Gina from Oaxacaborn emailed in the following tip:
The other day I was at ALDI and realized that their diapers are only $4.99/pack everyday! The store near me stocks sizes 3 – 5 and there are 36 diapers in the size 3 package, which makes them less than $0.14/diaper. (Sizes 4 and 5 have slightly fewer per package.)
I should also mention that although my daughter instantly develops rashes using any namebrand diaper, she hasn’t had any reactions to ALDI diapers — they are perfect for her sensitive skin. Great for overnight as well! -Gina
Christie in Evanston, IL says
The Lullabies diaper as well as the wipes are both good bargain for the price. They work just fine and are good for Moms who may be low on cash, on a budget or who want to stretch their bucks but need a baby product that works. I like them so far as they do the job.
Rachel Campbell says
I have been using Aldi diapers for a long time now, I love them! They work fantastic and do not leave a weird chemical smell like some others do. I don’t coupon for diapers anymore bc the price is so good!
Lindsey says
Did you know that Aldi’s diapers are EXACTLY 100% the same as BJ’s store brand diapers? I inadvertently discovered this a month ago.
I use them on my 20 month old and they work great. Leaks haven’t been a problem at all and they hold up really well.
lindsay in pa says
BJ diapers are good! We used them on our kids!
PS – love your name! 😉
Karen says
When my son was in diapers, I also tried the Aldi’s diaper and had major leakage with them. I remember I kept trying to change him more often and they would still leak. Needless to say I took them back and the manager at Aldi’s said he wasn’t surprised that I brought them back, he said he didn’t know anyone that bought them and liked them. Hopefully they changed them and they are better! The great thing about trying something at Aldi’s is you know you can get your money back if you don’t like them, so it’s no risk and like many have said, you might like them!!
Gina (Original Poster) says
Yes, they have changed — within the last 3-6 months.
Gretchen says
I might try them. My son’s have always had rashes to different brands. My youngest son, son #4, can’t handle Pampers or Luvs. (Son #3 could handle Luvs, not Pampers, Son #2 could handle pretty much anything and Son #1 could only do Huggies). We are pinching our pinnies really tight. I was wondering how we were going to get some this week. Hopefully this brand will work for us and we can cut our diaper bill in half 🙂 Thanks so much!
Gina (Original Poster) says
Oh, I hope it works out for you! : )
Emily says
So glad to see this! We are expecting our first and may cloth diaper, but I know we’d still use disposables occasionally. I’m also glad to read that everyone likes Aldi’s wipes! I was just in Aldi last weekend and the lady in front of me bought diapers and I literally thought to myself, “I wonder if Aldi diapers are any good…hmmm…” 🙂
Brandette W. says
I always bought Pampers for our son, when he was first born even tried Huggies, Luvs, and Target brand. Didn’t like any of them as well as Pampers. A few months back on my trip to Sam’s Club, I decided to give a case of their brand Simply Right a try. I LOVE THEM and so wish I would have found them way earlier. They are nice and soft, hold up very well. are well made, and best of all hold a lot of pee. Our son is a heavy wetter and has always needed an Overnight diaper for naps and nighttime. With the Sam’s Club brand, I can leave him in their diapers without fear of a wet bed! I am beyond thrilled with them and at $39 for 172 diapers…amazing deal!
jc says
gotta try this! i’m always hesitant after my in-laws bought s some babies r us diapers… nothing like entering the room to get your baby and being knocked down by the overwhelming smell of urine!
Kimberly says
Yes! We used Aldi diapers for four babies—with no problems whatsoever. Can’ts ay that about a couple of national brands we used.
Aubrey says
Unfortunately there’s no Aldi near us so I won’t be able to check this out!
But, a while ago when CVS had all of their brand of diapers on clearance I got a bunch for 75% off and ended up loving them. My daughter has never had a reaction to any diapers so I tend to use what I can get cheapest when she wears disposables (which is about half the time). CVS has a great deal on their diapers this week where size 3s are only 11cents each after ECBs (smaller sizes are a bit cheaper and larger sizes a bit more)
Mandy W. says
I did this, too! I Googled the patent number that I found on the side, and figured out which company holds that patent… I’ve always known that a lot of companies make generics for specific stores in order to try to get a cut of the generic market. If you do your research you can usually figure it out. 🙂 I only wish we had ALDI around here, but I will definitely keep the positive review from above on the Target brand in mind for when the CVS ones run out.
Teri Capshaw says
Unfortunately my last batch of Target diapers were like Luvs rather than Pampers.
lindsay in pa says
Walgreen’s brand diapers are pretty good too!
Theresa says
This is interesting. I had used Aldi diapers in the past, but did not like them. Perhaps they have changed. For $5, I’m willing to give it a try. Thanks, everyone!
Kimberly says
A remember their best-in-the-nation Return Policy:
If you dont’ like ’em, not only will they give you your money back—they’ll give you ANOTHER item of our choice that costs that amount, too!
Theresa says
Kimberly, They do have an awesome return policy. I shop there all the time and have had to return a few things. Not many, though. Love Aldi!
Gina (Original Poster) says
They HAVE changed as a matter of fact, and it was very recently (within the last 3-6 months).
Theresa says
Thank you! The last time I tried them was probably when my 8 year old was in diapers! LOL
Rebecca says
I just got them last week! I have 18 m old twins and the diapers held up as well as Pampers. Also, they have the same exact pattern and designs as the BJ’s brand, but much cheaper. Good buy!
lindsay in pa says
I don’t belong to BJ’s anymore, but when I did (last yr) I used to get them for 12 cents a diaper (size 3- 4). They are really good diapers! Loved them…we used them all day long (Huggies Overnights for overnights though!).
Laurie says
I, too, just tried Aldi diapers a few weeks ago and my daughter is still rash free. Up until now I have only been able to buy Huggies and Pampers because of the rash that ALWAYS comes a few days after wearing cheaper no-name diapers. However, Aldi diapers seem to fit the bill. YIPEE! for cheap diapers and two thumbs up for Aldi saving our monthly budget again. 🙂
Gina (Original Poster) says
YAY for happy budgets! 🙂
Chrissy says
A few years ago, I participated in a diaper study. The diapers that were used in that study were from Aldi’s. I had no problems with them – no rashes, no leaks. If I didn’t get awesome coupon deals (or Amazon deals) I would use Aldi’s with my new little one.
Gina (Original Poster) says
Neat bit of information — thanks for sharing!
K says
Thanks for this tip!!
Although all of my children are out of diapers, I sometimes buy diapers to donate to the various charities, (along w/ other needs, like food, personal items, etc.) I’m a regular Aldi customer and have often wondered about the quality of Aldi’s diapers. (I’ve always been pleased w/the price. 🙂 ) Well, it’s good to know that I can purchase and donate these diapers w/ the confidence and assurance that the recipients will receive a quality product…. and I save $ at the same time 🙂 .
Thanks Again!
Gina (Original Poster) says
How wonderful! It makes me happy to know that families in need might get some of these diapers in the future. We’ve sure been happy with them!
Lisa says
We primarily use cloth, but when it has to be a disposable (nursery school, looooong car trip) we use the Dollar General brand. Never had a single issue with them. When they have their $5 off $25 coupon, it makes the size 5 box about 14 cents a diaper.
Beth Timmer says
I have tried these diapers and for me they didn’t work well. My 2 yr old son just barley fit into the size 5 and they I had several leakage problems. Great if they fit your child and he/she doesn’t “fill” a diaper the way my son does.
Gina (Original Poster) says
Yes, if your child is not in diaper sizes 3-5, then it won’t be a good match for you since those are the only sizes Aldi stocks 😀
Amanda says
I just bought them yesterday to try out. I will update once we try a couple.
Gina (Original Poster) says
Can’t wait to hear!
Megan says
Hate to say that mine DID get a rash, and after only one day of using them. They just don’t seem to keep her as dry as the Target ones (which is what we normally use).
Meredith says
My daughter is almost 5 so no diapers for a long time. However, we swore by the Target ones. Plus, 3/1 coupons regularly came for Up and Up products making them super cheap. I want to say anywhere from 2-5 dollars if I remember correctly.
Shannon says
I LOVE Aldi’s diapers. I used to be a diapers snob and only use Pampers. I switched to Aldi brand when I realized the tremendous cost savings, and I was more than pleased. I think they held up better than the Pampers. I just wish they came in sizes 1, 2, & 6. Highly recommend using Aldi whenever possible! Their wipes are 72ct for $0.99!
Sarah T. says
I also agree that their wipes are great! I love the reusable packs with the snap top for the diaper bag, but they also have the plastic containers (same amt of wipes), so you get a free container with those. I’m sure there’s been a post on here in the past on using wipes containers, but we are working on “modules” in the house where all like items are together, and I love how wipes containers are great for that.
Tiffany says
My daughter used to get horrible rashes from the name brand diapers, and the gel was horrible; it used to get all over her bottom area. After research I found that the gel used in the diapers is the same gel that was banned from tampons in the late 80’s. I dont know if there is a connection between the gel and the rashes but, I did not like it at all. I now have a 3 month old and I am finding very few diapers that don’t contain the gel. Ironically, the store brand diapers do not have this gel typically, and some of the really expensive natural diapers use a corn based gel. K roger brand Touch of Nature diapers are the EXACT same as the really expensive Natural Baby Care diapers, I MEAN EXACTLY the designs are the same and everything. The cost is the only difference. So i can not stress enough for people to pick up the deals like Aldi offers, it may even be healthier for baby 🙂
Gina (Original Poster) says
So interesting that you’d mention this! I had such an issue with the gel coming out the diaper with more expensive brands like Pampers — and even Sam’s Club! Has never happened with the Aldi diapers though.
Tiffany says
Agreed! I just wish more people knew that there are other options besides these Gel-filled diapers. Good thing Aldi is providing us with a healthier, budget friendly option!
Miranda says
I buy the NoWets from Food 4 Less, which are $3.81/pack of 36 for size 5. I was so hesitant to try them, but one week I had next to no money and so took a chance, and have been using them ever since. My daughter has never gotten a rash from them, and they are pretty absorbent. Occasionally one of the straps will break while putting them on, but even if that happens once every package, it is still saving tons of money. I have now started using them on our new baby, who is in size 3 now. The only time I ever buy anything else is when I get an awesome coupon combined with a sale. I definitely say to try any inexpensive diapers you can. Even if you don’t like them, it’s only one pack and a couple bucks! Who knows, you could love them and save your family money.
Becky says
Miranda – I’m trying to reply to you, not sure if I’m doing it right. Do you still use the diapers when the strap breaks? We’ve found that you can just put another diaper over it and when it’s time for a change just take off the first diaper and use the one that was on the outside.
Miranda says
No I have never tried that! I usually just throw it away, because I have tried to tape it and the tape won’t hold up to my active toddler. Thanks so much for the tip, I will try that next time!
Carmen says
What an awesome tip! The tabs on pampers baby dry sometimes break and I always throw them away. I’ll try this next time.
Sol says
Duct tape works great too! Just don’t tape on skin. LOL
Carmen in IN says
Whenever a tab broke on a diaper for our babies, I called the customer service number and usually received a coupon for a free package to replace the problem package. I know this worked with many companies. Customer service usually wanted some code numbers from the package so I had the package there when I called.
Great diapers and great wipes at great prices…another reason to enjoy shopping at ALDI!!!
Christine says
I usually cloth diaper but when we’re traveling I’ve used both Aldi’s disposables and Huggies depending on store deals/sales and availability of an Aldis where I am. I haven’t noticed any difference on rashes or leaks or anything.
Katie says
The Aldi wipes are really good too! Thicker like Huggies, not flimsy like Pampers wipes. They are always $.99 per 72 ct pack.
Sandy says
Good to know! I go through a 72-count box every other day with my mom and I definitely need to save if I can!
Sandra says
I buy them too. Those wipes are great, a good buy and not flimsy at all.
Cheryl says
They appear to be made by the same company as White Cloud diapers in case anyone is interested.