The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money. -Author Unknown
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Leighann says
The sentiment is nice. However, if I lost all my money I would have no way to pay my bills, to get food, to diaper my children, to keep clean clothes on us, to feed our pets. What am I worth if I can’t take care of my family?
Crystal says
There are some things money can’t buy… and there are some things (like a creative, can-do attitude!), which can go really far when there’s little money to work with.
That’s how the quote encouraged me. And it caused me to really think long and hard what I would have left if I didn’t have money. I don’t want my fulfillment and worth to be in my stuff or how much (or little) money I have. I want to make the most of whatever situation I’m in and seek to embrace it and bloom and blossom there.
Joy says
I agree!
Mary T says
I have read this post twice. I am one of those who has lost everything and been without money. I am a single mother/grandmother (I have custody of my 7 year old granddaughter). I took for granted everything in my life… until I had nothing! I had to sell all that we had except two beds and one small TV – literally. In the time I was unemployed and had no income – SOME HOW the things I needed were there for me!!! I say it’s because of GOD! In looking back I can not tell you where the money came from to get by, but it did – in HIS time – not mine. DId I stress over sometimes – YES!! But that’s when I went to bed at night and gave it all over to God – and slept really well too!! It changed my life for the better though. Now that I have a part time job I was able to pull my self up – in between that time though I found my TRUE self and had a better relationship with my kids!! I volunteered as much as my “gas” would allow me – not how much time I had but how much gas I had in the car that week to get around. I made TRUE friends during that time and it taught me what was really important in life. I am glad it happened to me because God lead me down a rough path that He knew I needed. I can’t express enough words how this has been a life changing experience for me. Now I am able to help other people thru this ordeal also – but you have to have FAITH!!! So to answer the question – my WORTH would be my FAITH, MY FAMILY AND MY SELF-ESTEEM!!!!! In that order!! Have a blessed day!!
Joy says
So true! Being a child of God is worth more than ANYTHING money can buy. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills & will ALWAYS supply ALL of our needs. (not just our material needs) Also, having a loving husband & children, & having our health is worth more than money.
Money comes and money goes, but it’s when you are on hard times you figure out who your true friends are.
Tammy says
I agree with you on your quote.Last summer my husband lost his 2nd job within a year.We were just starting to get ahead in bills when the unexpected loss came.The remarks that were said to us were awful.We actually did lose all of our money.No unemployment for 3 months,no savings ,and the last paycheck was $600.00 short because we had to repay the advancement on the move that never happened.
At the end we found that our non church friends were our true friends and family.Biological family treated us like we were the black sheep of the family.
Carla Sorensen says
It is sad when our non-Christian friends are more empathetic and understanding than Christians and our family members! Others have been there, too, you were not alone!
Trisha Clarke says
Tammy, I know what you mean, I’m going through what you’re speaking of, but it’s sometimes a blessing in disguise, because you get to see who is there for you and who really isn’t.
Jenelle says
I’m glad that my worth has nothing to do with money that I have/don’t have or any possession. My worth is not in what I do or in any other person. My worth comes from the fact that I am created in the image of God, his child, bought at a great price. Anything and anyone in my life is a gift to be enjoyed for time I am given.
Charity says
I agree with you completely!! Thank you for putting into words what I would have fumbled around trying to say 🙂
Carla Sorensen says
Love your thoughts! I agree 100%.
Faith says
Wonderful food for thought! Thanks!
Susan says
That quote makes no sense at all.
Sandra Lee says
Seriously? I thought it made total sense. Maybe it’s the way you read it.
Susan says
I guess it’s all in perception, but I didn’t find that quote comforting at all. I’m a single working mom, and when I read that quote the first thing that popped into my mind was that, yes, I’d still have my daughter and my dog but no way to feed them or keep a roof over our heads, a thought is downright scary. I’m a Christian, but prayer alone does not keep food on the table. Everything costs money, and without any, life is very very difficult.
Sandra Lee says
Aww, I’m sorry life is so difficult for you. Being a single mom must be so hard, on so many levels. I’m sure you are greatful for your daughter and dog. And, I agree, thoughts can be terrifying. I have been a stay-at-home daughter for the past 5 years and while I have faced many, many challenges, I am so indescribably greatful for the time I have with my mom. But, I do feel as though I am alone most of the time with all that I am confronted with, as I’m sure you do being a single mom. It brings me great comfort to know I always have the Lord. I will say a prayer for you and your daughter. I hope something wonderful comes into your life today!
Amber says
I agree with you Susan, I think that is exactly what the quote is saying. What skills, education, experience does a person have that would allow them to survive in a world w/out money? Cooking, gardening, sewing, foraging, hunting, building a fire, etc. While I can say that I know how to do most of those things, they don’t come as an easy skill to me!
Holly says
……the measure is indeed how well you have loved and how well you are loved……….
Sandra Lee says
I would still be a child of the Most High God!
Kristen says
My thoughts exactly. If we have Him, we have everything and all that we truly ever need. Everything else is just a want.
Dawn P says
You said it perfectly!
Lana says
Exactly what I was thinking.
mary says
if i lost all my money that would be the darkest day even though it isnt much lol. i would still have my fiancée and my two adorable kids and my small stockpile of free stuff. oh and if this could happen after i make my next and last car payment i would have my car too
lilysy says
Me, too! I would still have my husband and son, my two loves.
Krysten says
If I lost all my money, I’d still have my wonderful husband, whose birthday is today, and my beautiful little boy!