I had to make a quick five-minute phone call this morning to get some tax paperwork straightened out. While I was on the phone, I made the mistake of not keeping Silas (my 22-month-old) within my line of sight.
Somehow, he found two markers — which I had thought were well-hidden — and whipped up a rather large wall mural for us:
The good news? He was thoughtful enough to do his artwork with washable markers instead of permanent markers, so a Mr. Clean Eraser and lots of elbow grease later, all traces of the drawing were removed.
We really should buy stock in Mr. Clean Erasers for how often I’ve been using them recently. I’ve yet to find anything which holds a candle to them when it comes to removing kid-stains off the walls.
Here’s to hoping your day is off to a smoother start than mine! 🙂
Wendy Guest says
What a fun distraction from work this was! Much better than the number crunching I usually do. Thanks for the pick-me-up!
Sarah M. says
Funny you should post this. Yesterday my daughter got ahold of a blue highlighter pen and drew all over her face. I took it away and lectured her on not drawing on her skin with pends or markers. Not 2 minutes later she came into the room covered in purple marker. ARGH!!! I also discovered a wall in her room had writing on it (!!!!) I was just thinking how grateful I am for Magic Erasers last night.
Renata Young says
I feel your pain… Markers are locked away in our house for the same reason! And I still worry about it a bit…
Christy says
I just spent the morning cleaning marker off curtains with magic erasers. Those things are amazing. My husband is ready to ban markers in our house as well!
Jen says
I have three boys – the oldest of which just turned 4 the other day. It is always a bit crazy around here! I prefer all natural cleaning products (mostly just using vinegar, baking soda, etc.) but I use the white eraser…my secret little trick!!!
Bonnie says
Here’s a great tip if Permanent Markers are ever used. My little Picasso did her damage, but a few sprays of Spray Sunscreen, and her masterpiece wipped right off.
Mary says
My son recently did the same thing, on my newly painted kitchen wall. He and Silas are about the same age. I scolded him and sat him on the floor by his art work and took a picture of it. Trying my best not to smile at his first wall art in front of him. 🙂
Gigi says
My daughter drew on her new white furniture with a red Sharpie – and good ol’ Mr. Clean Magic Erasers got it off. Sharpie! Love those Magic Erasers, too!
katie says
OMG! I dont have kids {yet} but we’re trying…and i am trying to get into more environmentally/catfriendly/people friendly/good old fashion cleaning supplies..remedies/etc…
vinegar and baking soda are my new best friends… seriously…
use a wet cloth and sprinkle baking soda on it…it WILL get..those nasty scuff marks off your walls…this past weekend i went around merrily i might add cleaning my walls/cubbarts/door frames…and my looks like a bran new but really isn’t stove 🙂 the baking soda fabulous!!!!! seriously try it….:)
if you have a yucky microwave as well…bring a bowl of 1 part vinegar 2 parts water to boil in your microwave…it will make the food that sticks to the walls loose and all you gotta do is wipe it clean!!!! 🙂
Amanda (Saving Myself Silly) says
I love those magic erasers. I just discovered the mini ones that come in a 6 pack. got them for $1 at kroger last week and went back for more because my 4 year old (i told her they were for her..hehehe) loves them. she was so excited about them and has been begging me to use them to clean my walls every day this week. Well until today…but she had a 103 fever…But yeah, magic….LOL I also have an 18 mo old, so I’m sure I’m about to face this all over again. I remember using them to scrub off the first one’s art. 😉
Alisha says
Most markers, especially permanent will come right out with some rubbing alcohol. I actually keep a spray bottle of it with my cleaning supplies.
Debbie says
when we lived in a base housing, our two kids got on the top bunk bed and drew these two huge faces on the wall. it took us a half day to scrub it and still pay $300 for the cleaning crew to finish up. it wasn’t fun then but now it’s one of those memories we talked about quite often 🙂
tkessler says
I know its not funny, but I laughed. I remember when I did a crayon drawing for my parents 45 years ago. They saved it. It was on the walls going down into the basement.
Laura Miller says
Another product that works great on stains is Wowgreen’s stain pen and super stain remover. I must admit that I am a distributor of these products but they are safe and non-toxic and have removed all of the kid stains around my house.
Jaycie says
I’ve had good luck in the past with using something called “Goo Gone” for taking off crayon and marker stains on the walls. Just make sure you test a little spot before doing a larger area.
They always seem to know when you aren’t looking for even two seconds, don’t they? 🙂 Glad it came off for you!
sarah says
Rubbing alcohol will also dissolve marker very quickly and easily.
Shopping2scale says
Good evening, As I can sympathize with you my children did the same thing when they were small.. Perhaps you should contact Mr. Clean and do a review for them, telling them about what a great product they have created for us moms. Especially with your clean up that you had. I’m sure they would love it.
Glad Mr. Clean was able to give you a hand.
Shana says
Ah… at least it was with marker. When one of my twins was 2-years old (4 years now) he decided to “paint” the walls with the only substance he had on hand… which he got in his hand from his diaper. Yeah. That was more than even Mr. Clean can handle.
anita says
I’m really sorry that happened but it reminds me of when my brother and I were kids. We got in trouble for drawing on the wall in our living room. My mom said we should never do it again but she gave each of us a crayon and sent us to my bedroom. She told us we could draw all we wanted to on the walls in my closet, which we did from time to time. When I moved the last of my things out of there after college, I could still see some of the crayon marks there.
Monica says
Love the magic erase sponges as well..was just introduced to them because I had a major coupon..fell so in love with them that I would consider paying full price! Did I just say that?! 🙂
Laura says
My 3 y.o. got a hold of the dry-erase markers this afternoon, and I’ve just finished cleaning her clothes with Murphy’s Oil Soap. It’s great for removing Sharpie and dry-erase marker from fabric.
Kara says
Dont feel bad, my 21mos old found out he could color on my trash can with crayons last night. Its washable. I just laughed and kept going.
Teria says
I tried the magic eraser but it crumbled because we have textured plaster walls and still didn’t take the crayon and marker off. So I found something that works great anywhere. WD-40!!!! You wouldn’t think so but it is amazing. I am using it to clean stuff of cabinets, walls, etc!!
Lana says
Just plan old vegetable oil works for lots of things too.
Emily says
When my sister was 2 years old, she drew a nice mural over our entire living room of our rented apartment. Twenty years (and a few art lessons) later, she sold a mural she painted to the US government that paid for her entire college education. So hang in there, good may come out of it!
Stefanie says
Magic Erasers are amazing!! Your story reminded me of when my brother was 2 ( before magic erasers) my parents and he were at a family friends house whom had recently sold their house when my brother ( w/ ninja speed) got ahold of a sharpie and drew a 2 1/2 ft tall line across every room in the house he could! Needless to say my parents had to pay to have the house repainted!
Heather B (HomemadeMom) says
My 20 month old has gotten some dry erase markers more times than once. He didn’t do that kind of damage though. He colored lines on the walls, closet, doors, and bean bag chair. I can’t get it all off though! Even with the help of the magic eraser.
Megan says
Unfortunately, the permanent markers from my fiance’s job always make their way home…they’re kept away, but once in a while the same thing happens here…we keep LOTS of wall paint on hand!
Denise C. says
We had a marker “incident” at home last week. I let my kids bring out their art caddy, my daughter 2.5 loves to use markers more than crayons. I have “washable” markers here. Apparently coloring books & paper are not as much fun to color as people! She colored my son 4.5 & herself green! They looked like leprechauns! It took 3 showers to wash it off. After getting the green off, my daughter then colored herself blue. Sigh. Just because coloring markers say they are washable, does not mean they actually are!
Socal says
Check your local dollar store! I get an off brand one that comes 2 sponges for 99 cents! The do work really really well though!
Andrea says
As much as I LOVE to encourage creativity at in our home, there is one thing I do believe in doing to ensure that the forbidden markers do not find their way into my 14 month old’s hands…
All markers, crayons, glue sticks, and glitter glue are stored on a shelf, high out of the sproutlets’ reach. I grew up with a 5 gallon ice cream bucket just full of crayons, markers, and colored pencils…so I just do the same thing with my kids’ craft supplies. Regular pens, pencils, and sharpies are stored in the secretary cabinet, locked up, and out of reach.
While this keeps little hands from playing Picasso on my walls and carpet, it does not, however, prevent them from pulling the nightlight out of the wall, and using the metal prongs as marking implements on a freshly painted wall. 😉
Candice H says
Like you said at least it wasn’t permanent markers! Mr. Clean Magic Eraser can get that off too for the most part, EXCEPT red or orange it still leaves a trace. My kids did this in one of their rooms that had flat paint on it .. you know the builders coat that isn’t really a color and just goes over the sheet rock? Well it wouldn’t come out. It took 4 coats of Killz and then 3 coats of paint to get it fully covered since it just kept on bleeding through! Their Daddy was the one who left the marker in view after writing on a CD with it -_- but I did all the work to fix it!
Teresa says
Strangely enough my dad told me to use wd-40….and it works!!
Vanessa says
After having this experience a few months back, Mr. Clean is my new BFF. 🙂 I’ve heard the rubbing alcohol works well too.
Chelsea says
Girl, I am so with you on the Mr Clean erasers. I have yet to find something they can’t remove- from any surface! I just wish they would last a little longer. We seem to use one eraser per incident 🙂
Bridgette @ Blessings Multiplied says
Thank goodness it wasn’t permanent markers! I love the washable markers! The girls get them on their clothes all the time.
They went to a VBS a couple years ago and were given the colorful permanent markers for crafts that the week!!!! It was much tougher getting out those stains!
Always an adventure with kids in the house! Keeps you on your toes. Glad to hear you were able to get it off!
susie says
my girl got a hold of a sharpee too! my husband pulled out RUBBING ALCOHOL and it too it right out! BAKING SODA works great on crayon on the wall.
Mel says
I read somewhere recently that a slice of white bread can be used in the same way as a magic eraser in a pinch. I tried it on a paint mark on my wall and IT WORKED! I was shocked, but pleased.
Donna Mc. says
It’s good you took a photo of the artwork before erasing it! 🙂 It could be worth something someday!
Heather says
I had a great laugh when I saw this. Our son was the same age when he did this to the whole wall in the hallway. We were not as lucky. He used permanent makers. I actually just put some trim around it for a few years because even after 4 coats of Kilhs paint it still showed through.
Sometimes you just have to laugh at the things they do. Thanks for sharing the picture.
cassie says
LOL, our markers AND scissors are locked away for supervised play! I forgot about the magic erasers, I have a little crayon on my wall that hasn’t come off with babywipes or soap and water.
Gail says
Some things never change… In the 1950’s, there was a TV show called Winky-Dink and You. Winky-Dink was always in trouble, and needed help. The boys and girls at home watching (like me!) were asked to save Winky-Dink by drawing what Winky needed ( a ladder, a pole, a net) on the TV screen with a crayon. The lucky kids had a Winky-Dink Kit, just a piece of plastic film that fit over the TV screen, so they could draw on it. Others just used the TV screen, which got them in a LOT of trouble, because TV’s were so expensive back then. I had the film, but over time it didn’t stick well, and, you can guess what happened next… Thanks Silas. Mommy will always remember this day, but a lot of the days you were very good may be forgotten.
Anitra says
My 27-month-old has really understood the “we only draw on paper” lesson, but markers are hard, since they will mark anything they even BRUSH against. I have to put her in an apron and supervise when she’s using markers, otherwise she will get it all over herself.
Love the Mr. Clean erasers. They make it easy enough that Silas can even help you get the mural off the wall – which may make the lesson stick better.
Come to think of it, I have some diluted watercolor paint (from a “paint with water” book) staining our kitchen table. Time to see if Mr. Clean can tackle that job, too!
BS says
I am sorry, but glad it came off!
I did get a little chuckle out of that though! 😉
Hope your day gets better and marker free!
Leighann says
Just when I was getting to the end of my rope with my little one, I see someone else having the same problem with theirs.
On the one hand, I’m so sorry he wrote on your wall!
On the other hand, so relieved it isn’t just mine doing that!
joanne says
AWW!!! Ok yes it is terrible yet brings back memories for me. Mine are 16,18 and 20 and I am 41. I was a young mama and my oldest wrote on her bedroom walls the day before we were selling our home and closing on another home up the road. I was so upset!! I had to pray it would come off and it actually did come off. I was packing up her room and left a marker on top of one of the boxes I was packing and marking. One other time she drew a “mural” on the back of a expensive NEW barcalounger leather recliner I paid $1600 for . ( Yes that was back in the day of credit cards and wanting to get my hubby a awesome lasting fathers day gift from the kids). That is stil on the chair and we get a kick out of looking at it from time to time now. I will say that back then it was upsetting!!
There was also the time my youngest got into green food coloring at xmas time as I was making some cookies I needed it for. Her blond hair and scalp were green for a week. My husband was laughing when he saw her and I sadly was not amused :(. I totally feel for you Crystal!!!!. Hug that little guy and tell him it was such a cool picture but from now on lets do it on paper LOL.. I am pretty sure you already did that though!!.
Pam says
He could be a Picasso in the making and you just wiped off one of his earliest works!
Allison Hoffman says
I have a 22 mo old little guy too!! And after two girls, he’s teaching me that boys are MUCH more active! He can never leave my sight!! 🙂
Rachel says
My 18 month old LOVES to color, but I’ve banned markers, crayons, pens & pencils, and anything else since she has no sense of WHERE it’s okay to color!! My lifesaver is Crayola’s AquaDoodle!!! The “marker” is filled with plain water, and it only “colors” on the AquaDoodle mat….she can color anywhere else she wants, or chew on the marker, and it’s just water. What a clever idea!!! 🙂 It’s ALL she will be coloring with for a long, LONG time!! Haha. 🙂
Flamingo says
I hear ya! The dollar store (Dollar Tree) has generics for $1 and I find they work just as good!
Noah says
Oh yes, I have sharpie permanently on my stairs…when my 2nd was 1 1/2 and I was pregnant (upstairs putting away laundry) he managed to reach his hand into a child locked drawer and get a sharpie from the back…
Suzanne says
I know you are so thankful they were washables, my sweet friend Lydia’s little boy found a blue PERMANENT marker. He drew circles literally all over their basement. On the carpet, on the bookshelves, on the wood paneling, on the walls. It was awful. They couldn’t get it our either no matter how many different methods they tried. Good thing he’s cute or he might not still be alive, haha! They did a lot of painting and hope to replace the carpet at some point!
lori says
don’t be so quick to erase that for someday they will be all grown up. My artist is now 14 and boy do I miss those “Priceless art moments”. Take plenty of pictures to keep.
SillyJaime says
My sister and I used to use pencil, and sometimes crayon. We were such artists!
Jennifer says
All markers banned at our house too after kids have marked on more things than I can count. The first thing my daughter marked on was her very bald 6 mos old brother while he was in his saucer. He was quite colorful and it made for a great picture! If you are ever in a pinch, baking soda works similar to a magic eraser.
Kari says
If this was facebook, I would “like” this comment. Big sisters, you gotta love them!
Jennifer says
You do gotta love them. The other major marker incident was drawing crosses ALL OVER the walls of her room. When asked why she did this, she said she wanted to be able to think about Jesus all the time. Very challenging to think of a consequence for that one!
Karla says
I have a 22 month old as well, and his favorite things are markers. I had to teach his daddy how to use Magic Erasers!
emma says
in my house i have to hide scissors, even the kids safety ones, my 4 year old loves to cut his bangs, (has managed to do it twice), which is fine, but I hide them so well that i normally can’t find them to cut out coupons!
Dawn says
LOL! So this is what I have to look forward to? My little one is only 9 months and I already feel terrorized! lol Glad you were able to get it off though. I love those Mr. Clean Erasers too!
Susan (FrugaLouis) says
Wow, that was quite a feat for your little man! And I’m so glad for you those weren’t Sharpies…yikes! Neither of our kids so far has done this type of stunt, and may none of our kids ever start! 😉
Crystal says
Shaklee’s Scour Off if my life saver. It lasts longer than the magic erasers (it’s about $8 for a little tub that lasts me about a year). Plus it’s the best thing I’ve ever used on a flat top stove. Amazing really…
Carrie says
I’ll second that Shaklee’s Scour Off is a wonder! Non-toxic and nice smelling, too!
Julie @Kingdom Klipper says
I’m in agreement…I think it’s your early Valentine’s Day card. Glad you took a picture! It’s seems like only yesterday that mine were that little and now 2 are in college. Don’t miss these blessings…yes, markers on the wall CAN be!
toni says
I have a picture of my daughter’s “artwork” from when she was around two. Instead of the wall, it was herself that she drew all over. She looked like she had tattoos all over body!! Although they weren’t permanent markers, it still took several baths over the course of a week to get it all off!!
Heather says
My son did something way worse, throughout the living room and kitchen to our rented apartment when he was about the same age. I caught him just as he finished his face and was proceeding to his belly. All with permanant marker. FUN. I scrubbed his face and belly, esp his belly til a little red, to get a little point across. Poor kid. This was almost 11 years ago when no magic eraser was around. Then about 1 year later he colored the wall with crayon. I made him scrub it off. He never colored on anything but paper again. LOL
Autumn says
I agree with Jeanna. 🙂 Thanks for sharing some of your morning with us and you did make my morning. You and Silas both made me laugh. Hope your day goes smoother Crystal.
Jeanna says
Every Mother can relate to this story. Just think when he is grown and gone now you have a photo of this magical wonderful time, LOL because as all us Mother’s do know “Babies grow up , I have learned to my sorrow”
Keep your sense of humor !
Jazmine says
yeah Mr. Clean magic eraser works really well. parents should give this away at baby showers w a note “you will thank me later”.
Jen says
Love it! 🙂
Keiva says
OMG! I use magic erasers ALL the time, they work great on trim to remove hand print and such, doors everything!
Lisa Whitmore says
While I was reading through the comments on this, one of my 2yo twins found our bag of hidden markers. So off I go chasing and wrangling markers away AGAIN. They always find them. This time I had then hidden up high but my twins are climbers too, so it’s just a challenge for them to find them. Luckily I caught him before he had art class on my wall! I’m going to have to try the hairspray on his last art project, I hadn’t been able to get it off and had just resigned to the fact that I was going to have to paint.
Sharon says
Thanks for the morning laugh! One day I’ll have to share a photo of my beige twill Crate & Barrel couch cushion that my son embellished with purple ball point pen. Two minutes on the computer and that’s what happened 🙂 There’s one cushion that we won’t be flipping over again anytime soon (unless you or someone has a super mommy cleaning trick up their sleeve)!
ellen says
oh no…. My 2.5 yr daughter loves to “draw” on everything… ughhhhh.
My 5 yo never did this….
Andrea says
Some freinds of our their two year old colored on a wall in their kitchen so they just decided to lt it be and keep it as a color wall kind of a neat idea. The kids love to stay in the lithcen while they cook and clean and color on their on wall.
Reagan says
You know that is actually a cute idea! Every so often you could paint over it and give them a clean slate to express their creativity again and again.
Rachel says
I’ve seen homes where they’ve used some special paint (not sure what it’s called) that when dry makes a chalkboard-like surface…you can use chalk on it, and then it wipes right off! They painted a few lower sections of their walls with this, and let their kids chalk it up as much as they want! 🙂
Spray Paint Queen says
We put a dry erase board in my daughter’s room. They sell it as a paint type liquid at Home Depot that you can paint on the wall like real paint in colors too. We like it – We also have the chalkboard kind too.
Rustoleum makes it… however I’m sure it would be hard for the younger one to determine what is the one he can color on versus the walls that he can’t!
A says
My sweet mom once “framed” some of my wall coloring, because I’d written “I love you, mom.” 🙂
Chrystal says
oh no! My daughter has done this as well except on our carpet! I was thinking oh its washable it will be ok. Well it wasnt 🙁 It took 3 days of me trying EVERYTHING I could think of to get it out and my mixture of it all must have worked. Thank God!
Allyson @ a Heart for Home says
We’ve had this issue with crayons in the past. We just put up some chalkboard vinyl decals so they two oldest have been drawing on those. It still catches me off guard when I hear them coloring in the wall.
Cher says
My son did that the day before we were moving out of our house! My husband had to repaint all four walls of the room that night!
Heather @ Family Friendly Frugality says
The cheap ones definitely work, but they also crumble much faster so I’m not sure if they are worth the savings. I definitely see some beginnings of letters and shapes happening there!
Milk Donor Mama says
Yikes. I think I might need to do some relocating of art supplies in my house too!!!
Carrie says
My Silas was a pro at that when he was about 2, too. Fun times. And thank goodness for Magic Eraser!
Ashley P says
A masterpiece! At least you got pictures before you wiped it clean.
Something I’ve always read about and wanted to try, but haven’t yet: Chalkboard paint. While I have no kids of my own (yet!) I’m sort of the neighborhood babysitter. I’ve read about painting an infrequently used wall with chalkboard paint. (Like the closet door in the spare-room) and giving the kids chalk and letting them go nuts. If they write on the real wall, chalk comes off way more easily than marker. And they get that whole “writing on the wall” thing out of their system!
I’m always looking for ways to keep the neighborhood kiddies occupied so their worn parents can get a little R&R. Anyone ever have any luck with the chalkboard paint thing?
Casherie Bright says
The chalkboard paint i used was very easy to peel off. My kids scratched their names in it instead of using challk!
It could have been a surface problem but I never tried it again!
Reagan says
Magic erasers do work wonders! Just keep away from little hands because they are tough on tender skin!
Mama Laundry says
Oh yes, I can so relate.
We have a large 8 ft. white board in our school room. I try to keep the dry erase markers off of the ledge, but I occasionally forget to remove them.
I can’t even tell you the shirts my 22 mo old has ruined since it is practically impossible to remove dry erase ink if you don’t catch it early! Ack! When will I learn?? 😉
Hope your day improves! Mine started out rough too.
Deborah says
My youngest did the THICK Sharpie marker on my kitchen cabinets! And he did FOUR cabinets. 😉 I caught him in the act so I got it off with Murpy’s Oil Soap and lots of arm work.
Thank goodness for waterproof markers!
Sisteen says
I love to know that it is just not my kids who do that 🙂
Julie says
Me too!!
Amiyrah @ 4 hats and frugal says
Oh boy. We went through it too. Sonny boy was 3 or so and I made sure to post a pic of it on the blog. Because of the certain paint on the apartment we were living in, the magic eraser only made it worse. We had to paint over it. Oy vey….
charity crawford says
just think it could have been worse and im sure he had fun doing it at the time! Smile….
Emily says
Dollar General has a cheaper version as well!
Stacey says
Spot Shot takes Sharpie markers off walls. Been there!
Cheryl says
Those magic erasers really are wonderful. I especially love the bathroom ones. I believe they really are MAGIC!
Becky says
Try a quick spritz of Lysol on permanent marker. When I worked for a bank, that is what we used on ink, and marker on our counter tops.
My daughter just turned two, and I found that giving her an easel with a chalkboard on one side has helped relieve the wall drawings… and chalk comes off things a lot easier than crayons/marker/pens/pencil, etc.
Oh, and I read in one of my baby emails, that being able to write on a vertical surface is actually a milestone– it takes a whole new set of muscles and brain power. So, think of that next time. lol
I even found that adding a little silver polish to my magic eraser cleaned up my great- grandmothers silver service in much less time than it normally took.
MaCEY wARD says
Bridget Burritt says
I had to ban scissors at our house for a while because my three year old cut my 1 year old long, long hair. About 7 inches off. We don’t allow any permanent markers at our house either.
Gloria says
I wish Magic Erasers were around when my kids were little and I had this type of art in my house. They are amazing!
Adrienne says
My son colored our tile floors with a Sharpie marker once. Magic Eraser got it up too!! LOVE THEM!
Michelle M says
We had to ban crayons for a while for that reason. I think almost every mom has been there before. Magic erasers are awesome at removing so much stuff.
Lindsay says
I almost had a heart attack when my daughter composed some art on my only piece of new furniture (a desk for my home office) in PERMANENT marker. But Mr. Clean actually took it off!
Amy says
There is actually fermeldahide in them. And although they do work great, I have quit using them because of that. Norwex makes a similar natural product.
Kelly says
As far as I can tell, there is no formaldehyde in them. That was a hoax. It’s even on Snopes.com and has been dispelled by P&G.
Nicole says
This is especially funny to me as I woke up this morning to yellow drawings that look just like that on my walls, chair and wood work curtesy of my 22 month old. I have washed the walls, but not the other two. Last week he drew all over his sisters room with a non washable marker I am still working on getting off curtains, bedspread, bookshelf and I am sure other areas I have yet to discover:(
Lacey says
I love Mr. Clean Erasers too! My daughter has a white pottery barn table. Well, if they even get crayon on it (also pen and other stuff), it doesn’t seem to come off no matter what I scrub with. Those erasers make it so clean. I love using them on my gas store. Stuff always seems to boil over and stick. These are great for this too.
Hey, one of you creative Moms please invent a wonderful gas stovetop that repells anything that hits it! LOL!
Amy ~ The Crimson Beloved says
I think Silas did a great job! I see a heart, a cross, the letter h, the word my. Was a smart young man you have there!
Cynthia G. says
My son also used to “decorate” things for me and we found that Magic Eraser and Hairspray will remove Sharpie off of most anything.
MaCEY wARD says
As a nurse, hairspray takes ink out of whites!
Jess says
So does rubbing alcohol and cold water and you don’t have to deal with the sticky mess!
Julie says
Thank you for the Sharpie advice. I have removed all of the crayon, marker and pencil marks off of our walls, but not the Sharpie. I will try hairspray. It’s good to know that our house isn’t the only one with “artwork” on our walls. 😉
Kristen@TheFrugalGirl says
Yay that it was washable! My Zoe colored all over our new wooden steps and railings with a permanent sharpie when she was about 2 years old.
Not a happy moment.
Leisa says
Been there, done that. My 4 year old decided to measure himself against the freshly painted wall in the family room, and used a black permanent marker to note how tall he was getting, and then add some decorations below the line as well.
Jenae {I Can Teach My Child} says
Dryer sheets take off crayon from walls…this I know.
Carlye says
LOVE IT!! Looks like the murals my 3 year old whips up in a 2 minute window…Just remember keep smiling one day we will miss those because the kiddos will be off to college. 🙂
Savvy Student Shopper! says
That’s for sure! I just started college this year and my mom would do anything to change back time! She misses those cute, younger days!
Lana says
Hmmmm….I have 3 college kids and they can be just as willful as 3 year olds sometimes….just sayin’
Emily says
LOVE my Magic Eraser too. And markers are also well hidden in my house, even the washable ones.
Kelly says
I know what you’re saying. What is in those magnificent ‘magic’ erasers?
Savvy Student Shopper! says
Melamine foam! -Magic!
Lisa says
But look, there’s a heart in there (right in the middle) – he was just letting you know he loves his momma! 🙂
michelle says
have your kids tried the crayola color wonder markers?? my kids think its wonderful to have markers but they only color on the special paper!
Kate says
Be careful with those Color Wonder Markers – they won’t mark on fabric, but they sure will mark on wood. I had to sand and refinish my wooden highchair tray because I didn’t read the fine print on the instructions. 🙁
shelly says
Oh dear! LOVE Magic Erasers at our house too! Have you ever tried off brand erasers? They are much less expensive, but I’m curious to whether they really work.
Becky says
I bought the cheaper ones from Wal-Mart and they work just as well. In fact, I gave one to my sister and she didn’t even know it was the cheaper one until I told her.
Kelly says
The cheaper ones do seem to work as well, but I don’t think they last as long; they start to crumble off more quickly, I think.
I have some microfiber cloths that work almost as well as the magic erasers. I always try those first, since they’re don’t get used up.
The Prudent Homemaker says
I did and they took my paint right off. They also scratched my tub. I haven’t tried the Mr.Clean ones (I used the Target ones) but I think I’m done with these. Naking soda paste takes off crayons, and we have already banned markers 🙂
The Prudent Homemaker says
Baking soda and water to make a paste. Sorry about that!
Kelly, did you just use water on the microfiber cloths?
Kelly says
Yes, a little water, not too much. I do have to say that I haven’t tried it on markers (thankfully!), just washable crayons. And I don’t think it took the paint off at all, though we have a rental with several layers of a kind of lousy paint job, so it wouldn’t be obvious to me if it did 🙂 I love those microfiber cloths though! Don’t get me started on how amazing they are for cleaning the inside of the microwave. It’s like having infinitely reusable magic erasers, and I got 8 of them for $5 in the automotive section of Wal-Mart.
Kayte says
Been there!!!!! Do I see some actual letters in there? 😉
Sandy says
Oh my gosh, I was thinking along the same lines as you. I can see a heart shape!
Nikki E says
that was my first thought….. At least he drew a pretty nice “B”
Bethany R says
I’m thinking I see a nice h with an I drawn inside it .. hI back
Alisha says
I saw a heart. 🙂 Gotta love abstract art!!! 🙂