Here’s a great income-earning tip from Alisha:
I have made some extra money by teaching couponing classes at my community center. It requires no money up front and is a great way to share something that I am passionate about.
My community center pays $20/hour that I teach and will provide copies of any handouts I submit to them for free. They provide the classroom and projector for free, as well.
They also reimburse non-paper materials by having students pay instructors directly for the cost. For instance, I provide each of my students with a couponing binder, and the students pay me the cost of the binder, dividers, and baseball card inserts.
While there is no upfront cost, teaching does require some planning. I spent 2 hours laying out a lesson plan for a 2 hour course and another 2 hours putting together handouts for students to take home. I had never put together a lesson plan before, but the community center was very helpful and reviewed every detail of my class.
If you don’t have the time to plan a course, look into tutoring at the community center. Many people are interested in tutoring in Excel, Photoshop, and various blogging platforms. Tutoring requires no upfront cost and minimal planning. -Alisha
photo from Big Stock
Jean says
May I ask how you applied and got the job?
I’ve wanted to teach a group fitness class at my local community center but I’m just not sure how to go about it. I’ve checked on their website but it doesn’t specify…
Jenny in UT says
What a great idea to add to this list. My husband is a jeweler/silversmith and has taught community classes. I am shop teacher and have also taught community classes. I am not sure why the classes listed in the replies have paid so low. When we have done it, we have gotten paid from $22/hour to $45/hour.
Lori in NC says
Am I tallying this correctly – 6 hours of your time (including teaching the class) for $20 ? I understand that you can re-use the lesson plan for the next class you teach (and save that time) but $3/hour is not much income + travel time. I realize it’s not all about money and it’s great to share your passion, but I’m wondering if it’s much of a money-maker (for you) the way it is structured.
Lori in NC says
correction – $40 for 6 hours of time = about $6.60/hour but still not much income for all of that work + travel time.
Alisha says
Hi Lori,
You’re correct, it’s not much of a moneymaker for me. I’m just starting with the course and expect to need less prep time in the future, but tutoring is really the biggest bang for your buck.
The Prudent Homemaker says
I don’t charge when I speak, but there are always blessings from it!
Shelly says
My friend used to teach piano to kids at the community center. I never thought of trying to teach a class myself. I have taught a class at my church but this would be another great opportunity.
Elise Daly Parker says
Great idea Alisha! I do college essay coaching with college-bound kids. Recently, I decided to approach local libraries to see if they would be interested in a College Essay Excellence workshop. They were! And so I put together a curriculum and conducted the workshop at two locations this fall. Yes, it took the initial investment of time to put together a workshop, power point, and a few handouts. But now I’m all set for next year and hope to schedule 10 workshops. I get paid through the libraries and they offer the workshop as a public service.
Alisha says
What a great idea! I will have to look into teaching at libraries as well.
JP says
What a neat idea Alisha. What I particularly like about this is that you get to maximize one of your passions. And get paid!
I’m curious, what was your class on?
A few logistical questions:
– How do they promote the class? How do you get proper enrollment?
– Where they able to provide you with examples of student handouts from other classes?
– What topics are usually taught in community centers?
– How many people should you expect to sign up? Do they allow you to get emails from the students in case you are trying to build a business around the topic of your class?
Alisha says
Hi JP,
My class is an introduction to couponing.
To answer your questions:
– The community center takes care of promoting the class by mailing town residents a course listing every season. If a course has less than 5 students, it is dropped. This policy varies based on the community center where you teach.
– I did not get any sample handouts. I was the first person to teach about coupons so I was starting from scratch to a certain extent.
– Topics vary based on where you live. In my town the community center offers mainly language classes, business-related workshops, art classes, fitness classes, and cooking classes. Other ones I have seen are basic auto repair and carpentry.
– Class size really depends on the type of course you are teaching. With the couponing class I expect between 5-20 students. Email policy will depend on the community center. I would contact the one nearest you to get a better idea of their policies.
I hope that helps!
JP says
Thanks Alisha!