I came downstairs after finishing my morning Periscope show to find this waiting for me.
Silas looked up from his schoolwork and said really sweetly, “I made that fruit for you, Mom!”
In that moment, I wasn’t noticing the spilled milk or the laundry that still needed to be finished or the yogurt container that someone had forgotten to put away or the mess in the middle of the living room. Instead, I saw a bowl of beautiful, nourishing fruit that my son had taken initiative to make to bless his mommy.
Today as moms, let’s look past the spilled milk and messes and laundry piles and see the beauty and the gifts all around us. A grateful, cheerful attitude is one of the best gifts we can give to our family!
Amy says
Awe how sweet! I am constantly reminding myself to look past the spilled milk and laundry piles. With 3 boys laundry adds up quick. I’m sure you can imagine the toys. The fact of the matter is, our kids are only kids for so long. I have challenged myself to enjoy them more. There is always going to be a mess somewhere. It’s inevitable! However my kids are already growing up way too fast. I’m going to enjoy them while I can. Thanks for the reminder.
Gary says
As a grandfather of 11, ranging in age from 5 to 20, I really enjoy your sharing your family with us, especially moments like this. It is obvious that Silas has a strong connection with you, Crystal, and loves you very much. Cherish moments like this and keep up the good job of juggling all of your daily tasks including the work of managing your daily blogs, writing books, and managing a growing business as well as taking care of the home chores. Keep your focus on God and He will continue to bless your family in ways you can’t even imagine!
Crystal Paine says
Thank you so much for your kind encouragement!
tiffany says
That is awesome. I was reminded of the beauty of motherhood twice this morning by my children among the dirty clothes on the floor, lunches half packed and crumbs on the counter. I walked in the door at 6:30 this morning, after getting back from the gym, and was greeted at the top of the stairs by my sleepy 4 year old boy. “Oh, mommy, I am glad it’s you, so I can get a morning snuggle in your bed.” So, yes, in sweaty work out clothes and all, I took his invitation and crawled back in bed with him for a few minutes. In the past, I wouldn’t always have taken that time. But I am oh so glad I did. Then 90 minutes later as I was later than I would like out the door for school and work with my kids, my 9 year old must have sensed my distress at the time. She reached over, to give me a hug, “Mom, you are the best Mom in the whole world and you do so much. I love you and hope you have a great day.” God blesses me everyday.
Diana says
Sounds like his love language is “acts of service”! 🙂 Thanks for the reminder!
Karen Rucker says
That’s beautiful! Thank you for sharing this. His little gift has brightened my day, too.
Reelika @Financially Wise On Heels says
This is priceless 🙂
Cheryl says
Our oldest girl just turned 13 and I am cherishing all the moments now, we went shoe shopping the other day and she is the same size as me and now is close to 2 inches taller! I remind myself that yes, my son did make a path to his bed as he “picked up” his room (he is 11) I will miss these days!
Crystal Paine says
Yes! Such wise words. I am trying to remember this every day! It’s so easy to forget!
Melissa @ teammadefamily.com says
Denise@Life With the Lid Up says
Oh, what a gift!