This is SO fun! My friend, Anne, from Modern Mrs. Darcy is hosting a virtual tour of bookshelves this year.
She asked if I’d share a peek at my bookshelves today and I had a blast taking pictures and talking about our “system” for organizing books.
Head on over to Modern Mrs. Darcy to see pictures and details on the bookshelves we have at our house.
And just for fun: How many bookshelves do you have at YOUR house?
Angela says
We used to have only a few shelves scattered around the house. 2 years ago we added on and ended up with an extra room perfect for a library. My father in law built floor to ceiling bookshelves around half the room. Love it. Boys also have a small bookshelf in their room. Girls keep boxes of books next to each of their beds. Needless to say we love to read.
Elizabeth Kane says
So good to see you over at Anne’s blog! I enjoyed your post 🙂
Total bookshelves – 5. They’re here and there around the place, not a singular bookcase. They’ve been expanding this year. Although I enjoy living simply, it’s nice to hang on to some favorite reads that are special.
MaryEllen@ImperfectHomemaker says
3 big ones, a big cabinet for homeschool books, and a small bookshelf in each of the children’s rooms. I have no idea how many boxes full in the attic. My husband and I have always loved books, and have both collected high quality books since we were kids. We go on thrift store dates and almost always come home with several more. A couple years ago the hugest thrift store in town, which has a book section that alone is nearly as big as an entire store, was GIVING AWAY any and all books. There was a limit of one buggy load per family. A whole shopping cart piled with books!!! And I admit, I went back each of the next two days also. Okay, sorry, I’m still excited just thinking about that. Score of the century for this book loving family! I love that we have a huge attic because we can take advantage of stuff like that and not have to worry about it junking up the house. And most of them I can’t bear to part with because they’re older books that you can’t find just anywhere. Anyway, loved seeing your (very organized) setup!
Danielle Hull says
We have 6 bookshelves plus a a few shelves or cubbies where books end up!
Mary says
We have at least 13, and these can’t contain all the books. There are still boxes snd boxes of unpacked books…
Kim says
4 bookshelves and a very, very large stack of books that need a bookshelf. We also have a couple baskets beside our bed with books.
We like books 🙂
Sandra says
Each bedroom has overflowing bookshelves plus there are bookshelves in the living and dining rooms (6 rows high, 2 books deep in places). We are all book packrats trying to learn to let go. Daughter 1 collects Nancy Drew, Daughter 2 collects Magic Tree House. Husband – Tom Clancy, Clive Cussler.
Heather says
M 4 children all have a bookshelf of their own and my husband and I “share” three more. I say share but he has 2 shelves. We love books. Then every week we check out books at the library.
Tracey says
Well, I am not a pack rat or hoarder with any objects except books! I’m trying to weed out some of them and only keep the best, but for now – between our bedroom, living room, hallway, and my two daughters’ bedrooms – we have 7 bookshelves (all with three to five shelves apiece) in our house. We have enough books to fill at least one more….
Marianne says
I REALLY wanted a close up of the books so I could see what you are loving for your children! =)
Charlene @ A Virtuous Woman says
We are a family of only three booknerds,but we have 6 bookshelves at home, and I have one in my office, plus we have a stack or two of books that need a home. Last year during the clutter-busting challenge I purged a fair amount of books, but I need to do it again–some of the books I see on the shelves, I question why I didn’t get rid of them already. Books are my worst item that I probably come close to being a hoarder.
Joye says
we have six book shelves, but two hold our dvd/movie collection. there are four in our office for my paperback collection, cookbooks, textbooks, etc.
Kellie says
I wish i had book shelves! I have a very tiny house and no room for a book shelf my next house WILL have alot more space for book shelves if not a library of its own lol well thats what i keep telling my husband. But I do have a little storage cube… in my storage cube i have a very small collection of my favorite books (just a hand ful) all the books that werent my favorite I give to friends and family to pass on, and now i have a HUGE collection of unread books. So how do I have a HUGE collection of unread books you may ask if i have a small house? Well the last time I bought a new bed I bought one from pottery barn that was a platform and under the platform is baskets all around the bed ( huge ones to! ) i have a big basket filled with unread books (books i got from my local libary’s used book sale last year – only $10 to fill a whole brown grocery bag) so any time Im need of a good read I go to my book basket 🙂 I really need to get to reading more so i get it down low for this upcoming years book sale haul 🙂
Mel says
I have 2 tall bookshelves and 1 short bookshelf, although one of the tall shelves is currently dedicated to photos and scrapbook albums. I have to make a conscious effort to keep my books under control; reading ebooks and checking books out from the library is very helpful both in keeping clutter down and with my budget!
Mary says
Not enough! We have 3 big shelves and 1 small one. We’ve also filled 2 cabinets with books! Love, love, love books!
Rachel B says
3 large ones definitely not enough! I am still looking for a way to organize all the books for my family of 5. With books for homeschooling, Bible reading/study, interests/hobbies and free time reading, we do not have enough space. Some have been moved to the basement but with no system. Help!
Julie @Logger's Wife says
Not enough. We have a very small house. Most of my children’s book are stored in banker’s boxes, labeled by age. We have books upstairs on one shelf for my toddler. Then down in the guest/storage room (formerly a garage actually) we have one set of shelved for my books. We live in a small split level ranch so there is a railing in the living room to keep you from falling into the entry. I really want to replace the railing with an attached to the wall and floor bookcase. Then it is still safe but serving a dual purpose too. 🙂
Wendi S says
We have bookshelves in almost every room…eight bookshelves {two are big enough to cover one entire wall of the rooms they are in, and one built in bookshelf that covers the entire wall in our basement! And we still check out a huge pile of books from our library every other week 🙂
Becca Goodrich says
I looked at your January list, and I have to say, it looks interesting.
I watched the movie based on Sarah’s Key, and I have to tell you, that I after I saw it, I had to stay up and prayed that the Lord would help me remove it from my memory. It was a great movie, for the most part.
I will have to add a couple of you books to my list for the year. Will you post you other lists for the rest of the year? Would love to see what you are reading.
Crystal says
Yes, I plan to post my lists for each month at the beginning of the new month. And then I’ll post a recap on what I read and what I thought about the titles at the end of each month.
Tara H says
We have 4 very full bookshelves! I know I need to purge but it’s so hard to do! 🙂
lori says
My system for deciding whether to keep a book: If I would recommend it to a friend, I keep it. If not, then it finds a home elsewhere.
It’s amazing how much more I enjoy my collection now.
Tiffany Bell says
We are up to 3 regular size and 1 extra large bookshelf. The three regular size hold the children’s books. And I am ready to be on board with getting rid of the so-so ones as I am doing a massive de-clutter for our spring garage sale. Haven’t been able to part with many in the past, but as we keep running out of room I have been inspired by your method of only keeping the best! We’ll still have plenty because there are many titles we love!!! It was great to take a peek at your shelves! I am constantly blessed and inspired by you! God bless!
jen says
Too many bookshelves! Ahhh.. such is the life of a homeschool mama!
What a fun idea! May have to jump in!
Crystal says