I’ve been hinting around recently that I had some big news to share with you all. Truthfully, this is probably the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me as a blogger and I’ve been bursting at the seams to share this with you all, but I had to wait until a lot of different things were in place before I could make it public. Today, all the behind-the-scenes details are in place and I can finally share my big news with you!
But first, I need to give you some background story…
When Simon & Schuster contacted me out of the blue in late 2010 to offer me a book deal, I was really hesitant about taking it. The thought of being a published author was exciting, but I was scared. Scared of the work involved and the short time frame they were asking for it to be done in. Scared of the strain it might put on my health, my marriage, and our family.
But the biggest reason I was uncomfortable about the whole thing was the money issue. Simon & Schuster offered me a nice first-time author advance and I just didn’t want it. Sure, I could come up with some savings goals we could put it toward, but it just didn’t feel right–especially because we already have more than plenty.
I was washing dishes at the kitchen sink and contemplating and wrestling over what to do one day when it was as if God spoke in a still, small voice to me and said, “Give it all away, Crystal. Take the book deal, but give all your proceeds away.”
Without a doubt, I knew that that’s what I was supposed to do. And not only that, but I knew instinctively that I wanted to give the proceeds to Compassion International, an organization that exists as a Christian child advocacy ministry to some of the poorest of the poor.
For the first time since I’d gotten the book offer, I actually felt really stoked about the whole thing. This project was no longer about me. It was no longer just about writing a book. It was something much bigger–helping to meet the basic needs of those who were impoverished.
And so I accepted the offer and spent the first half of 2011 writing and editing my book, The Money Saving Mom®’s Budget. It was a lot of work, there were days when I wanted to throw in the towel, and I often had to ask the Lord to give me strength and wisdom beyond what I humanly possessed in order to do everything I needed to do to pull off this project.
But through it all, I felt such a sense of peace and purpose. I was excited to think that this book wasn’t just going to impact thousands of lives in America, it would hopefully also directly impact many lives through the money it raised for Compassion. That was such an exhilarating thought and it kept me going even when I was tired and drained.
After I finished the final draft and the manuscript went to the printers, we turned our attention to exploring what God was specifically calling us to do with the proceeds from the book. After discussions with Compassion, we really felt that we were to give the money to the Child Survival Program Fund.
On the phone, they off-handedly remarked that we could actually fund an entire Child Survival Program in one area, if that was something we were interested in. I asked them for more information and, after much thought and prayer, my husband and I knew that this was what we wanted to invest all of the proceeds from The Money Saving Mom®’s Budget into.
We chose a Child Survival Program in the Dominican Republic that was already established and needed a donor. This Child Survival Program offers life-saving health and medical care for over 80 at-risk expectant moms and young moms and over 80 at-risk babies and young children in the Dominican Republic.
It provides healthy deliveries in hospitals or clinics, immunizations, growth monitoring and development for the babies, and education for the mothers on how to care for and feed their children. In addition, one of the facets of the program is equipping mothers with income-generating skills so they can provide for their babies and young children.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support of my book project. Thank you for buying the book and telling others about it.
I’m beyond thrilled to let you all know that–thanks to your amazing support–the money we’ve received from The Money Saving Mom®’s Budget so far was enough to completely fund an entire year of the Child Survival Program in the Dominican Republic. How amazing is it to think that your support of the book is directly helping to impact the lives of over 160 at-risk women and children?
Pictured above are a few of the women in “our” Dominican Republic Child Survival Program. Women and children who have proper nutrition, medical care, and hope, thanks to you.
Our family is committed to supporting “our” Child Survival Program in the DR for as long as it is in existence and we are looking forward to taking a trip to visit there in the not-too-distant future. We’ll take pictures and share with you all about the lives you are impacting! {And I have a feeling we’ll come home forever impacted ourselves, too.}
Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I’m humbled, honored, and overcome with gratitude to be a part of all of this. And it never would have happened if it weren’t for you all. You all mean more to me than I can express. Just thank you.
Postscript: I’ve been planning to share this post today for a number of weeks. Little did I know that one of the women I appreciate most in all the world would also be writing a similar post today. You must go read Ann Voskamp’s post Because Saying Thank You Can Change The World.
Stefanie says
You are welcome!
Stefanie says
Congrats Crystal you deserve it! I recommended the book in my article http://aladora.hubpages.com/hub/saving-money-grocery-shopping. Here is to your immense success!
Crystal says
Thanks so much!
Sarah says
Really all of the money from the book will go to this ?
Or is it a certain amount of the proceeds after expenses?
If I am going to blog about this great give away I would love it if you share this exact answer here on your blog.
I heard that it was proceeds after expenses.
Crystal says
All of the profits that I have earned and will earn (advance, royalties, etc.) are going to this project. I hope that helps!
melissa says
Crystal, you are a true angel.
Betsy says
I was thinking of buying the book because I love your blog…..well now I am rushing to buy the book. I love that the proceeds are going to serve mothers in need. I thank you for listening to God’s call about the book.
Amanda Peterson says
This is amazing, Crystal. Thanks for all that you’re doing. What an inspiration!
Anna says
That is so awesome! Looking at the pictures I was wondering if they were of the Dominican Republic, because that church almost looks familiar. My parents were missionaries in the DR, and I spent my growing up teenage years there. I love the country so much. My husband and I have the goal to celebrate when we are free of school loans to go back and visit.
Compassion really does some great things. Once I was translating for a work team who was putting a roof on a church that partnered with Compassion and was also doing a VBS. The first day the team was mobbed by kids asking “are you the person who helps me go to school?” “Are you my sponsor?” (we were not associated with Compassion, and none of them were sponsoring a child). I’m pretty sure they all went home and sponsored kids after that trip.
Regina @ The Tampa Bay Saver says
How amazing Crystal! Congratulations, can’t wait to get my copy. You are truly inspirational.
Jessica Tillett says
This post literally just brought tears to my eyes Crystal! I think what you have done with donating all of the proceeds from this book to people that really need it is truly wonderful! You are such an inspiration and God has given you such a blessing to be able to help so many people and be able to impact so many lives. I look forward to reading your book and am so happy and excited for you! Thank you for everything you do. God Bless you and your family! 🙂
Rebekah from Simply Rebekah says
Crystal, this is just fantastic. I am so very excited for you!!!!
Ashley says
You and your husband are truly wonderful Christians, may God continue to bless your family as you are blessing many others with your true selflessness and giving!
Tiffany says
Very inspiring Crystal!
Jeff Crews says
Very cool. It is awesome to see how God works in the little things. In the end this life isn’t about us. A package wrapped up in ourselves is a pretty small package.
Yvonne says
So, I have been reading about your upcoming books for weeks now. Didn’t really think I ‘needed’ to purchase it. But when I read this post and saw how you are using the proceeds, I had to purchase a book! What an amazing thing you are doing with Compassion! I pray the proceeds from your book pays for many years for that Child Survival Program!
Kim S. says
Crystal, the following verse comes to mind, “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.”.
1 Timothy 6:18. May God continue to bless your family. Y’all are definitely trusted servants!
Charity says
Thank you so much for sharing this. I know I am going to sound terrible when I say this, but I was beginning to think you were getting greedy by pushing your book so much. Now I know why. I am so sorry for thinking that and I want to ask your forgiveness. Thank you again for sharing.
Emily says
I work with one of the “graduates” of a Compassion Child Survival Program in the Dominican Republic. I can promise you that Compassion made all the difference in this man’s life and he is now doing the same in other people’s lives.
Nicole says
This is so awesome. I got goosebumps as I read this post! I am certain that God is behind it all, and thanks to you Crystal, there are dozens and dozens of moms and kids who are healthy and safe because of your generous giving. Thanks for all your hard work on this project.
Glenda G says
Your post on the Dominican Republic blessings, from your profits of your book just stirred me to crying tears of joy! I pray that salvation will befall upon everyone there.
{darlene} says
Glory! I love this Crystal. He blesses when we answer His call!
Your example inspires me, sweet friend.
heidi says
go crystal and go God!!!!!
Trina says
This is amazing, Crystal! Very humbling. Thank you for the inspiration.
Carrie says
What a very unselfish thing to do! Way to go!
roccsmom says
As being from Dominican descent, to see that you picked a charity where I have a lot of roots really warms my heart! It is such a beautiful country with equally beautiful people, and it really needs our help. Keep up the good work and best wishes!
taciana says
I cried in the bathroom last night b/c I was so convicted by your testimony. How selfish and unfocused I’ve been in my giving and serving. God bless your efforts and example!
Susan (FrugaLouis) says
Hurray! I just left a comment on a different post asking about this…and now I read back further and found my own answer. How exciting! I’m more than pleased to be part of the “team” helping out the ladies and babes in the DR. Yay!
Rebecca says
Absolutely amazing!!! I cannot wait to read your book and read all about “our” Child Survival Program in the Dominican Republic.
christy says
amen, amen, and AMEN!
Courtney says
Awesome and Amazing!
And now the goal of getting your passport is explained.
Emma B. says
You are such a wonderful person and inspiration! I’ve been reading the book and have been excited to share it on my blog this week, but now I’m even more excited to spread the word about your book and the amazing impact it will have on people in need! I’m inspired by your generosity!
Jen says
Thank you for sharing what God’s done in your life & family and inspiring us to be wise stewards so that we can give lavishly!
Caroline@Southern Mom Says says
What awesome news Crystal! That is such a great accomplishment and amazing that you are so kind to do such a wonderful thing to help others. I hope God continues to bless your book and it’s proceeds to further provide assistance to these mothers and children!
megan says
you are truly amazing! congratulations on being published!
Rachael says
so exciting & amazing! God works in crazy & beautiful ways! Good job on all your hard work! this is such a win-win-win situation!! you have gained so much, your readers will gain so much & the mommies & babies in DR will gain SO much!! thanks for sharing! (:
Amy Snell says
Mine just shipped, and I am so thankful, not only about the book itself, but to be participating in the Lord’s work in ways I didn’t even know I was doing. I echo someone else’s comment: To God be the glory!!
Jackie says
You’re amazing and inspiring blogger and writer and glory to God in the highest for your calling and answer in obedience. You will be blessed while you are blessing the lives of others all over the world.
Sarah says
We support a child through Compassion and I thank you so much for donating your proceeds to this worthy cause. God sees your pure heart! Blessings. Sarah
Sarah says
I have been a reader for a couple years now! I love your writing and your ability to make us, the readers, feel like we are talking and exchanging tips with an old friend! With that being said, I have simply fallen off my blog reading over the holidays and I am ashamed to say I missed your official release. Today, with a productive morning behind me, I found the time to return to the site I adore so much and catch up with you and your family! I was oh-so-pleased when the first thing I read was your book banner at the top of the page, then very quickly I read the article with what you intend to do with your proceeds. I could hardly get to the B &N site quick enough to purchase my copy! I am so proud of all that I have watched you accomplish and I value your honesty and humble nature, which is evident across your entire site. I would have purchased the book regardless, it is on my “top 10 books to read of 2012” list, but to know I would help in some small way was a blessing. Thank you for finding ways to allow us to help in small ways!! And thank you for helping me become the working mother I want to be!! You and your family are incredible people! I look forward to seeing what gifts you guys will bring to the world over the next several years!
Louise says
I pre-ordered your book as soon as you announced it was available on Amazon. I have been reading your blog daily for over a year and you have given me inspiration to change myself and my habits. We have several things in common but I can only hope that someday I can be the type of Christian who will let God lead her through such big things. God is soooooo AMAZING!!!
Andrea Fuller says
God gives amazing opportunities to those whom He knows will do amazing things with it. I’m so happy for you! You will reap more blessings back than you can imagine. This may open many doors for you. Enjoy the ride!!
Terri says
This is so wonderful. I can’t wait to get my copy. It is such a warm feeling knowing that I am helping out the children in the Dominican Republic just by purchasing your wonderful book which I had planned to do anyway. It is a win-win!
Melissa says
I have followed your blog for a couple years and have been so thankful for the help in my journey to become more frugal. I was initially planning to wait to buy your book, but after reading this post I am excited to support you in your giving project. I am excited to help this project while learning more about frugality for my family! I am definitely spreading the word about your book.
Susan says
Crystal –
Thank you so much for your example and inspiration. Thank you for talking about how God speaks to you, and how you seek His direction. It is something that I also believe in. It is nice to see someone always putting their belief in God out there for all to see. What an exciting thing to be part of in helping so many people to live a little better. After all isn’t that what our life here is all about, learning to love and help each other.
Thank you!
Andrea says
Compassion has always been close to my heart as well. They are based out of Colorado Springs and being from Southern Colorado I have always followed and supported what they were doing around the world.
What a touching story!!!
Terika says
That is so great! I wanted to thank you for doing this. I took a look at the pictures before I read the article and I knew they had to be in the Dominican Republic. I use to live there and my husband is from there. He has only been here in the US for 3.5 years. We have family and friends there and it is such a wonderful country. The people are so inspirering and wonderful. Thanks again!
Joanne says
Hi Crystal. I read your blog, but I don’t think that I have commented yet. I was so moved by your post. We sponsor a Peruvian child through Compassion International. I wanted to read your book but wasn’t sure about buying it just yet. Your post has made me want to run out and buy the book today and knowing that the proceeds are going to the Child Survival Program in DR with a great organization makes for a feel good purchase. May God continue to bless you and your family. 🙂
Melissa says
Wow, that’s such a wonderful thing to do. I was starting to get offended by how often you’ve promoted this book lately; thinking, “wow, all she cares about is selling her new book and making money”. Now I realize why it’s so important to you and I admire that. Thanks for sharing!
Kayla Herrera says
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to bless others. I know this book with be a blessing to me and my family as well. I am so excited to get my copy after reading the first several pages on amazon. 🙂
Rebekah {honeyandcheese} says
This is so awesome, Crystal. Thank you for letting God use you like this.
Lynn Oyama says
Incredible Crystal! What a blessing this is to so many. I have ordered your book and am anxious to get it. I’m glad to know it is going to such a wonderful cause!
Kate says
Crystal, I think what makes this website so good is that you listen to the Lords leading, and this is no exception.
Stephanie says
I am so humbled from reading this post. God is so good! Thank you for sharing, you definately have inspired me.
Andrea says
Good for you! I just shared your post with my husband, who is doing something similar with his second book that is due to come out this year.
Diane says
Wonderful! Thank you for listening to God’s voice and letting Him use you in this way although it was much work for you and your family.
Jennifer Humiston says
I had put your book on my 2012 reading list. But, I was in a pickle. We committed to not buy anything “new” in 2012 in order to give more. So, I was thinking I’d have to wait to borrow it. But, when I found out where the money was going I knew I could go ahead and purchase it. WOW!! God is using you in a powerful way.
Debra says
Nicci says
Congratulations on your book release~I can’t wait to get it. Thank you for answering God’s call for your life and for leading by example! The lives you are touching each day are too numerous to count. You are truly an inspiration to us all!
God Bless!
Allison Pratt says
When I saw the first picture in this post I thought, “I hope that is the DR,” and sure enough… I am so excited that this is the country that God led you to support. The Dominican Republic holds a very dear place in my heart. Almost two years ago I went on a mission trip there. It was only for a week but it changed my life. It was there that I surrendered to the calling to a life of missions and ministry. It was also there that my now husband fell in love with me. 🙂 We had been friends for such a long time (and I loved him the whole time) and on that trip, he realized he wanted to pursue me for marriage. It was a beautiful week of providence and I will never forget the people there. I will always have love in my heart for the Dominican. We saw a baptism in a park that was once a dictator’s recreation area (that’s beautiful redemption!); we prayer walked and evangelized on a campus that we later realized held a student aresonal; we loved on sweet children in the ghettos. I was wonderful.
I must be honest with you. I was not planning to purchase your book. Not because it doesn’t look extremely helpful, but because we are trying to be very tight with our budget. However, after learning where the money has gone, I would be delighted to be a part of such a wonderful and selfless act.
Thank you Crystal. This is incredibly moving. I pray that the children touched in the DR through Compassion Internation will understand the Gospel and will come to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. And I pray that when you enter into glory, you will get to meet all the hundreds, maybe thousands, of souls that were touched by your decision to give it all away. You gave up temporal money and gained enternal rewards. Soli Deo Gloria.
SillySimple says
It was a deary day over here in the SillySimple household until I read this post. Thanks for brightening my day, being a strong example and most of all for your generosity.
Desiree says
How exciting to make such a difference in the world. I read your blog all the time and I am not a religious person but a very spiritual person. Your spirit is amazing, inspiring, and I am glad that you found an outlet to share your gift (and hard work)! I think I am going to make a donation to your cause -especially since I did not buy your book – I am a firm believer in using the library as a place to read and then pass things on – but I will encourage others to read your book and let them know about how buying the book helps them out and an amazing cause. Great JOB!!!!!
Debbie says
Awwww! What a wonderful oppurtunity. Your actions touched my heart and inspired me!
ranee says
thank you for your blog, your book, and for your generosity. what a great story!
Belinda says
Amazing! This is such a wonderful, inspiring endeavor! I am really excited to get my book!
Maria says
It’s amazing what the Lord can do through us when our hearts are willing to surrender.
Carolynn @ mylittlebitoflife.com says
Congrats on your book coming out TODAY!! 🙂 I bet it’s overwhelming to think of how many lives God is using you to help change for the better. You are a wonderful example to us all!
Crystal says
Thank you so much, friend!
Jolanthe says
Woohoo!! That just makes my heart so happy to hear. Thank you for being obedient to what God called you to do! 🙂
Mandi says
Congratulations, Crystal! So excited for you, and I know you’ve been working hard in anticipation of today!
I absolutely love the people of the Dominican Republic — I’ve been there twice and we have good family friends from the D.R. — and seeing this literally made me cry. What an incredible blessing for the women and children in that area!
Thanks for being an inspiration!
MaryEllen says
Those houses look so much like the houses where we took a missions trip to Mexico a few years ago. The missionary told us that those people do not have to be living in those conditions, but rather bring it upon themselves. Their money is wasted on a sinful lifestyle. The only thing that will change their situation is to know Jesus Christ and have a transformed life. Granted, they will still most likely be poor, but a spiritual change will automatically affect their physical realm. I pray that along with the meeting of the physical needs of those dear people in the Dominican Republic will come the greater meeting of their spiritual needs. I hope that many of those people who you’ve helped financially you will see in heaven one day!
Kim says
Thank you.
Ashley @ the BWF says
What a beautiful and inspiring story! My family is a big Compassion supporter too. We have four sweet sponsored children and while we are supposed to be helping to change their lives (with our money, letters, etc), I truly feel like they have changed us so much more. God is so good.
Lizzy says
Crystal, I was already a daily-reading fan, hooked on your great ideas and wisdom. But when you first told us about this, about giving all your proceeds to Compassion, I became your life long cheerleader. So thankful for your heart, your ministry, your obedience to Him. Praying blessings on you for your faithfulness!
Darlene says
Just awesome. God is so good!
Carrie @ Busy Nothings says
Congratulations on the official release of your book! I’m thrilled for you and even more blessed and challenged by your willingness to give it all away to those who have so much less than all of us. After marrying an M.K. who grew up seeing the poverty in Peru, and spending almost 5 years living overseas as a couple, I will never, ever again think of ourselves as “poor”. We are blessed beyond measure and we are to be the channels that God can use to bless others. Thanks for the encouragement, congratulations on the book, and blessings for the future as you move forward with your Compassion Project! May you be a shining light for Jesus wherever He takes you!
Emily Hunter says
Reading this just warms my heart. Thank you for sharing, Crystal. 🙂
Tami says
yea!!!! love, love, love that we have a God who speaks!!!!!! (if any of you reading are wondering about this, I’m sure that Crystal would love to tell you about how you can have a real relationship with God–write to her!)
Erin Collard says
Crystal, I don’t think you know how much you’ve inspired the rest of us today. Your joy and your excitement in sharing the news about your project in the DR gave me such a thrill–I can’t imagine a more perfect place for your donations. You’ve definitely inspired me to work torward a similar goal. God bless you, your family, and those beautiful mothers and children. You’re amazing~
Stephanie's Mommy Brain says
We love Compassion!! We sponsor 3 kids in Uganda and will add a fourth sponsored child sometime this year. (We sponsor a child for each of our own children.) I can’t think of a more worthy organization to receive your donation!
Julie @ Frugal Shopping With Julie says
This is beautiful…. thank you for giving back.
Erin says
You are an inspiration Crystal! Thank you for sharing this.
Kate @ Chic on a Shoestring Decorating says
Wow! That is truly amazing!! God bless you for your generosity.
Carrie Bennett says
Such a neat blessing…God using us to bless others. Thanks for being a blessing and example and help!
Christa says
There are so many people who talk the talk, but never walk the walk and so many people who say they will do things and help people if God blesses them with wealth, but when the gifts come their way – the don’t honor their promises or only share a portion of their blessings. What a legitamate example of truly self-less giving. You are such an amazing and inspiring person. May God continue to bless your endeavors.
Patti says
Crystal, this verse came to my mind when I read this blog post.
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!'”Matthew 25:21
I believe God has blessed you to be a blessing to others and because you have been faithful to do that, He will give you more and more opportunities to continue.
God’s richest blessing are on you because of your faithfulness. What a wonderful, yet humble example you are setting for so many women.
Thank you.
Stacy says
You are amazing for listening to God’s call. What an INCREDIBLE way to give back! I’m praying that this outreach continues to save and change the lives of many. God bless you!
Heather M. says
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us! What a blessing! I LOVE it when God orchestrates events for His glory. Thank you for your obedience to His will. Thank you for your courage and willingness to tell others the importance of our Savior in your life! Our world needs more people like you and your husband who live(“radical”) to serve Him and give to those who are in need. I am a daily(several times a day) reader of your blog. In telling my husband this story he said, it makes me want to buy the book just so we can support this cause! After posting this I’m going to do just that.
jessica says
You are amazing.
Crystal says
This is so amazing! God is so good! Thank you for sharing your story. What a great impact the center will have for the kingdom!!
Tyler Reavis says
Congratulations, & may God richly bless you for all that you do!
Just got the email today saying that your book shipped…so excited about reading it!
Amy Pickett says
Praise the Lord! What a blessing, and great example to us all!
christy says
WOW – You are already such a blessing to so many with your blog. But this is just amazing. God bless you!
Kristan says
this brought tears to my eyes too. i feel like you are one of the very few Christian mommy bloggers who practices what she preaches, and i really appreciate it, and appreciate you! we are expecting a significant increase in finances this year, and i feel the same way – that we don’t need or want the money – your post inspires me to think in new ways about what we can do with our monetary blessings. thank you.
Alli says
I took my first mission trip this past Spring Break to the DR & will be going back in a couple of months. After seeing, fist hand, what the country is truly like, I give you a standing ovation for what you are doing. You Rock!!!
Wendy says
That is so awesome!!! God blesses us when we bless others so we can in turn bless more! We sponsor a child thru Compassion so this is near to my heart. So great!!
brandy says
I am in tears…. I have been following your site off and on for a couple years now. I have to say that when this book came along I almost thought geez, everything is about the book. She’s probably going to make a ton of money off it and blah blah blah. I can now see why you were super excited about it. I’m not sure I could have kept all that to myself for so long. You are trully a great person!!!
Becky says
Great job! I just preordered your book and am looking forward to reading it!
Carrie says
So proud of you! I cried when I read this post. Beautiful!
Only YOU would think, “I don’t want that book advance.” LOL. I don’t know if I could ever succeed in being that content.
brandy says
I agree with that!!!! Takes a special person
Karen says
I have to honestly say I think you and your family are amazing and very special people.
At the risk of sounding like an awful person I just want you to know that I would not have done what you and your family have done.
I know I am not an awful person but I just want you to know that where I may have kept for myself before, your story may now inspire me to give instead.
SamanthaR says
That is so neat! What a great thing to do with what God has blessed you with!
Kim says
Our God is so amazing. Praise the Lord that His Name is being proclaimed because of your service in that very powerful Name! I am overwhelmed at His goodness!
Toni :O) says
What FANTASTIC news Crystal!! Yay!!!! I have your book on order and I cannot WAIT to read it!!! I’m so excited for you and for all of those lives we’re impacting…what a terrific gift that will have a lifetime of impact! Woot Woot!!!
Becky @ Just the other day... says
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” – Jim Elliot. Your sacrifice is such an inspiration! I praise God for people like you!!!
Kimberly says
Crystal, your blog (and now your book) is such an inspiration to so many. Not just for frugality but more importantly for the light you shine so brightly serving as such a wonderful example for us all.
When you said, “it just didn’t feel right–especially because we already have more than plenty”, I was reminded of how much we have without even realizing what it is worth. In a country with access to anything we could ever dream of, it is so easy to take the little things for granted.
Thank you for all your blood, sweat, and tears. May you, your family and all you encounter have many more blessings!
Lizzie says
Melissa says
Crystal, I love reading your post. It’s awesome what you are doing with the proceeds of your book. God bless!
Sarah says
God is good…all the time.
Cheri says
You are so inspiring! Thank you for sharing all that you do with the world!!!!!
Chelsea says
Well done. 🙂
It makes my heart happy to see glory given to God. It’s truly wonderful to know His name is being spread among nations that have even less than the poorest people of ours. Praise be to God!
KATIE says
You absolutely amaze me Crystal. You are such a genuine person with such a huge heart. Congratulations for what you have accomplished, you are changing lives, not just in the DR but everyday on your blog.
Janet says
Crystal, God will bless you many times fold for reaching out to others and being the hands and feet of Jesus. You are an inspiration to me to look for ways to bless others instead of to obtain more.
Erica says
Wow! This is so cool! I’m do thankful for your blog and now tons of children will be too! This is one of the coolest things I’ve seen anyone do!
Erica @ http://www.confessionsofahomeschooler.com
Chrystal @ Sea of Savings says
Wow!!! What an awesome sacrifice to give to those who need what we take for granted. Thank you for all you do 🙂
Kris says
I was enjoying reading your post thinking….oh what a neat thing to do.
THEN when I read it was in the DR I was thrilled! I spent my entire childhood growing up in the Dominican. My dad worked for GTE and was transferred to work in the DR for Codetel (which GTE owned). We lived there for a long time and truly absorbed the culture. We say the struggles day in and day out through our interactions and realtionships with the locals. This is so hidden from what many see when they vacation there.
What a neat thing you are doing!
CJ says
Well done Crystal! I am sure you will have many more exciting opportunities in your future to expand what you do (which you do well) and be able to help out others, just as you do daily with this very website. Keep up the great work! 🙂
Oh, Crystal! I love you, and God bless you and your works!
kristin says
How wonderful!
Elisha says
Wow Crystal! This is such an amazing example of God’s goodness & your faith! I’m honored to have followed your blog from the beginning and to have watched you grow and share your life and watch God work in your family’s life. You are truly a Proverbs 31 woman and an inspiration to so many. I can’t wait to hear the blessings that are going to come from your visit to see the program in action. I will be praying for your family and this program!
Tina says
You’re are such an inspiration! So happy for you.
silly eagle books says
That is awesome! My husband works for compassion, so this is a ministry that is close to my heart. He is always visiting child survival projects and we know how much this helps these children. Thank you for your generosity.
Audrey @ Mom Drop Box says
This is really inspiring. Thanks & congratulations Crystal.
PJ says
I literally have tears in my eyes. Wow! May the Lord open up all of our hearts and minds to a big work He has for us to do. After I read your book I will be blogging about it and encouraging others to go buy it. I mean, how could they not? May God bless you and your family~!
Amber L says
That is just awesome Crystal! This especially touches my heart as my nieces husband & family are from the DR and have grown up in poverty! God is great!
Gina H says
You and your faith in God is such an inspiration! I know that God is slowly leading me on my blog, It’s taking me longer because I’ve let things cloud my vision. I hope one day he’ll lead me to do something similar!
Katy @ Experiencedbadmom.blogspot.com says
How wonderful! And amazing! Thanks for sharing and showing us how God can use us!
SugarFreeMom says
What a blessing to be able to financial help SO many! I think what youa re doing and have decided to do with those proceeds is amazing and inspirational and you were definitley following after God to come to such a wonderful decision. Awesome!
Beth says
AWESOME! What an amazing way to use the gifts our Heavenly Father has blessed you with, Crystal. To God be the Glory!
Natalie @ A Turtle's Life for Me says
So beautiful of you! One of my favorite verses has always been “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.” Acts 4:32
You epitomize this. Thank you.
Stephanie says
Crystal, this is truly AWESOME! Your story is a prime example for why I started my “Pick Me Up” blog. I’m just an amateur blogger, but it’s something the Lord put into my heart via much prayer to learn and develop over time. I know it is the will of God that we are blessed to be a blessing. I appreciate the way you have allowed the Lord to use your life and means to bless others. I am also encouraged to keep making steps of faith as directed by the Lord, because his vision for us is always bigger than what we see. I praise God for you and with you!
Teresa Hill says
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19-21
This is exactly what this scripture means!
Praise the Lord!
Jodi says
Crystal… your post left me in tears and full of goosebumps! What a beautiful thing you are doing with your blessings. You are such an amazing role model for your children and all of us who follow you on your adventures. Thank you so much for taking us along on this trip with you! I look forward to hearing more about “your” program and what is being accomplished over the coming year.
Ashley L. says
That’s wonderful! You’re an amazing woman, Crystal!
Nicole says
This is amazing, and I love how God works. The first bible study I wrote, i felt God nudging me to give him my “firstfruits”…and donated all the proceeds to International Justice Mission. How that expanded my heart and call to write! This time around, I’m donating a percentage of my proceeds for my first book to Midwives for Haiti, an amazing organization started by my own midwife. Isn’t God good to give us work for our hands and then allow us to give abundantly?
Stephanie says
Crystal, I have tears streaming down my face…..I am so thankful that God has chosen to bless you so that you can be a blessing. He knew exactly what He was doing when he gifted you with all the things you needed to become a successful blogger. You giving Him all the glory is so precious, I am just overwhelmed with joy. I am so happy you have been able to be used mightily by God, and that you listened to His voice. Amazing. I’ve always respected and admired you, but you just took the cake on this one!!!
Hannah says
Thank you for the way you have allowed God to use your family to bless so many others. You have been a true encouragement and inspiration to me. To Him be all the glory!
Christina says
You give me chills.
Meredith Phillips says
WOW! What an amazing commitment you and your husband made before the Lord. He is so faithful. I’m sure He will use your generosity to bless others beyond what you will ever know.
Audy says
Sam says
Wow, Crystal! I’m actually Dominican myself. I’ve never been to DR but I still have a lot of family there. This is really inspiring. Thank you for all your effort! I know it is much appreciated.
Brianna says
Praise God!
Misty says
What a blessing!!
raysmama says
I was on the fence about ordering the book. This just pushed me over the edge. I am totally ordering several to give to friends since this is such a great cause. God bless you and your generosity!
Megan says
This is really terrific! It was so touching to read your post and to see how your work is helping mothers and babies in another part of the world. Can’t wait to read about your trip to the Dominican Republic!
Debbie says
You are amazing!! What a wonderful thing to do!!
Sharon says
Kim says
What an AMAZING God we serve! Just when we begin to think we have seen His glory, we realize that we have caught only a mere glimpse. Praying for you & your family! Thank you for listening to God’s direction & guidance!
coupon woman says
You continue to amaze and inspire and humble me! Congratulations on the book and the wonderful things you are doing because of it’s success!
Leslie says
God is great. Thank you for sharing your wonderfully inspirational story!
Marisa says
You are an inspiration! Thank you!
tamara says
This story touched my heart.Bless you for being a blessing!
Jessica @ Running To Be Skinny says
Thank you for inspiring me and for being a woman of God rather than a woman of the world. I can’t wait to read it, just preordered it. 🙂
HokieKate says
May God bless you, your family, and all those that you are helping.
Kris says
Thank you Crystal for sharing with all of us how God is working through your family. You have blessed me with your blog and also your giving spirit. I really don’t know why we are surprised when we hear how God works if we are open to His leading. Such a huge blessing that he allows each of us to join Him in His work!!!!
Susan says
That is so great, Crystal. So glad that you shared this news with us.
Terri S says
What a blessing your family is to so many here in the states and now through Compassion. I read Ann’s post first today, and have to praise God for how he is at work through the two of you! He is an amazing God to provide for so many! May you continue to be able to help others as freely as you do now.
Terri S in Wisconsin
Nancy says
Thanks be to God!! What an amazing story! I’ve been away from this site for awhile and did not know about your book. God is so good!! THANK YOU for listening to the call! And what a beautiful cause you have selected to generously donate to…life!
Jessica @ This Blessed Life says
I feel like cheering right now!
Laurie @Passionate Penny Pincher says
I’m beyond thrilled for you and the women that you’re helping in the Dominican Republic, and know that the (jillions!) of hours you’ve spent on MSM must feel so incredibly worth it right now. So very touched by your ministry and encouraement to all of us bloggers, and love that the fruit of your labor is so richly reward. Love this and you totally brought tears to my eyes.
And by the way, I’m finishing up my review of your book and it’s fantastic ~ so many great ideas and tips that were such a good reminder even for this penny pincher of quite a few years. 🙂
Sia Hills says
This is fantastic! As someone who has both A) spent time in missions work in the DR, B) has worked for a humanitarian org similar to Compassion and C) is a blogger, I am inspired, excited and encouraged on to read how about the difference you are making. I am familiar with alot of the behind the scenes work that goes on to support such a program, and am so excited for Money Saving Mom, and those in the DR that benefit from these efforts. Keep up the good work. My pastor always says “God gives to those that He can get it through” (to help others). Hats off 🙂
Sandra @ The Sensible Mom says
Praise the Lord! That’s wonderful news, Crystal!
Rebekah says
How amazing, Crystal! Praising the Lord with you for using this book to bless so many. Praying that He continues to bless through it, through you and through Compassion.
Heather says
Crystal you amaze me with all that you accomplish. I strive to be a blessing to others like you.
Roxanne says
What an awesome blessing you are! I haven’t purchased the book yet but I will very soon. I’ve been so inspired your blog. As a young woman, I’ve learned so much from your blog in such a short period of time and can’t wait to obtain half as much wisdom and grace as you have. I’m so blessed by your ministry!!!
Liz M says
Love, love, LOVE this!!
Sandy says
This is incredible-Thank you so much for doing this. I’m going to go and buy your book to support this project.
Ann says
Only God!
Jeri E. says
Wow, what an uplifting end to my day. God is so good, he uses us in the most amazing way. He has given you a wonderful gift that will make a REAL difference in those kids life…..and yours. 🙂
Mandy says
So very amazing, Crystal! The DR has always had such a special place in my heart, so this really makes me smile! Praise the Lord for His blessings to you, and for your willingness to pass them on!!
Lisa says
You are a true inspiration, Crystal! Thank you for everything that you do!
Melissa B says
That is really neat. Thanks for sharing.
Stephanie says
I have enjoyed your blog for a long time but this is by far the best posting! You are exhibiting a great example of paying it forward! What better way to share the love of Christ! Praise God for His working in your life and for blessing these sweet women and babies! Rock on sister!
Megan @ Newly Wife says
Wow. That is so amazing. What a generous heart you (and your family) have. Such an inspiration. And so wonderful that you are helping so many moms and babies. 🙂
Krysti says
This pleases me more than I can tell you. My husband is dominican and this is a tiny impoverished country that tends to be overlooked. I am absolutely thrilled that this is the area God laid on your heart to support.
Patricia says
Was blessed to read this today! You are an inspiration/1
Julie@gosimplysavvy says
I am touched, inspired, and feel your emotion and excitement through your words. Congratulations, but most of all God bless you for giving generously and following this dream. Your book is wonderful, but it is really really wonderful that it helps people in so many ways. We all want to make an impact, sometimes we just don’t know how it will manifest itself. Big hug. Keep doing what you do.
Debbie says
Your compassion and dedication to serve the needy really touched me! If you ever need someone to accompany you, if you ever visit the Dominican Republic, I would love to volunteer for that. I grew up in the island next to the Dominican Republic (to the right) and I can speak, read and write Spanish fluently. I’m actually a Spanish teacher!
Dawn Camp says
Thank you for sharing this. What a wonderful, meaningful thing it is!
Brenda Douglas says
This is one of the blessings from living life with little or no debt.
It must be so awesome.
Brooke Soderholm says
What an amazingly generous thing you have done! How exciting to see God’s hand working through women who follow Him. Your decision will bless thousands of lives!
Janell Poulette says
That is very cool! We are missionaries in Mexico City so I have seen similar conditions that the children in the DR face. It’s so wonderful you could help them out so much!
June says
That is so awesome. God is amazing.
Tshanina says
Oh how this brings tears to my eyes. After all, this is what life’s all about!
MrsD05 says
Can’t type through the tears. God is good & I love you & Compassion.
koralyn says
So excited to hear you were led to give it all away! Way to go!
Amanda says
I am just giddy over this news! I can’t stop smiling! Praise God!
Jennifer says
Wow, Crystal! I read Ann’s post earlier today without knowing that you would be writing a similar one. Your post moved me, to tears. (Especially as I had just been researching international adoptions in the DR right before reading your post. God works in amazing ways.)
What a precious gift that you have been able to give those individuals. Thank you!
Abby says
That is amazing! This is exactly what God wants his people to do, be the voice for those who cannot speak, the ears for those who do not hear! Its all about giving back and the Lord will provide you with double…stay blessed!!!
Kathy in Illinois says
What a kind and loving person you are, Crystal. God bless you for your generosity and compassion for those in need.
God bless, Kathy in Illinois
Amber @ SiMoneySavers says
I am in tears! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Debbie says
What a wonderful gift that you have given for the glory of God! We sponser a child through Compassion International. She was 5 when we met her (through sponsership) and she is now 15. A great organization. May the Lord continue to bless you.
Keila McKnight says
May God bless you and your family for your selflessness. This story brought tears to my eyes and my heart full of joy for all that you are providing to these beautiful people. You are such an amazing role model and I am so thankful for your blog, your influence and your generous spirit. Thank you for being you! Can’t wait to get a copy of your book, it means that much more now that I have read this post.
Melissa says
This has been such an amazing opportunity for you and for you to make the choice to donate all the proceeds to such a worthy charity says so much about what an incredible, giving person you are. Thank you for being such an inspiration to others. You are truly one of a kind.
Kelli Underhill says
I am touched at what you are doing. God bless you, your family and your book.
Katy says
This is really awesome. I am hoping to be able to win a copy of your book through some of the contests out there since at the end of the week we’re giving up my income so I can be a SAHM. However, if I don’t win a copy, I will be happy to purchase one knowing that the proceeds are going to such a worthy cause. I’ve only recently started following your blog and I’m looking forward to learning a lot from you. Thank you for what you do!
Natalie @ A Turtle's Life for Me says
Katy, if you email me with your address, I will send you a copy of her book! I’m back at work after 9 years of being a SAHM so I know what extra “challenges” that can add to a family (especially in the beginning!). Honestly, send me your address and I’ll be more than happy to send you a copy!!
debi says
You could have decided to take some of that money and personally visit these places but it’s so awesome that you are giving this all to people on the ground, who will likely be able to make a greater impact with it, than your visit. God is awesome! So proud of what He is doing in you and completely supporting you all the way. This is what draws be repeatedly to your blog. Love love it!
Kim N. says
I think it’s so amazing how God has used you and your blog to minister and bless moms. You are such an inspiration and I’m so happy to have done my little part in purchasing a book! Compassion is such a wonderful organization. Praying that God will continue to bless your efforts!
DonnaJ says
That is awesome! The Lord can really use us if we just submit and let Him! Praising the Lord for your listening ears and blessing the lives of those women & children whom you will probably never meet this side of eternity!
cat says
You are such an inspiration. Great job.
Michelle @ Willing Cook says
Amazing Grace abounding!
Ashley says
I am amazed! I don’t know if I could be that selfless. Thank you for being a wonderful example…
Tracy says
This is totally awesome!!! What a blessing!
Shannon says
Crystal, you amaze and inspire me! Lives are being changed, and what a joy that you get to participate in that wonderful journey this way. Much love to you.
Angi @ schneiderpeeps says
I’m in awe of what God can do! What an amazing gift not only to the people of DR but also to your children. For them to see their parents say, ” We have plenty. How can we bless others?” is a life lesson they will always remember.
amy says
I think you did a fantastic thing! Can I ask why you decided to help the children in another country and not this one? I am not trying to be snarky at all, just truly curious.
Savvy Spending says
So wonderful and inspiring! Good for you for following the voice of God and doing something that most people would NEVER do- give away money you worked so hard to rightfully earn! Your are changing lives- possibly for eternity– by working with Compassion. We love that organization too! 🙂
Siobhan @moneydearest says
You are a much better person than me. 🙂 That is so selfless to give up all of that money to help others you have never met. I’m sure going there and meeting them will make this even more worth it. They are lucky to have someone like you caring about them so much.
Linda @ Linda's Lunacy says
Kathleen says
Kristi Graham says
You are an absolute angel here on earth, working with god to make our world better…Thank you for being so wonderful! We need many more people like you in this world and it would be a much better place but thanks to you, perhaps people will take hede and pay it forward as you are. One step at a time…GOD BLESS YOU TEN TIMES FOLD!
Rachael Waller says
You are a true inspiration. Thank you for everything you do. Your blog has been life changing for me, and I’m excited to see how you are continually changing lives.
Lorrel Smith says
Wow! What an amazingly selfless thing to do! Thank you for the reminder that we have enough (and sometimes more than enough) here at home while there are others who struggle to give their children enogh to eat. God bless the good work you’ve done!!
Mandy W. says
AMAZING! Simply amazing!
Katrina says
I am SO excited for you and thrilled that God is using you so mightily. Isn’t it amazing when God allows us to share in giving? I can wait to share this with my followers who will be so inspired to hear this story from such a “big name” blogger. (LOVED learning from you at Relevant!)
Daisha says
That is truly amazing Crystal! I am so excited that the Spirit prompted you to give all your proceeds to this group and that you happily followed that guidance from Heavenly Father. You are one special woman!
The Dominican Republic is near and dear to mine and my husband’s hearts. My husband lived there for 2 years while serving a mission for our church and has a deep and sincere love for those people. We recently took a trip down to the Dominican Republic and were able to visit many of his friends from down there. They are a special, humble and happy people. They really have so little and are so so poor. I am thankful for your gift to them!
Christin @ Joyful Mothering says
Wow wow!! Did you and Ann Voskamp plan to write these posts on the same day?! Seriously!! Your posts are an answer to prayer and confirmation for my husband and I!!!
Oh my goodness. Like you, we can’t fully share anything yet because we still don’t know everything yet. But. Wow. I am shocked at the timing of these posts.
And SO EXCITED to see what you’re doing!! I still have yet to buy the book but I’ll get it, promise!!! Woot!
Crystal says
No, how crazy is it that we both posted them on the same day? Such a God thing!
Thank you for your kind encouragement–and trusting God to pour out His blessings and grace upon you as you follow His leading in your lives.
Heather says
Absolutely wonderful! Crystal, the same thing happened to me (on a much smaller scale) when I received my very first paycheck for my blog last month. The thought just popped in my mind to give it away. I decided to give it to my son’s teacher who was going to Peru to help the street children for 2 weeks. I wrote over the entire amount to her $152.73. When she opened it, she began to shake, saying that was exactly the amount of money she was short for the trip. I am normally not a religious person, but I do feel that something greater than me was a work that day. Cheers to you and your good works!
Rachel says
That is beyone AWESOME!!!
Melissa says
This accomplishment must be beyond words for you. I long for and strive to do the very same thing, and to know that you’re doing double duty in helping moms like us save money and have a plausable retirement, and also helping needy families around the world…ones you’ll be able to MEET someday…what an incredible feeling. God is using you!!!! I visited the Kibera slum in Kenya in the summer of 2010 and my passion is to help them through our missions organization that works there in a very significant way. I’m still praying about what that is, and knowing that you DID it makes it more real to me that I can DO it too. Thanks for showing us that dreams really do come true.
Country Wife says
Amazing work, and congrats.
Shannon says
Thank you for sharing this, that brought tears to my eyes. I just started couponing and have been thinking about how I may be able to make an impact somewhere to give back. What an amazing thing you have done and continue to do! Thanks
Donna C says
Congratulations! This is wonderful. And to think that the money, which some families could go through in one year for themselves, will supporting 160 people! You are an inspiration of what a true biblical woman looks like. Thank you, Crystal!
Julie J says
This is really awesome and inspiring news.
Carla says
Shanna Crum says
That’s awesome! Here’s a verse for ya! Congrats again!
Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.
~ Ephesians 3:20, NLT
Crystal says
Bobbie-Jo says
Amen x 2. God is (beyond words). What a great testimony 😀 Ok NOW for sure I’ll buy a book…….or two….:)
Lynn says
Praise the Lord! Grateful to have played a small part in this by buying your book. So encouraged by your generous heart and willingness to obey the Lord!
Allie says
WOW!! What a tremendous honor and blessing this must be in your life. I must admit I cried reading your blog. I have been to the Dominican Republic and worked with women who will benefit from your generosity, and I must admit I always come away more blessed than the time before. May God continue to bless and grow your profits so that his people are reached through your offering. God bless you and your family.
kim says
Ok, I’m actually crying. I’m so happy that I preordered the book. I feel like I helped. I think I may just have to make a bigger donation to Compassion too.
Penny T. says
So inspiring… the world needs many more people like you, Crystal. I won a trip to the Dominican Republic once for my husband and I. I had no idea what to expect and no time to do any research… I wish I had. It’s a very poor country and I wish I had brought clothes, etc. to give away to the residents. The program you chose sounds wonderful! I love your blog and I love you, as a person, because you have such a wonderful heart and morals. What a wonderful journey you have started…
Jody says
Absolutely awesome! Heading over to buy more copies of the book to give to friends. Thank you for letting us be a part of this amazing project. I have a son who is medically fragile and survived birth by the grace of God and the medical care I had access to. I often think of women in the same situation who don’t have the same access. I love that you have chosen this arena to support.
Aley says
I am so happy for you that is amazing!! I can’t wait to get my book and read it, even now more than before!
Stacie says
What an opportunity to use the resources you’ve been blessed with…and push them into eternity! Tears came to my eyes as I thought of all those sweet women and babies’ physical, emotional, and spiritual needs being met….amazing!!
Holly says
Crystal, that is just amazing! What a blessing you are to so many through your blog, and now through this book as well! Now through your sacrifice to share & write, your readers benefit from what we learn and the Child Survival Program benefits from your readers and your generousity. A win-win situation all around! Thanks for being a blessing!
Adair says
Well done!!!!! Many will be blessed!
Dawn says
That is the coolest thing…ever! What an amazing illustration of the body of Christ doing kingdom works. Thank you using your talents to be such an amazing blessing to others and for being such a great example of good Christian stewardship.
Barb Sandage says
You are definitely as very special person. It is sad that there are not more people in the world like you! I am sure you have a special place in heavin awaiting you there.
Chasity says
Amazing!!!!!! Tears of joy here for you!!!!!
Erin says
This is so amazing and exciting! I know that those women and children will be so blessed by what God is providing for them through your family. I pray that you and your family will be so blessed in return for your generosity.
lori thomas says
That’s awesome! Congratulations 🙂
Lynn says
Oh, I am jumping up and down and screaming with excitement over this (well, just inside since I’m in an office). Our church just did a presentation on this program and it has become a cause very close to my own heart. I am so pleased to hear how God has used you and your family to fund this wonderful expression of love for mothers and babies. Halleluiah and praise Him!
Martha says
Wow, how exciting! I have sponsored a boy in Haiti through Compassion International for the last 12 years. So happy you are doing this
Brittany M. says
This truly brought tears to my eyes!! What an amazing gift to you, to them, and to us, your readers to watch this amazing journey! It’s amazing how God works, isn’t it? What started off as something you were questioning turned into a way to help SO MANY people. Thank you. 🙂
Stephanie says
Crystal-That is amazing! Praise God that all of your hard work paid off and bless you for being so generous! We love Compassion and the child survival program. What a great way to share your “extra” earnings. Thanks for all you do; thanks for your inspiration and your example! Stephanie
Lacie says
What a great blessing for you, your family and the clinic in DR. I would love to give you some support by ordering your book.
Cindy Kluger says
Funny you post this. My whole life I have lived comfortably but have been uncomfortable with the idea of having too much. I realized recently that the only way I wouldn’t be is if I were using my money to better life as we know (for people, animals, the environment, etc.) it in some way. It was upon making that realization I suddenly became less paralyzed by the visualization of my own success.
Good girl, Crystal. You will live knowing you made a difference. : )
kris says
wow. that is awesome! praise God. you are an inspiration!! wonderful, beautiful worship!! 🙂
Adrienne Berg says
That is so awesome! I am happy to be a part of this by purchasing the book. I’m excited to get it and read the book! Congrats!
Mackenzie @ The Random Path says
That is so awesome 🙂
Sherry Lochner says
That is awesome! What a blessing you are and inspiration!
Rachel says
THANK YOU for following God’s leading on your heart. Your ministry is so encouraging to me. Praying blessings over the women and children who will be ministered to because of your wonderful book!
Sarah D. says
This almost made me cry! The world needs more people like you!
kara doffek says
Thank goodness that the world has people like you!
Kristin Davis says
Alison Flores says
WOW! Just WOW!! An awesome story! Congrats on your book & a bigger congrats for using it for the greater good! Such an inspiration!!
Sharla says
That is incredible! What a blessing for you and for the women and children who are able to benefit from your program! Compassion is such a great organization. I pray that many more books will sell and you will be able to continue to support this project for years to come and bless many more people.
The Frugal Free Gal says
This is wonderful news! I am so happy to hear that you obeyed God when He spoke to you–as this is sometimes very hard to do! You will be blessed for blessing others!
Jeannine Raymond says
What a blessing-to all parties!
Liz @ Frugally Blonde says
Crystal, you are my hero. 🙂 It is very inspiring how you decided to put all that work into the book simply to give the money away. Also, I visited Banica, in the Dominican Republic, on a mission trip in college and was forever touched by the experience. It is so wonderful that the proceeds from the book will be helping women there. God bless you.
Michelle says
What a wonderful giving person you are .
Bridgette @ Blessings Multiplied says
Congratulations Crystal! Simply AWESOME!!! It explains why you need a passport! 🙂 Very excited for you!
Kaidi says
That’s incredible!
Crystal says
That is amazing! Thank you for all you do for others. Just curious why did you choose an organization abroad verse an organization in your hometown area or the states?
misty gorman says
that news just made my day! way to go paine family! it is so fun to see how God moves:)
AGnes says
beautiful. PTL.
Karis says
Wow so exciting! Thanks for being a great example to us of what GOD wants us to do with excess. I find myself so often wanting to splurge on myself instead with the “I deserve it” mindset but you chose to think of others first
Lisa-Panamom says
LOVE it!
Not about how much you save, but how much you gave!
Anne @ Modern Mrs Darcy says
How incredible! Crystal, what a story! Can’t wait to see this come to fruition!
Kandace says
That made me tear up. You are such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing this and so much more with all of us!
Sami Cone says
Amazing Crystal! So humbled by how you’ve chosen to walk in God’s obedience and faith.
JRFrugalMom says
That is just fantastic! What an amazing thing to be able to do, and I love how you were able to put your savings abilities to such good use. Wow!
Myra @ My Blessed Life says
Oh Crystal! My heart is SO SO very full for you and for what God is doing through you and your family!!! xoxoxo
Kristy says
What an example you are of a way to live life with your heart wide open. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Deb says
This is awesome…glad that we get to be small part of it by purchasing such a great book! Blessings to you and your family for all the sacrifices you made to make this happen!!!
Melissa says
What an incredible feeling that must be! Praising God with you for all the lives that will be touched as a result of His plan and your generosity!
JessieLeigh says
Oh, this just makes my heart smile, Crystal. Thanks for sharing your gifts and making an impact! Looking forward to following along with you on this journey. 🙂
Erin says
Beautiful and extraordinary. Not just what your giving has provided for people who need it, but the fact that – you gave. Thank you!
Gina says
Wow, Crystal, that is so exciting! What an amazing God we have, to allow us to watch Him work and help touch people in beautiful ways such as this. I am so happy for your family and rejoice with you! Can’t wait to read about your trip!
Jen @ MyPotpourriWorld says
Amazing! Simply AMAZING!
Living So Abundantly says
How exciting! I appreciate that you have such a giving spirit–on so many levels. You give information, ideas, inspiration, money and so much more. I appreciate your blog so much.