I’m running behind in getting Super Savings Saturday posted because we’re at the Blissdom Blogging Conference where we’ve had the chance to meet dozens upon dozens of incredible women and learn enormous amounts of valuable information. We’re also enjoying lots of chocolate, good food, laughter, late nights, and this amazing hotel we’re staying at (which we got for a great price by booking online at a discount!). To top it all off, we even had a chance to get to hang out with Dave Ramsey yesterday for a little while.
Without further ado, here’s what we bought at the grocery store this week:
Before coupons and sales, my total was $135, after coupons, I paid $65! (Some of the items we got free with coupons that came from a special package ConAgra sent to all Blissdom attendees.) Our refrigerator and freezer are now well-stocked again after a month of eating from the pantry! And we were also able to buy all the ingredients needed for the Freezer Cooking Day. Yay!
Did you snag any great deals or bargains this week or save money in other ways? If so, be sure to post about them on your blog and leave your link below. Please remember that this weekly round-up is to share deals you personally got and/or money you were able to save this week. In order to keep this weekly round-up focused on helping and inspiring others in their efforts to save money, links which have little-to-no content other than promoting affiliate links, etc. will be deleted. Also, to make it easy for everyone to navigate quickly through the links, your link must link directly to your Super Savings Saturday post.
Bree says
Wow. Great haul! And, all for $65.
The Working Home Keeper says
How awesome you got to meet Dave Ramsey! One day I’m sure I will see you and your husband being interviewed on his show!
Mary Ellen
The Working Home Keeper
The Bargain Shopper Lady says
Hey Crystal,
I just wanted to let you know that the link doesn’t work and I am dying to read about how you met Dave Ramsey!
Saving4myfamily says
Wow $65, that was a great trip!! So glad you are having a good time at the conference and meeting other fellow frugal bloggers 🙂
Joanna says
I just stayed in that hotel in the beginning of Jan…beautiful!!!
Lindsey says
so cool you got to meet Dave!!!
Amy says
Crystal, you are right that hotel IS AMAZING! I stayed there once for a conference a few years back, and I must say it is more like a small city instead of a hotel! Have fun!
Rachel says
Wow, that’s great! I went to Wal-Mart the other day & had a pre-coupon total of about $145, but only paid about $70! My husband finally sees the importance of all the time I spend on coupons. 🙂
cait says
Hope you have a wonderful time! Would love to hang out with Dave for a little bit…what an inspiring man!
Marie says
You got to hang out with Dave?! What did you do?! This deserves a whole post!
Crystal says
I’ll be sharing more about our trip to the Dave Ramsey headquarters along with pictures later this week. I’m still unpacking and getting laundry caught up since we just got back last night!
Carrie says
Nice hotel! Wish I was at Blissdom too but my little girl’s third birthday is tomorrow!
Sandy says
Outstanding! The only great deal I got today was Betty Crocker cookie mixes were on sale 2/$3 and the bags had $1/1 coupons so, I paid 50 cents a bag! Valentine’s Day cookies on the way!
Melissa says
That’s a lot of oranges! What are you going to do with all those? I still have a bag I bought about 2 weeks ago and not sure if we’re going to finish them.
Crystal says
We’re going to eat and juice them. They should last us for about 4 weeks so I couldn’t pass them up at $0.99 per bag!
Stormie says
You amaze me 🙂 That looks like an awful lot of oranges though. How are you going to use them all up? (Looking for ideas.)
Stefani says
Thanks for the linky!
Lisa says
Well, I LOVE that you got to meet Dave. That is great. I played the video and my 4 year old son overheard it and said “is this about NOT borrowing money.” WOW!! What an impact FPU is having in our lives. Just a few months out and he knows that mom and dad do not borrow money or use credit cards. So thankfully he gets to learn the message young!!
Tonya says
Wow, that sounds like an amazing trip. I would love to meet Dave, he has been a real inspiration in my life.
Rachel @ Life in #3 says
wow, that is some restocking you did! Great job!
Gretchen says
You got to meet THE Dave Ramsey?! Consider me way jealous! We’re taking FPU right now and learning a bunch! Great grocery trip, too! What time is dinner? 😉
Leslie says
Looks like you did well restocking. You can’t beat that for $65!
Cool moment to meet Dave, I’m sure! WOW!
Angela O says
Good for you, Crystal!!! What a great grocery trip!