During our afternoon movie time yesterday, my children were laughing hysterically over a movie we’d gotten from the library. They kept calling me into the room to watch it with them as they thought parts of it were so funny.
I was in the middle of making Best Brownies (oh so good!) and Chili Tortilla Bake and had a few more things left on my to-do list before it was dinnertime. Truthfully, I usually enjoy the quiet that movie time affords — especially since I’m usually ready for a little quiet by 5:30 p.m.!
But after they called me in a third time, I had a revelation: some day my children probably won’t be calling me in and asking me to snuggle and enjoy a movie with them. They’re growing up all too soon as it is.
So I quickly finished what I was doing in the kitchen, left the dishes and my to-do list for later, and just enjoyed laughing at the goofy movie with them.
While they are little, while they begging me to enjoy the funny movie with them, I want to relish those moments. They are all too fleeting.
Angela says
Amen to this. My husband and I are constantly reminding eachother of this all the time!
Lynn says
Oh, wise mamma! You hit the nail right on the head….those sweet little ones will outgrow the silly movies and they will stop wanting you to snuggle with them…..so you are ever so wise to prioritize the way you did. Warms my heart to read that.
Shelly says
I agree the time goes by so fast and soon they will be content to do things on their own without mom. My little boy still wants to cuddle and my teenager still likes to do projects with me and is such a help to me too. It is so important to take time to spend with them. Thanks for the reminder today.
musesmom says
Amen! As the mom of two children now 30 and 33, I advise all you moms with young ones to cherish every one of those special together moments. They are gone in the blink of an eye! The dishes and dust bunnies will always be there, but snuggles with your little ones will not.
Sheri says
How true! I also have three children ages 8, 6 and 3 and find myself saying “no” more than “yes” lately. I plan on taking Sundays off from housework (except for making meals and light kitchen cleanup) and spending the day playing with my children after we get home from Church. I know they are God’s blessing to us and that we should honor them.
Laurie says
Great reminder. What movie?
Julie says
Such a true post. I have three kiddo’s myself and sometimes the days seem so long but then you look at photo’s from last year and realize that even though the days can be long life truely is short. One of the things I’m working on for this year is to try to stop wishing any time awaym because you will never get it back. Sometimes that’s hard when you have just broken up the 12 fight of the day or changed the 10th diaper but it’s something I’m trying to work on. Thank you for writing such a thought filled post and the photo is just too cute !
Joy says
You are wise! It does go fast!
Christine says
Crystal, will you share the name of the movie? I’m always looking for good movies for our family.
Linda says
I completely understand what you are saying. My daughter just turned one and she wants to be most of her waking hours, which really keeps me from doing the things that I need to do. It gets quite frustrating at times because I also have a part time business that I need to maintain. But I really have to keep telling myself that this is only temporary and there will come a time when I will long for those times that my daughter wants my undivided attention. It’s hard, but so worth it when you take time to really spend it with your children.
Elizabeth says
You are so wise…with our children long grown now, I can tell you, the times when they want to spend any with us, are very few and far between!!
Kari says
What a great reminder! Thanks =)
Marianne says
I have been trying a lot more to say yes to my kids instead of looking at my to do list. I don’t know if you have recommendations, but I would love some ideas of movies your kids and family have enjoyed!
Traci Michele says
so true!
Love, Traci Michele @Ordinary Inspirations
Darleen says
Quick recent story….19, 17, 14, 9yrs. children & friend (in his 20’s) are all playing Apples to Apples one Friday 9:30 in the evening. Nineteen yr. old son decides to take Mom on a spur of the moment movie date! By this time of day I’m thinking about bedtime in the very near future!
Thankfully, I had the presence of mind to accept his offer! How many 19 yr. old sons want to take their mom on a date??? So glad we went, we both laughed so hard during the movie!
Didn’t get home until a little after midnight! Great memories! He is courting the Pastor’s daughter and won’t be around much longer! Seize important moments when you can.
Jessica @Proverbslady.com says
So True! One of my goals this year is to spend more 1 on 1 time with each of my children. My son is 16!!!! He will graduate high school next year and I want to hold on to as much time as I have left. He probably doesn’t know how happy he made me yesterday when he told me he thinks he wan’t to stay home and attend college for a few years at least to save money. I couldn’t be happier.
Laura at TenThingsFarm says
Soooo…what was the movie?
Chelsea says
This post reminds me of my younger sister. I am 10 years older than she is, and about 5 years ago, I was consistently turned her down to play. Now, she’s a teenager and wants nothing to do with me because I’m “old!” She isn’t rude about it, most days she would just rather hang out with her friends.
Stephanie @ Mrs. Debtfighter says
That has been on my mind lately too! Hubby is out of town this weekend so my boys and I are making memories by building a sheet fort in my bedroom and sleeping in it tonight! I have to say, I am pretty excited to relive my childhood! 🙂
Danielle says
Yes- Enjoy every moment. They grow up so fast. My girls are 21 and 18. The years fly by and they are in college. I continue to cherish every single moment I am able to share with them. God Bless!
Nicole @ Amazing Frugal Mom says
Wow, this is a resolution I made for myself this year. I will drop whatever I am doing to play a game with my 7 year old, or snuggle with my 8 month old. When my baby was born last year, I realized I did not remember a lot of my 7 year old being that little. That time was so busy for me that it is a blur now. I have countless memories of telling him, “Not now” or “Tomorrow” when he asked me to play something with him during his toddler and preschool years. I am determined not do make that mistake again with my baby, and from now on not do it with my older son. So far it’s working, and it’s great! I recently visited a friend of mine who had 4 kids and way smaller, messier house then mine. And I envied her greatly, because she spent the majority of her days playing with all of her kids.
Elizabeth says
I made the same resolution. My little ones bring me books all the time and way too often I say, “I can’t read right now, I’m doing laundry.” I asked three mothers in my church what they regretted most about their child-rearing and each one independently said that they wished they had spent more quality time with their kids. I don’t want to have that regret. I don’t think I’ll ever regret not having gotten the laundry done right away everyday so that can be put aside and done later. It probably will mean my house won’t be quite as neat and clean as I’d like but it does mean I’ll have more time to invest in my kids lives and nurture them.
Kathryn says
I couldn’t agree more 🙂 Last night I was so tired from a long day of work and I just wanted to go to bed, but my 16yo daughter was just full of chat and giggles and there was no way I was trading that for an early bedtime. You have to cherish those moments.
Frieda's Farmhouse says
So true Crystal! I think as moms we can at times be consumed with our to do lists, chores, & schedules that we forget to stop & take in the moment. We like to plan ahead & be prepared for the coming moments, but not actually living in them like we should. So glad you were able to share that moment with your children! Hope your weekend is simply wonderful~
Merrilee Stevenson says
We have kids the same ages. Not only did I need this little reminder, but now I want to know what movie it was they were watching! Can you spill the beans?
Karen says
Beautiful post to end the week. Have a wonderful weekend!
Elizabeth says
This post made me smile. 🙂
Amy R says
I am the queen of “not now, I’m in the middle of something.” This was a great reminder. My oldest started junior high this year. It seems like just yesterday I sent him to kindergarten and bawled the whole time he was gone!
Tara H says
I needed this! Thanks for sharing!
Katie says
This is JUST what I needed to read tonight! Thank you for this!
Elizabeth says
They grow up way too fast. My house may not be perfectly clean or organized but I’m more than willing to just basket up the laundry and set it to the side and have movie time and try to do crafts when we can on the weekends. The weeks are always busy with their homework or my husband and I exhausted from work that we try to squeeze in family time because housework will always be there but the kids will be grown and out of the nest before any of us really realize it.
Angie @ Creating Our Home says
Are you willing to share what movie? I am always looking for appropriate, fun movies for my kids. It sounds like your kids loved it!
Carrie P. says
I agree so much. My 3 year old son asks me so often lately to “play cars” with him. This has happened more often since his older brother started kindergarten in September and his baby brother was born in early October. He misses his big brother being gone now 5 days per week all day and he misses time with just me. I have played cars a lot and as often as possible. The house is not where id like it to be in terms of organization or clutter-free…I desperately need to sweep the kitchen floor, too. How I despise stepping on crumbs. Ah the list goes on. But I know I will miss my babies when they are grown. I love them so much and I really do enjoy the times with them when they want me to be with them. They are my little dreams come true and time really is going by so quickly. I am welled up with years thinking about it. Thank you for the great post!
Cherry says
I tell my husband this all the time… That there will come a time when we will want to hang out with them even and they will just to busy…
joann says
I love your blog and I love this post. I have one daughter and she is growing up too quickly for me! She will be 21 months on the 22nd…I can’t believe how fast it is going..everyone said it would go fast and they were right.
Tracy says
Good for you! Great mom moment!