Here’s an email I got from Patricia:
I am enjoying your series on how to make money to use for Christmas. I wanted to share about a job I have that “fell in my lap” because of my skills.
The job is working five hours a week as a children’s assistant. I was hired because of my volunteerism with my church. Our Children’s Director needed a “helper” because she was responsible for our After-School Center, our Infant and Toddler Child Care, and our Children’s Church. She couldn’t leave the church to run to the store to buy supplies! So I was hired as a “go-for”.
I go to Walmart to buy drinks, snacks or supplies we don’t order from a catalog. I took this job about eight years ago and am paid $15.00/hour. It is very flexible — I can work the five hours anytime I want and if I want to take off, I just work 10 hours the week before. I do all kinds of things around the church — bulletin boards, children’s worship bags, setting up for Sunday School (all supplies), and also some stuff no one else wants to do — like clean out cabinets and preview curriculum.
I want to encourage your readers who are looking for ways to earn more income to think of what they do best and find a way to sell it to someone as a job. You may even sell it to someone who never thought of paying for it before — like my church!
You may be a great cook: could you sell cakes or pies to a local restaurant? You may love crafts: could you put some on consignment? Do you have skills you could market, like I did? (You would not believe how many teachers have asked me to come do their bulletin boards for pay!).
Also. check into church childcare centers. Ours is always hiring. And if you work for a childcare center, you often get childcare free or less expensive than normal rates.
Lots of ideas are out there! Sometimes, it just takes the right person being in the right place. -Patricia
photo courtesy of Big Stock
Glori says
Wow! I have just been thinking of turning my best skills (linguistic/grammar/reading) into a small business. That would be proofreading and correction of school/college papers and written projects. In fact, I’m online right now doing some research to get organized before I start advertising my services. Thanks, Patricia for the encouragement.
Patti says
I also had a friend who raised the $4000 needed for her daughter to go on a foreign exchange student trip by baking cakes!! They pre-sold the cakes by printing up a cute letter and form and then baked them. It was around Easter and Mother’s Day so it was very effective. I am sure holiday baking would be a great sell, too. And I knew a woman who baked bread and sold it to friends (she had regular customers). I am not sure about the regulations on selling food items… you might have to call the local Health Department to find out.
christie says
In my area you are supposed to use a “certified kitchen”. i.e. professional kitchen. A great way to work with this is to find a church that will rent you the use of their kitchen for a day or two!
Gina says
What a great idea!
Brandi @ Savvy Student Shopper says
Great post!
I hope I find something to help me pay off school loans!
JenMarie says
Great post! Getting paid for doing what you naturally do well and enjoy is a great deal for everyone.
Diana says
My best friend’s brother did this! He volunteered one year as an assistant pitching coach at his old collage, the next year he let them know he didn’t have the time because he had to find a job, but he’d be willing to do it if they paid him. They saw how much they needed that position and created it for him!
Dina-Marie @ Dimes2Vines says
Great job, Patricia – thanks for the encouragement!
L says
I had a part-time job in my early 20s which I worked after my “real” job. It was for a higher end clothing store and twice a week I would help with unpacking their clothing shipment and then hang and steam the clothing so it could be put out in the store. It might be something to look into for some extra money. I enjoyed it because I had to dress professional for my “real” job and I got a 50% discount off any clothes I bought at the store. I remember starting this job before the holiday rush so now might be a good time to start asking any stores if they need any extra help with shipments that come into their store.
L says
I work with someone whose children are graduated. And so her evenings are somewhat free after work. So she took on a job at a grocery store in their customer service dept. In this position she isn’t really busy or stressed out. She does this only two days after her first job and then one Saturday a month. Gives her a little extra “fun” money and isn’t too demanding of her time. She also has time to make some posters for the store and be creative!
Amanda Moak says
This is a great post. A couple years ago my husband and I started selling on eBay. We stumbled up Legos as a niche product to sell and now we both make our full time living selling Legos on eBay. It’s a fun job and we enjoy working together!
Carla says
I was hired many years ago at my church to wash all the crib sheets for the nursery! They took into consideration my time, effort, soap costs, water costs, electricity,etc. It really them and it helped me. I did it when I was home with my four children anyway.
Kristen | The Frugal Girl says
That’s a really neat job you have!
I earn money on the side doing things that I enjoy, but they’re less unique and creative than that (I play piano for weddings and funerals, do photo sessions, and blog. and if I had more time, I would totally love to help people organize.)
Sheri says
I LOVE this idea, Patricia, and really wish I could land a job like that!!! Do you think it would be a good idea to put a post on for something like this, or possibly call around to churches and schools?
Patti says
It doesn’t hurt to put it out on Craigslist, but I bet a more personal approach would work better. Do you know any teachers or church members you could ask?
Kori says
I agree. New York Time’s Bestselling author, Andy Andrews, did a podcast on this subject that was thought provoking. I highly recommend it. The story about the young man who loved his hobby that turned into a large job was inspirational.
Mary says
Patricia, Inspiring!!