entire family, use spray rubbing alcohol in their underarms after a shower and every morning. If you kill the bacteria in the underarm then you’ll have no stinkiness from bacterial waste. I was skeptical at first, but it works, unless you are immensely stressed. If you’re out and get stinky, refresh with some hand sanitizer. It works!
Chelsea says
Hello. I make my own laundry detergent (powder). I have only made one batch which has lasted the two of us at home a very long time. My only complaint is the scent is very strong… almost overpowering to my nose! I have to hold my breath when putting it it. Does anyone have any suggestions how this can be helped? I use the ivory, washing soda, and borax. I’m pretty sure it’s the ivory that gets me because I have a hard time grating it as well. I have asthma and allergies and it’s just horrible for me to breathe in. Suggestions, anyone?
Lisa says
Yep – there are SO many homemade things that you can do. I heard the deodorant takes a good 30 days before you really feel comfortable using it. I’m taking baby steps. Just starting using baking soda and ACV for shampoo & conditioner. It’s fantastic! Going “homemade” with these things is the way to go! I did homemade laundry soap for a while and did not have a recipe that I liked. I’m going to try some suggested here. Thanks – great post!
Laura says
I love my homemade powdered laundry soap. Will try homemade deodorant again…I printed out the recipe a reader mentioned above. I didn’t have good results before but am ready to try another recipe. I don’t think I will ever try homemade toothpaste. I don’t like the flavor of baking soda or salt and can get commercial toothpaste inexpensively. If you find a good recipe and/or share the benefits for homemade toothpaste, I am all ears.
Experimenting with homemade versions of everyday products is fun, even if it isn’t always productive. The joy is in the journey! : )
Zarah says
I constantly look online for ideas on making homemade ‘stuff’ and just yesterday, while looking on Youtube, I watched a video on how to make your very own pore strips (like the Biore kind) from Michelle Phan!
It was really simple and quick and all it needs is two ingredients: plain gelatin and milk! I personally haven’t tried it, but I will soon!!
Here’s the link to the video: http://youtu.be/-bjOB4zS0uE
Btw, she’s got other great ideas on making homemade stuff!!
Melissa says
We have been making our own deodorant for almost a year and LOVE it! Even my husband loves it! It works great. It’s the recipe over at Passionate Homemaking which uses coconut oil, baking soda (get aluminum free) and corn starch. Lasts a long time too.
The other thing I made was homemade shaving cream for my husband. I made it in January and he’s still on that same jar! You need a shaving brush, but he thinks it even gives him a better shave. I can’t recall where that recipe came from. I’ll try to find it.
sandra says
I used to use the homemade laundry detergent, and found that it cleaned very well. However, I stopped using it because my clothes took on a dingy appearance. Ive had some people say thats because commercial detergent has fabric brighteners as an additive. Maybe it dependes on the kind of water you have, hard or soft. Just be aware that it could happen.
Rita says
Don’t use baking soda for toothpaste. It is too abrasive. I have used baking soda as a substitute for the comet type cleaners for more than a decade and I like it better as it is not as abrasive and doesn’t scratch. Just stay away from baking soda toothpaste, it’s just not worth the dental issues you’d be inviting on yourself and your children.
Tammy L says
@Rita, I mentioned this in my post (that Crystal linked to) because it is a debated topic. 🙂
I’ve talked personally to several dentists who say that baking soda isn’t harmful (but harsh brushing, no matter what toothpaste is used, IS), but know of at least one dentist who says baking soda is harmful (to the gums, not teeth). I’ve done lots of research on the topic or oral health (many, MANY hours in the past few years!) and don’t feel that I can advise people in one particular direction.
For example — I currently use fluoridated products on my teeth, but even THAT I’m not completely 100% sure about! There are two “sides” to every issue and weighing both, I just haven’t come to clear across-the-board same-for-everyone conclusions when it comes to dental care. 🙂
Bethany says
I’d be interested in the deodorant recipe. I actually just quit wearing it altogether because I stink when I wear it, and I stink the same when I don’t. So, I figure why be putting all those toxins in my body when it doesn’t do squat for keeping me from smelling?
Melissa says
I have tried making my own laundry soap, but I couldn’t find washing soda, so I used baking soda. My clothes just didn’t come out as clean. Also, using cloth diapers, I didn’t think it washed them very well. I’m assuming that it is because I used baking soda and not washing soda. Does anyone know where I can buy washing soda. I have tried Walmart, Logli, and Highlander/Kroger, but none of those three places carry it. Thanks
Rhonda says
@Melissa, I bought mine at Ace Hardware.com. Just have them ship to the store and pick it up and it’s free. But, who knows, maybe your local ACE will carry it!
Randee C. says
I LOVE my homemade laundry soap. I use the recipe from the Duggar Family website. I have made the liquid before but I like the powder much better. It is easier to make and takes up less room. I also add a few scoops of Oxy Clean to the recipe.
Kara says
I would never dream of buying laundry soap since I’ve started making it!!! It works, smells & saves money so well!!!
Kara says
Rhoda, my son has eczema, and I use Fels Naptha soap, Borax, Washing Soda and “clean linen” scent with no ill affects to his skin!!!
Shay says
@Kara, I have a quick, but maybe silly question…. where would I find the ‘clean linen’ scent that can be added to the liquid detergent recipe? I would love to try it and want that particular scent but have no idea where to find ‘scents’ to add to detergent. Specialty store? (Kroger is the only place I’ve found the Arm/Hammer Washing Soda). Thanks!!
Rhoda says
About the laundry soap…I have a child with eczema. Does anyone else with a child with eczema make their own laundry soap, and what are your modifications/recipe since most recipes I have seen have fragrance of some kind?
onemotherslove says
@Rhoda, can your son use Ivory bar soap? If so, try that instead of the Fels Naptha, along with the washing soda & borax.
Dawn says
Rhoda, I have eczema & I use the Fels Naptha, Borax, Super Washing Soda, Baking Soda & Vinegar…with no problems at all. Actually, I now have less issues, since I started making my own detergent & cleaners.
The Prudent Homemaker says
@Rhoda, I have very sensitive skin and most laundry detergents make me break out in a rash. I also have eczema.
I cannot even touch Fels Naptha without it burning my skin.
I use Oil of Olay instead. It works great, and it doesn’t hurt my hands! I use the Borax/washing soda/Oxi Clean recipe for powdered soap with Oil of Olay.
I do 22 loads of laundry a week in my front loader. This works great for me!
You can use Oil of Olay for sensitive skin. I also have used the one with Shea Butter and have been okay as well.
I also do not use dryer sheets, so no scent there. My husband and I are both sensitive to the fragranced soaps.
bec says
this is the best homemade deodorant I have ever come across – it beats commercial out of the park.
Tara says
@bec, I tried that same recipe and it worked well for odor protection, but I think I had an allergic reaction to either the cornstarch or the baking soda. 🙁 Maybe I will give it another try after the summer but use arrowroot this time.
Sarah says
@Tara, We use Lindsay’s recipe, too…it works amazingly well and we have shared it with others who love it also! Sometimes I just mix coconut oil and baking soda, leaving out the arrowroot/cornstarch.
mindy says
I have tried the laundry detergent and LOVE IT. I have also tried deodorant recipes and well they are less than fabulous. My husband actually broke out in a rash from it and so we stopped using it. They will also leave white residue on your clothes and stain white. I thought about trying the toothpaste myself but haven’t as of yet. Oh, I use the laundry soap recipe from the Duggar’s family website.
Right Brain Thinker says
I have been making my own laundry soap for a few years now with this recipe. I have four active, sport playing, kids and it works great. I’m guessing I spend less than $10 a year on laundry soap. Oh, and I have a front loader washer and have had no problems at all.