Our three kids are going to Camp in the City this week at our church. It’s run by Pine Cove Camps — an organization our family absolutely loves.
They are having a BLAST! And they are surprising us, too, because they’ve gotten up really early both mornings so far this week, gotten ready to go, packed their backpacks, and made their lunches — all with very little help from us!
As one child in particular usually really struggles to function at all before 8:30 am, this is a pretty big deal at our house! Here’s to hoping it continues the rest of this week!
By the way, how on earth do we have three kids that are all old enough to go to camp? They look so grown up in this picture that it almost took my breath away… So grateful for these three and the opportunity to be their mom.
Jesse and I are not quite sure what to do with ourselves all week long! It’s very, very rare that we leave our kids together, so it’s incredibly weird to think they’ll be gone all day during the day every day this week. We looked at each other and said, “I guess we better start getting used to this since in 12 to 15 more years, this will be our life!”
It’s good to have these reminders that our time to invest in our kids is fleeting and that we want to make the most of every day.
Last week’s goals:
Marriage/Mothering/Homemaking Goals
1. Finish one read aloud book with the kids
2. Write a love note to Jesse.3. Go through and declutter at least two rooms in our house.
Personal Goals
4. Exercise at least 3 times.
5. Finish reading at least one book.
Local Ministry/Hospitality/Friendship Goals
6. Help the kids write notes to Grandma for her birthday.{Of course, they got these written and then I promptly forgot to send them before my trip to VA. :(}
7. Write notes to our Compassion-sponsored kids.Business Goals
8. Prep for speaking at the Virginia Homeschool Conference this weekend.
9. Finish writing a chapter I’m contributing to an ebook compilation project.
10. Read through the entire manuscript of my new book(psst! You can see the cover and read more about it here.)
This week’s goals:
Marriage/Mothering/Homemaking Goals
1. Have a Family Movie Night with the kids.
2. Have an at-home movie date with Jesse.
3. Go out to breakfast with Jesse.
Personal Goals
4. Exercise at least 3 times.
5. Finish reading at least one book.
Local Ministry/Hospitality/Friendship Goals
6. Meet with our church’s Ministry Coordinator about plans for our church’s coffee bar.
7. Write a note of encouragement to a friend going through a difficult time.
Business Goals
8. Prep for speaking at the Acworth, GA Say Goodbye to Survival Mode event this Saturday. (Are you coming? Let me know if you are in the comments! I can’t wait to meet you all!)
9. Launch the Make Over Your Mornings weekly email newsletter (Psst! If you’ve purchased the course, look for this fun, encouraging, and newsy email from me to land in your inbox later this week!)
10. Work on marketing copy and endorsement requests for my new book (You can see the cover and read more about it here.)
How did you do on last week’s goals? What are your goals for this week? I’d love to have you share your progress on last week’s goals and your goals for this coming week in the comments. Of, if you’ve blogged about it, leave your direct link below. Let’s cheer each other on to live purposeful and productive lives! You can download a free customizable weekly goal-planning sheet here.
Victoria says
My husband and I love church camp week. Since we don’t live close to family, we make sure to use the week to squeeze in extra date time. Often (as is the case this week) we take off for the entire week too (our church camp is overnight). It helps me not to think of the kids as much too while we are having fun as I know they are having fun too.
My goals for the week, read a book a day, swim in the ocean once a day, and take a nap daily. Yep! I love camp week.
Laurie says
My son is a Citc counselor. He is in a town north of Dallas this week. His nickname is “Kicking and Spleening”. He is thoroughly enjoying the experience.
Pam says
What a fun week for them! My daughter LOVES going to camps and such but my son doesn’t, so I often have just one child at home in the summer – which feels quite odd – interesting how that changes the dynamics!
Cara Thompson says
As a fellow homeschool mom, I can relate to the weird feeling of leaving your kids for the day – but what a comfort that they can be together. That’s one of the greatest treasures I’ve been surprised by in homeschooling – the deep bond my kids have with one another. They take care of each other well. They are not without their fair share of fighting, but that’s a part of relationship 101.
Thanks for sharing your goals – I’m inspired! And the new book looks great 🙂
Rosenda says
I’m really liking the Makeover Your Mornings course and it’s part of my goals from last week and this week. I joined the 5 o clock club (although some mornings it’s brutal) but I’m doing it! Thank you Crystal for being such a great example and you always motivate me. I pray and hope to be as motivating to others as you’ve been to me! Blessings to you.
Shelly says
Camp sounds like a lot of fun. Looks like you were able to get lots done last week.
Sarah@TheOrthodoxMama says
We haven’t done the camp thing yet (our kids are still pretty little), but my husband and I did go on a trip by ourselves recently. My brother and sister-in-law watched the kids for four days. It was very fun to reconnect!
Kathy in Illinois says
Yes, Crystal, enjoy your kids now because they grow up so fast! I remember when my kids went to Bible School in the summer. I was one of the teachers. My kids are now 35 and 37 and that seems like yesterday. I love the picture of your kids ready for camp. They are so cute!
God bless, Kathy in Illinois
Shaunta Caine says
I’ll be at the event on Saturday with my mom and sister-in-law. I’m so excited to meet you. I have learned so much from you over the years and can’t wait to be further inspired by you.
Jennifer@TheIntentionalMom says
It is such a weird feeling when all your kids are gone. With seven kids I don’t get that very often and although I always look so forward to a time when they are all leaving for the afternoon or something, I am always missing them and ready for them to come home after a couple of hours. The quiet, which is the thing I crave most often, is what makes me miss them all the more. I wish I could just enjoy the quiet!
Marie says
That is so awesome your kids have the opportunity for that kind of camp. I know it’s hard to see them growing up so fast. I experienced this for the first time this week as well. My 8 yr. olds went off to Bible camp for a week, overnights!!! I’m excited for them and nervous and am missing them. My 4 year old is doing a day camp and a sports camp so I see her for breakfast then take her and pick her up and off to camp we go then it’s bedtime. It’s been so weird!! But I really wish the days would slow down. I’m struggling to know how to spend my days. Do I tackle the 101 projects or sit at a lake and read a book, Or do I actually take the time I never have and read the material you just launched that I just bought. It’s so hard. I’m glad you and Jesse will get to eat out. I’ll pray your food is super yummy!!
Emily says
A Make Over Your Mornings e-mail…great idea. I am looking forward to it!
I cannot imagine a quiet household. Thanks for the reminder to appreciate this time. It will be gone before I know it!!
Deanna says
The picture looks like they are enjoying themselves! I love that it’s a day camp too – such a great idea. Enjoy a little bit of quiet. 🙂
Enjoy your event on Saturday!
Rebecca says
I am healing from a sprained ankle so I only have seven goals this week. This is my first week working with goals, doing great so far. 🙂
1. College Student: Start reading Good News for Weary Women
2. Mother: Homeschool Josiah Monday-Friday,
3. Mother: Spend time off the computer doing something fun
4. Christian: Continue reading, journaling, and drawing for each chapter in the book of John
5. Friendship: Send card to Art and Carol and Mrs. Paul
6. Wife: Heal from sprained ankle, hire personal trainer with the intention of being a stronger, healthier person for my husband
7. Friendships: Send a Birthday card to my sister
Jenny @ Women With Intention says
Enjoy your breakfast date! We do those quite often and I love them 🙂
Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden says
Camp is always so fun -I hope your kids have a great time! I know it must be really quiet around your house during the day! Have a great night!
Suzanne says
With the kids gone, I think I’d spend a lot of my time sitting and soaking up the quiet, lol!
I just read the new book synopsis. I’m so excited for it to come out! I’m considering a new home-based business for myself, so I’m sure it will have a lot of relevant advice. Can’t wait for November!
Elizabeth @ Wonder Woman I'm Not says
How fun for your kids! My kids loved going to summer programs as well as away camp during the same. I know that having them all out of the house is weird but I would suggest that you and Jesse take advantage of it and have some fun. While in some ways I miss the kids being little, the freedom that my husband and I are experiencing is really nice. 🙂
Crystal Paine says
We’re going out to breakfast tomorrow after we drop the kids off — which I’m super excited about because I can’t remember any time we’ve ever done that before! If we have done so by ourselves, it’s been a very, very long time!