Reading Simply Tuesday while waiting at the DMV for a very long time today.
Section two of Simply Tuesday was so, so good. Words that my soul needed to hear and be reminded of.
I had trouble narrowing things down to just a handful of quotes to share.
“Effort toward excellence in my work can silently morph into effort toward perfection in my soul.”
That packs a punch! Striving for excellence is good, but if I start striving for perfectionism, praise, and to please people, I have missed the mark.
Here was another powerful quote: “When I’m performing for my own acceptance, burnout is always the result.”
If you’re feeling worn down and worn out, take a step back and examine if any of the exhaustion is a result of trying to earn someone else’s acceptance. Are you only saying “yes” to that opportunity because you want someone to like you? Are you only volunteering or sending that email or showing up for that event just so someone else will be impressed with you?
This is something I’m really working on in my own life. I want people to like me. I want people to think highly of me. And I don’t want to disappoint people.
But I just can’t do it all. I can’t even come close.
I’m really working on focusing on being wise, not awesome. For me, this means that I’m slowing down, streamlining, and stepping back. I’m doing less and resting more. I’m accomplishing less and sleeping more.
It feels less productive, but it’s restorative… and that’s what my soul and body need right now.
Two more quotes from this section I especially loved:
- “In my own life, I recognize my tendency to look over at the work of others rather than down at the work in front of me.”
- “The best way to sabotage my own success is to be obsessed with someone else’s.”
Did you read the second section of Simply Tuesday? If so, I’d love to hear what sections impacted you or challenged you. Tomorrow, we’ll read section 3 (pages 117-157).
Laura says
Man alive, those words ring close to home.
I struggle just like you Crystal with wanting people to like me – it can become an exhausting roller coaster if I don’t quickly discern what I’m doing! I love Emily’s quote about performing for our acceptance always leading to burnout. I’ve found that to be so true.
One book that’s helped me in this journey is The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst. It’s shaped the way I make decisions. So good, that I know I need to re-read it sometime soon!
Can’t wait to read Simply Tuesday, too!
Crystal Paine says
The Best Yes was SO good! Thanks for recommending!
Davonne says
I so need to read this book in October!
Kim says
I am really enjoying this book. It is giving me a lot to think about.
Crystal Paine says
I’m SO glad!
Anne says
I loved the part about her making soup. She wrote, “Yesterday after church I made soup. I put on music, chopped carrots and celery, boiled chicken, and minced garlic. I warmed bread, added heavy dollops of butter on top, opened windows so I could hear the kids playing in the driveway while I worked in the kitchen, their laughter piercing the sound of the wind through the coloring leaves in the yard. I did all of that, but all I told Marion (neighbor/friend) was, “I made soup.” Then her friend responds, “That’s beautiful” and the author begins to cry…
I feel that sometimes I, myself, am too quick to think, “oh, gee – all I did was ‘make soup'” – or, metaphorically, whatever I worked on – instead of really, fully appreciating the JOURNEY and each beautiful step involved. Instead of downplaying an experience, I want to try to always focus on the beauty in each moment of accomplishing what might first appear to be a mundane task. I loved this.
LOVING this book chat this week AND last! Keep doing these if you have the energy. 🙂 Thanks, Crystal!
Emma says
I have not read this book. In fact, I haven’t even heard of it until this “series”. I love the story you retold Anne. I want to remember it in times that I feel like I’ve gotten nothing “done” as well as in the moment and when friends share their “simple” accomplishments!
My Bright Blue House
Crystal Paine says
Oh, I just love that! Thank you for taking the time to share. I needed to read that section again!