I’ve set aside the month of March to really focus on organization in my home and life. And I’d love for you to join me!
Every weekday morning at around 10 a.m. EST, I’ll be posting the day’s assignment and then every evening at around 8 p.m. EST, I’ll be posting my progress and pictures, along with a link-up for you to share your progress and pictures, too.
Day 1 Assignment
::Get dressed in something that makes you feel great {there’s something about dressing in clothes that make you feel great that just gives you more energy and zest for life!}
::Sit down with a cup of coffee or tea and make a list of 5-10 goals for this week.
::Complete your morning routine {if you don’t have a morning routine, take some time to create one today! Read my How to Develop a Routine That Works–And Stick With It series for step-by-step help.}
::Set the timer for 15 minutes and quickly pick up the main living areas of your home.
::Clean out your purse and/or diaper bag.
::Find 7 items to get rid of today. Throw them out, stick them in a donate or garage sale box, give them to a friend who can use them, or list them on Craigslist or eBay.
Note: If you work outside the home or have a really busy week with little time for extra projects, just do the bolded project above.
Get Your Free Ebook + Printable Checklists
I put together an ebook with encouraging articles, all the daily assignments, plus printable checklists so you can know exactly what’s planned for the month and to allow you to work at your own pace, if you’d like.
To grab your free ebook so you can participate in this challenge, just fill out the form below with your name and email address. You’ll need to confirm your email address and then your free ebook will be sent to you instantly.
Lee-anne says
I so can’t wait to start just need this
CC says
I have been trying to clean out and find it nearly impossible. I am going to follow this list and make a difference in my house! Thank you.
Stacey says
I love this challenge! I did it about 2 years ago with you, too. I work as an elementary school teacher now and am VERY busy normally, but we are on break next week for Spring! I am planning on choosing 2 assignments each day to complete, maybe more if I am feeling motivated. It’s a lot to cram into 1 week, but the feeling of a well-cleaned and organized home is so re-energizing that I am looking forward to it!
Crystal Paine says
I love how you came up with a creative way to join in that works for your own schedule!
Vicki P says
Getting a late start–I’m a week behind but hubby will be out of town next week and I plan to get all caught up! Thanks for the motivation!!
Amy says
Is it too late to sign up? I’d love to participate!
Crystal Paine says
Jump right in!
Brandi says
I am in!
Chels says
I’m READY! Lets do it.
Maritza says
Hi Crystal! I’m trying to find the page to link my assignments, but can’t find it.
Maritza says
I saw a page to link my assignments in my blog, but I can’t find it.
Danica says
I’m a little behind, but I’m so in 😀
I’ll just have to triple up tomorrow? 😛
Crystal Paine says
Or just jump right in with where we all are! Welcome!
Amanda says
I’m excited to start! Better late than never.
Darla says
I am in!
Sarah Sanders says
Just now saw this but I’m in!! Working on my purse now….
Andrea says
Better late than never!
Jerilyn says
Yesterday was my birthday and my activity of choice was to clear out and organize some of the kitchen (yeah, i am weird 🙂
I don’t have a purse or diaper bag right now so i figured the kitchen could count instead.
kristi says
I am in!
Stephanie says
I am so excited about this challenge! While my husband and I do not have any children I work outside the home full time and work part time volunteer for a non-profit that my husband and I founded. Life is full! I’ve developed my morning routine which has been so helpful!!
This morning I set the timer – picked up some items that had been sitting around since an event in November eek. My 7 items to get rid of included: 3 magazines, 1 cardboard box, 2 empty kleenex boxes (the cold is going around here!) and an arm full of plastic grocery bags (working on being more green!).
Looking forward to challenge 2 and thankful to have a clean purse today!
April says
This is perfect timing… my busy life needs a bit more organization!
Katariina says
You probably don’t read comments under the assignment posts anymore, but I cannot find your “results” post. I can refresh until I’m blue and go through different links, but I cannot find your 8 p.m. post about your results. Help 🙂
AReed says
I’m in! Just read this..already in bed!!..but I got up and got rid of 7+ items from my hubby’s landing area (where he empties his pockets at end of day)…and feeling like that didn’t count since it wasn’t my stuff…I decluttered 2 shoe box size boxes in my bathroom closet. Tossed things that I’ve been holding on to bc “one day I might need it”! Emptied so much that I removed one of the boxes!! Thank you for making it a fun challenge! I didn’t complete it all…but I’m looking forward to seeing tomorrow’s and seeing how much I do!
Jackie M. says
I’m joining!! I’m really excited about this.
Kathy Jane says
Motivated me to write down my goals for the week!
Barbara says
I am so ready for this. Have been trying to declutter and need a routine. Thanks
Kristen says
I ran across this on Pinterest and would like to do it (even if it end up having to be at my own pace). We have a couple big projects coming up and I feel if I could get more organized in the calm before the storm I will be better able to manage.
Tabitha Hayes says
I’m in!
Ruthie Denise says
I am working on getting up a little earlier. Plus I have a partial list of things to do this week.
Kerry says
Took me until 9:15 but I got it done!! 🙂
PS That bag was just embarassing!!!!
Monica says
I’m in! Making that list when kids go to bed.
Holly says
Did read this till this evening, but my girls and I cleaned out the shoe box where they keep their shoes. We bagged up quite a few pairs to donate this week! Excited to join in!
Mama Rachael says
We are having an adoption fund raising garage sale next month, and I’m trying to embrace minimalism whole-heartedly! Which means cleaning out! I’ve set aside a ton of stuff already and have encouraged friends to do the same. I need to work on my routines, though, make them more purposeful.
Glad we have this challenge!
Michelle says
Definitely need to do this.
Kathy says
I’m in! I have got to do something to get our house in order! Thanks for this!
Anne says
I am in! I already do a morning routine and write out my weekly goals, AND I actually declutter 7 things a day as part of my evening routine (I adapted FlyLady to work for me). We just moved and purged a bunch prior to packing and while unpacking so our clutter is minimal but I am attacking the hidden paper clutter!
I have a question for other SAHM or WAHM: getting out of workout clothes and showered is a challenge for me. I get up at 5:15 to pray, do some blogging, etc, and our toddler gets up at 6am (goes to bed at 5:30 pm) and so I exercise when she is awake. We go for a walk and I do a workout DVD while she runs around or plays. When she used to take a morning nap, too, I would shower and change into regular clothes then but now I can’t shower until her nap in the afternoon. I like my workout clothes so I don’t feel frumpy but it would be great to get dressed before 1pm! Anyone have any suggestions?
melissa says
I don’t know how you feel about this, but have you thought about putting a gate on the doorway to her room so she can play in her room while you shower? Providing her room is a safe place with no hidden dangers, that’s what I would do. Or I would put them in their high chair sometimes in the doorway to the bathroom with a snack or something, some toys or whatever. She’d be right there in the doorway for you to hear her and it’s just a few minutes if she gets fussy.
Amy says
I actually shower with my toddler. I would never get it done otherwise.
Laura says
How do you feel about putting on a short video for her? Or sometimes I have brought a few toys into the bathroom for my son and then I close the door. That way my kid is stuck in the bathroom with me but (hopefully!) playing happily for a few minutes.
David's Mommy says
Ok I am bad the 2 almost 3 year old gets a phone and watches jake, or plays nemos reef sitting in the bathroom ….
David's Mommy says
Oh and I so need to learn more about fly lady and purge more and more! Why is it that I canno’t bring myself to purge the kitchen canisters????
Mary says
Well I had my coffee, was dressed in my pajamas since it was a snow day and worked from home . Then finished purging both master bedroom closets and the bedroom itself. Then I saw this plan, lol, so tomorrow lets hope I get the list done. LOL
Abbi says
I am in! We have gotten a good start today – hopefully we can keep it up. 🙂
Lori P says
signed up 🙂
Shelly says
I’m joining in. I have most of my tasks done for today thanks to help from my daughter.
Donna says
Count me in. I need your assignments to get me motivated. Can’t wait to begin.
kort says
oh my! just the 15 min clean-up with 1 year old following behind (and making messes!) was enough to just about finish me off!
Anne says
My 16 month old spilt at least half her sippy cup of water as I was reading your comment. I feel ya! My husband and I both say we feel like we clean up messes all day long, but it is worth it!
Smita says
Glad to see this challenge as we are planning to to move into a new apartment in two months. Perfect timing. I am in.
Amanda says
signed up!!!! Yay
Diana says
I’ll give it a go since I already did all the things except 15 minute pick up (which really ought to be done!) before I read this! (And it’s rare I throw out/donate stuff besides the regular declutter, so I’ll take that as a sign I should do the 15-minute pick up too 😉 )
This month my main goal is to get our room ready for the new baby, so hopefully this will help keep me on track 🙂 Thanks!
Jessi says
Finally! Today, I actually read my feeds on time (yeah me!) and had the opportunity to join in before it was already done (which is what usually happens to me). So glad to join you. Getting up from the computer to do my 15 minutes and then I’m done!
Donn says
Joining you!
Nancy Wagner says
I’m in. We’re planning a big multi-family yard sale this Spring – so this will help!!
Joyce says
Looking forward to getting started on this when I get home. Getting organized is paramount to having quality time with loved ones and saving money. Can’t wait. Thanks Crystal.
Becki @Running with Team Hogan says
I’m in. Since I started a morning routine a few weeks ago (from your book), that part was easier. I am loving writing down goals for the week and accomplishing so much more. I only have my 15 minute quick pick up left to get done today (and I’m going to do it now.) Thanks for the challenge to keep me going. (Getting rid of 7 things a day is so wonderful. I’ve been getting rid of a lot since the first of January and still have A TON to go.)
Carol says
🙂 This looks very good and inspiring just in time for spring & Lent good timing count me in..
Wendy, A Day in the Life on the Farm says
I needed this inspiration today. Thanks Crystal.
Tara says
Joining in! I was beginning to lose steam in my 2014 organization goals…perfect timing!
Christina says
Looking forward to this, I’m due at the end of the month so it may take some extra time but I’ll get there 🙂
Kim says
Count me in! Oh wow… How long has THAT been in there?
Summer Nicole says
Looking forward to getting a bit more organized in my cleaning and organizing routine! Excited for the great advice and encouragement that is to come! 🙂
Genie Przybylski says
Joining the 4 weeks to an Organized Home!
Jennifer says
I’ve got my Rocks thought out, goals for the week and I’m dressed! Even though it’s a snow day, I think I can keep up with this.
Korilynn says
Great timing! I need to get organized. So I will definitely be joining in on this.
Patricia says
I am ready to join! Have to work a couple of 12 hour shifts this week so I will work around that. Thank you for the help & inspiration!
Kelly Bjornstad says
I love your blog and I am a new subscriber. I have just started using some of your money-saving practices and think that they are great! However, many of your suggestions are tough to apply to the daily life of a working mom (like your 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home). If you could perhaps also give some additional insight for us working moms we would sure appreciate any help you have to offer.
Things like:
“I don’t get home from work with my kids until 6:00 at night. I need meals that will cook in 15 minutes or less (but are healthier than chicken nuggets and mac-and-cheese) so my children won’t gnaw each other’s arms off while they think they are starving.”
“Where and how do I get the best shopping bang for my time and bucks? Granted, four bottles of hydrogen peroxide for $0.25 is a great deal, but is that really what the majority of working moms are looking for on their weekly shopping trips?”
“How can I best use your ‘Organized Home’ suggestions when I’m only in my home, awake, not getting ready for work/school in the morning or finishing our nightly dinner/homework/reading/bath/bed routine for approximately one hour every day?”
Any ongoing suggestions for areas like these would be greatly appreciated!! 🙂
Mindy says
This is so my life too! 🙂 Thanks Crystal for this challenge and to do options for those who are not at home much during the day. Still going to try and purge 7 items which should be easy when cleaning out my purse 🙂
Anne says
I am a WAHM now but I still have a few recommendations:
-freezer cooking or make double batches on the weekend so you just have to reheat and/or set your crockpot in the am for a fast dinner.
-Also FlyLady.net might be a good option for doable 10- 15 min cleaning sessions during the week so you don’t have to spend all Saturday cleaning.
-When I worked outside the home, I used to start a load of laundry in the morning while I showered and then switch it to the dryer as soon as I got home from work and fold it and put it away after dinner.
-if I were still working outside the home, I would only do the bolded tasks in this project or plan to do all the tasks over two-three months to be realistic.
It is tough, though. I remember after I went back to work from maternity leave hearing some other women talk about watching the Bachelor and I thought, “oh, yeah, I actually used to have time for that! Now I get home, take care of baby while making dinner/lunches/doing laundry, have bath time and do a quick bathroom clean up, get the baby to bed, and then I have 20 minutes to get ready for bed (and who knows how many times we’d get up with the baby.” It is a busy season of life. Just do what you can do. 🙂 good luck!
Carrie says
I cleaned out my purse and work tote bag while I was at lunch today. Thanks for the challenge. The timing is perfect. I’m in the spring cleaning mood.
Michelle says
I’m in. Only taking it a day at a time, a week at a time due to the crazy season of my life, but I am excited.
Rhoda says
I have my goals for the week written out, and my tasks for the day on another page to carry with me through the day. Thanks for helping me get started on the spring clean journey this month!!
Susan says
Ready to get organized!
adriana bedwell says
I am totally in. We are in the process of cleaning out to potentially sell our house. My husband is in the Air Force and we may be getting moved in the next few months and want to have a huge garage sale and this is PERFECT.
Kari says
I’m in! Showered, dressed, coffee drank, teeth brushed. Picked up living room and tidied kitchen and on my first large tumbler of water for the day. So thankful for this challenge this month. I really need it!
Julie says
I just moved into a new house on Friday, so this comes at a perfect time. I’m in!
Maggi says
Thanks a ton… Joining in.
Jamie P says
Perfect time. I’m in and already completed for the day!
Deb says
I need all the help I can get! Today ‘s list looks doable. However, my daughter is getting married in twelve days (!) so I don’t think I will keep up for the whole month. I appreciate your daily emails.
Jennifer says
I wanted to cry after seeing how easy this assignment is. It’s totally manageable, even with a two and three-year-old in the mix.
Crystal Paine says
Oh, I’m so grateful!
Melinda Stainbrook says
Just the motivation I need. Count me in. Thanks!
Jenn @buildingmommymuscles says
Excited about this challenge! I would love to get to Easter with a nice clean house!
Sarah says
I’m in. I’ll be doing what I can today since it’s turned into a half snow day here as well. Might have to play catch up later in the week depending on how the weather turns out. I’m so ready for spring!
Angela says
We have out-of-town relatives who will be visiting a month from now, & this is a perfect way to prepare for their visit. Thanks for doing this!
Emma says
Joining! We are getting settled after moving back to the States from overseas and there is so much to purge and organize
Beckita says
I’m a grandmother watching three little granddaughters four days each week, retired school teacher, retired director of music ministry and years behind in organization. I famously start and stop… so, I take a deep breath of Hope and thank you for this community and recommended steps to get me going!!!
Maureen says
I hesitated to join, because I had other plans for organizing in March. Then it dawned on me that the two were not mutually exclusive, so I am in.
Mary says
I’m in. Anything has to be better then my plans.
Teresa says
I’m excited to do this. I figure it’s too cold here to go outside anyways so I may as well get my house in order so I can play outside when it is ever warm again.
val says
I’m in!
Ginger says
Yes! So excited to join! Taking half a snow day with the boys, so I’ll be working on my assignment also throughout the day. 🙂
Kristin F. says
I am so excited to start this challenge! March is the perfect month to get my household reorganized! I am so glad i saw this post! 🙂
Karen says
Thanks for creating an option for those of us who work outside the home!
Lisa M says
I’m in on this, and thank you for creating a community of accountability and inspiration. This is going to be an amazing month of breakthroughs and cause for celebration in April. Let the organization begin!!!
Ouarda says
Perfect Timing for me. I’m in
Angel Garr says