Guest post by Jami from An Oregon Cottage
An iPad was something I dreamed about having–not only was it cool looking and I’d be able to use it as a reader and the Internet, but I’d be able to take it with me to work on my blog, An Oregon Cottage. However, our budget did not have a extra money in it for this extra “want.”
Luckily, my husband was on board and wanted to find a way to help me purchase an iPad (woot!). So last spring we added an “iPad” column to our budget and started putting any extra money we could come up with into it. We weren’t in a hurry and we didn’t think that we’d be able to order the iPad for probably six months or so, given our budget.
You can imagine how shocked we were when just three months after we created the budget category we were able to order the iPad! How? Here are some of the ways we raised the cash needed:
- Sold some items on Craigslist (a weight bench; old stereo)
- Used Amazon gift cards I bought with Swagbucks (When we learned that Amazon wouldn’t be selling the iPad 2, we bought food items and then transferred the cash from our food budget towards the iPad)
- Scoured the house for anything to sell on eBay–we found mirrors, candlesticks, computer items, yarn, vintage plates, and jewelry
- Used my six-month Google Adsense check since I would be using the iPad for some blogging
Honestly, neither of us could believe how fast we were able to accumulate the cash when we put our minds to it. And you know what? We found it fun and exciting to work towards a goal and watch the total go up. There were lots of high-fives and dancing when we’d see we were getting closer to our goal. We’d plan and talk and dream together.
And when we were able to order it and it came in the mail, we just looked at it for awhile–it’s such a great feeling to reach a goal and know it was ours, free and clear. Was it worth it? Oh yes, I love my iPad! I use it everyday and I’m finding more and more things I can do with it. And my husband? I occasionally let him use it, too.
Jami is a wife, mother, and preschool teacher who blogs at An Oregon Cottage. She loves everything about a cottage, but especially what she calls “the cottage mentality” that puts people above things, celebrates imperfections, embraces simplicity, and finds joy in everyday life.
Find more We Paid Cash stories here. Submit yours for possible publication here.
Crystal @ Coupon Code Ava says
We recently paid cash for a Kindle Fire. I know the feeling! Feels great to now owe money on a product like that!
Maddy Han says
What I really like about this “We Paid Cash” story is that it shows how creative you can be when you want something. Good job! You’ve inspired me to save up for this, too.
Angi @ schneiderpeeps says
Yay, Jami! You’re right it is so fun to set and reach a goal together. My husband and I went out to eat for our 20 yr. anniversary. We were in the middle of buying a house with acreage and were planning out the back yard. The waitress asked how long we’d been “dating”! They were shocked to learn that we’d been married for 20 years. I think that having shared goals brings some excitement to a marriage.
Jami, I loved participating in your Garden Party last year and can’t wait for March to get here to participate again.
Tshanina says
Congratulations Jami! I’m so excited for you. You’re right, reaching a goal is so very fulfilling and rewarding!
K Quinn says
I like this. My husband and I have saved this way and paid cash since we were married eons ago (14 years). Usually we do it to buy gifts for family and friends. One year it was a computer for my mother. A new bed for someone in need. A new coat or something. Our piano was also one item. I have tried to help another friend realize the value in adding up those spare pennies and dimes but it hasn’t clicked yet. She has been wanting an iPad so maybe this post will spark something. Hmmm what else can I save for….
Jenni says
Great story – it’s always amazing to me how quickly cash will add up if you make a plan to set aside extra money as it comes in.
Jessica says
Great story- we had various savings goals (an Ipad among them) and had a garage sale this fall, and sold quite a few items on Craigslist and Ebay. It all adds up!
Snob on a budget says
That’s great. Congrats!
Lisa-Panamom says
YAY—We paid cash is back!! It’s my absolute favorite and it’s back!! Early Merry Christmas to me!!!
(and yay on the ipad!)
Jenn @ The Purposeful Mom says
I’m so glad I found this post! I’ve been thinking about whether I want an iPod or iPad and cost was a factor. I’m encouraged to see that you found a way to pay cash for it without sacrificing other savings goals. Thanks for sharing your story!
Suzanne H says
It is a lot of fun to work together towards a goal. My husband and I worked together to first pay off all our debt except our house and then to pay off our mortgage! It’s funny how many people thought we were crazy along the way and how many people would outright criticize us for finding our journey to freedom from debt fun! We work in the financial industry and have a “money” sort of mindset so maybe we are weird but I don’t think it’s odd to work together as a team towards a common goal! Good for you!
Eileen Ladwig says
I have an ipad as well and the only problem is I have not figured out yet if there is a way to print coupons from it…. Do you know if there is a way????? I have added a printer app but that still doesn’t help when you have to download the stuff from sites like to be able to print them. Let me know if you figure something out so that I can print them from my ipad! Enjoy ~ you will become addicted to yours as I am mine! 🙂
Kimberly says has an app. You can use it to print coupons off of. I have yet to figure out the Bricks coupons though. I hope that helps. 🙂
Sakura says
You may need an eprint enabled printer.