If you are a bargain-shopper or couponer, you'll definitely not want to miss this fun read over at The Bargain Jargon. I got quite the chuckle over it and I think you probably will, too!
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Rhonda says
This was so funny………quite a writer!
Emily says
Hilarious! What a cute little pumpkin – I got it for free with two bags of stuffing! Heh heh… my husband has to listen to all of that from me too. I thought that he would give me a hard time about being so fanatical about it. However, strangely, I realized that he seemed to instead encourage it. I got the feeling that it made him feel good that I was being so conscious of what I was doing with our money. Made him feel like I respected his efforts… is that over the top???
julie says
thank you for sharing that cute post my husband is still at the begging me to not bring home anymore toothpaste stage. lol!!!!!
Melissa says
This is too funny! I emailed it to my husband. I think he’ll enjoy it, too. Thanks!
Val says
Hilarious! Any husband who reads that will do the bobble head…shaking his head in agreement.
Lisa says
LOL that was so wonderful! My 3 yr old is so into my couponing that he has a letter M (his name is Malachi) that is laminated. He calls it his “double coupon”. 🙂
Melissa says
LOL! I actually did win 1 of the Juicy Juice parties, so this could have been written about my family!
Helene says
Thank you for posting this and thank him for sending it to you. And how many of us actually have photography staging skills we never realized? 🙂
Christy says
Oh my goodness!!! I had to call my husband and tell him that his post was on Money Saving Mom, then he told me he actually sent it to you. Is he sweet or what? Thanks so much for sharing Crystal, you have made my day.
Money Saving Mom here: Happy Mother’s Day! 🙂 I thought it was so thoughtful of him to write and ask me to post it but then when I actually read it, I knew it was too good *not* to post!
Erika says
*Laugh* my husband can so relate to this. I almost tackled him when he got a Catalina B1G1 coupon at Fred Meyer the other day. I felt like I had won the lottery =).
Evelyn says
This is tooo funny! It was more than a chuckle,my kids were staring at me like I was nutso. Sounds like the story of my life(my husband and kids too)!
Kristine says
Hehehe! I can relate to a lot of that!Thanks for the fun read. ( c =