The internet is a wonderful place to find all sorts of fascinating, uplifting, and educational stuff. I’ve been blessed beyond words by the things I’ve read online and by the people I’ve met online.
But while online relationships can be great, face-to-face friendships are so important. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that they are vital and necessary to living a thriving and rich life. Talking through a computer screen is just never the same as sitting down over a cup of coffee with someone.
And that’s why I’m thrilled that one of my favorite sites is hosting their second annual meet-up. I attended this last year and was so blessed — and I’m excited they are doing it again!
Instead of having to pay airfare and hotel and conference fees, instead of having to figure out how to work out the logistics of leaving your family behind, and instead of having to worry about packing your bags, you can save your money, stay home, and enjoy a fun meet-up in your local area with other women who are craving deep, rich, close friendships and local community.
Details About the (in)RL Event:
What’s it called: (in)RL {short for “IRL” or “in real life”}
When is it: A couple hours each on Friday & Saturday April 26 & 27, 2013.
What’s it about: Creating a catalyst for women to connect in real life, right where they are.
Why’s it special: It’s the un-conference that comes to your doorstep; just meet up with girl friends and tune in to our online webcast.
Who’s it for: Last year we explored the nitty gritty of community. This year we’re taking a closer look at what it takes to stay rooted in community when sometimes just walking away would be so much easier and tons more convenient. Women share stories of how they’ve chosen to stay through hard marriages, challenging parenting, worthwhile friendships. How choosing to stay has freed them more fully and unexpectedly than if they’d cut and run.
Find more details here.
Want to participate in this exciting event happening in cities and towns all around the world? Visit the (in)RL website for more details and find a meet-up in your local area (or sign-up to host one).
heather says
I’ve sadly been disappointed with this…every time I have signed up for a real life meeting, the person hosting it has always canceled it at the last minute. I tried to sign up to host one, but couldn’t get one going. Anyone have any suggestions on how to make this work?? 🙂
Crystal says
This is only the second year… so maybe you’ll have a better experience than last year? Hopefully! That’s too bad that your meet-up was cancelled last year. 🙁
Nicki says
I just signed up! Thanks for sharing. I have an interview scheduled with you in the near future. Looking forward to chatting with you! 🙂
Victoria says
I signed up this morning, and am looking forward to it.