We’re so thankful for our March sponsors:
Before you go out to eat or head to the store, be sure to check out the Restaurant Coupons and Retail Coupons over on Surviving The Stores. If there’s a printable coupon available, chances are that they have it listed on their Restaurant and Retail Coupon Databases! When you see a logo for a restaurant or store that you want to go then just click on the logo to see all of the current printable coupons available.
San Diego Deals and Steals celebrates being frugal even in a city with one of the highest costs of living in America! On San Diego Deals and Steals, you’ll be inspired to live richly on less through coupons, travel tips, recipes, frugal DIY projects, random adoption and family stories, exclusive discounts, giveaways, and lots of fun free events. Also, check out San Diego Deals and Steals on Facebook and follow us at @SD_DealsnSteals on Twitter!
Find printable coupons quickly and efficiently at Printable Coupon Place. No fluff, just coupons, and lots of ’em!
Jen at Frugal Freebies and Deals is helping save you $54.79 a day and now she wants you to share your story of ways you are saving around $54.79 a day, week, month, or even year. Right now, you can earn $10 just for sharing your DIY ideas or frugal tips. Find out more information here.
PAMO, meaning Picture And Money Organizer, is a free checkbook app that takes away the hassle of a paper checkbook. Started by a college student who wanted to make sure she didn’t go into overdraft, PAMO allows you to keep up with transactions and take pictures of receipts, checks, and products purchased.
Karen at MommyLuvs2Save writes a column every day where she encourages her readers to join with her in sharing what they do everyday in an attempt to get debt-free. She has currently paid off over $115,000 in debt by saving money at the stores and finding extra ways to save and earn money towards ditching debt. You can win $50 by sharing your debt-free adventures.
Want to be a featured monthly sponsor? Fill out the contact form here and we’ll send you more information and details.
Interested in Guest Posting on MoneySavingMom®?
We’re specifically looking for guest post submissions on the following topics right now:
::Creative ways you’ve cut your grocery bill (the more creative & original, the better!)
::Testimonies from people who have recently started the process of getting on a budget.
::Testimonies of how a budget has changed your life.
::DIYs, We Paid Cash stories, and Ask the Reader questions.
Find our guest posting guidelines and submission details here. Please note that we have limited space for guest posts so we only accept some of those that are submitted.
San Diego Deals and Steals says
excited to sponsor such an awesome website! MSM is an inspiration to us all!