I’m continuing to intentionally seek to slow down and relish the simple things.
Pictures printed out from the internet and carefully colored by little hands to send to a small girl who lives far away and has very little in the way of earthly possessions.
Have you taken time from the rat-race of life to soak up and enjoy some simple things? I loved this post by Gretchen on not looking at the clock.
Elle (@Cleverlychangin) says
It is so amazing how quickly our children grow. While they are growing we often try to rush their milestones. This post reminded me to reflect on the little moments.
Heidi says
Show Hope gave money to someone in my family who adopted children from another country in the form of a grant. I got to visit them and they are an awesome organization.
[email protected] says
This is so true! Awesome that you are teaching your kids at a young age to give back! Love it.
Cher says
God magnifies his love through your hearts. It sends an echo of goodness through all who witness this goodness in action. Keep up the great work raising such charitable and wonderful children and being the example you wish to see in this world!!!
kj says
To look at it from a different angle-
I am trying to take more time, simple time, with my children. I make my oldest so happy with a game Life or Boggle. I am also trying to ask myself, does this really matter in eternity? Does it really matter if my children drag out all of their stuffed animals and blankets and make a “mess” on my floor? No-it doesn’t. It will get cleaned up and life will go on. I try not to say no just because I don’t feel like dealing with it.
Also, I think we get too wrapped up in saving a dollar that we forget it is okay to spend. We recently went on a short, two day trip. It won’t be long before my children won’t get excited to ride the zoo train or even want to go to the zoo. The look of joy on their faces because we spent the night in a hotel was priceless. We made a lot of memories that weekend. Yes, we looked for deals. Yes, we spent money that could have been spent somewhere else. Yes, we paid cash, packed a picnic and cut corners where we could.
Please know I am not saying it is okay to go into debt or not pay a bill to go on a trip. However, I believe it is okay to not put money in the savings one paycheck to take a spur of the moment trip like we did.
To us, it was worth it.
jennifer says
Yesterday I simply watched my 11 month old and was amazed to see him learning as he played. I am between jobs this week (took a week off to soak up my son before I start a new job) and yesterday was one of the funnest days I have had in a long time. Just me and my little guy – playing, laughing, cuddling. I will definetely miss these times when I am back to work but I think it makes me apprectiate the quiet days even more.
Thank you for your blog Crystal..I check in every day.
Brandy@TeamChandler says
I still enjoy reflecting over this article I wrote earlier in the year.
Janet says
When my older ones were young I worked and had a side job as well. The housework was tough to find time for. However I found I would set the clock and rush through the work and the side job and try to squeeze out two hours each day for my children and most every day I was successful. During that time nothing , no phone calls , no knock on the door no one disturbed our time together.
I always remember the poem that ends a line with
For babies grow up I have learned to my sorrow.
Now my older ones are finishing grad school and I feel it was only three blinks and they were preschool ages.
So enjoy and never forget to dance your way through life!
Sara says
Wow! I’m pretty sure you were supermom! So much to learn from this comment – I have a hard time carving 2 hours out of the to do list and I’m not working 2 jobs. Thanks for sharing!
Bekah says
I love that poem! I should look at it every morning. It would probably help my days with my 2 little boys go better.
Cleaning & scrubbing can wait till tomorrow. For babies grow up, we’ve learned to our sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep…I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.
Marie says
I have been making more effort to “forget” my to do list and spend more time with my 3 little ones. Daddy is gone all week and only home part of Friday, Sat. and leaves Sunday. I can feel very overwhelmed by not getting any breaks and my to-do list grows longer. However, I have come to realize that my calling as a mother is an Honor from God! Laundry, dishes, organizing etc. need to be done but not at the sacrifice of time with the kids. I won’t have these moments when they are young for long. They hunger for my time. So for now I’ve laid aside my list and am doing more with them. Today it was doing an activity workbook with my son and reading, playing tea party with my daughter, and sitting and enjoying my 8 month old discover new things!!
And I look forward to moments where I do get a break like this weekend. My husband took the twins to a hotel/waterpark overnight and friends kept the baby! I had part of Friday and part of Sat. to myself!! Then the twins stayed with the friends and my husband and I got to go to a movie and dinner and just be alone!!! It was a wonderful weekend. The kids got the time they needed with daddy, mommy got a break, and my husband and i got to connect without kids!!! I feel more energized for this week!!
Bridgette @ Blessings Multiplied says
It is important to spend time with our children and what’s truly a priority. The girls and I spent the morning cleaning out our Church’s Food Pantry together. It was a true blessing having some time to talk, laugh, and spend time with each other while giving to others in our local community.
We spent the afternoon playing, reading books, folding laundry, and snuggling on the couch sharing our favorite memories. Thankful for these days; even though it wasn’t my most productive I pray it is a day that speaks directly into the hearts of my girls. Sometimes it is the simple acts of love that speaks volumes to your children! 🙂
Elizabeth says
Apparently, I should also ponder my spelling. Sigh.
Beth says
This is very true. We went canoeing this weekend and my son who is 12 said “This is what life is about.” Then today he told me that he thinks God was trying to teach him something through it. Wow what a lesson for me.
Kathy says
Kursten says
Thank you for posting this and reminding me that we need to get letters off to our Compassion child. Slowing down and enjoying each moment is such a gift. Love your blog!!!