I started the Rhythms for Life Journal last week and loved it. It really helped me to see some areas in my life where I can improve in having better rhythms and make creating, connecting, resting, and renewal a priority. I especially realized that I don’t prioritize creating. So I’m working on being more intentional in that area… by making more time to work with my hands and looking for ways to add creative activities to my day.
Last Week’s Goals
Personal Goals
1. Take 3 morning walks in our neighborhood.2. Finish reading The White Rose Resists and
read the pre-release copy of 25 Lies Twenty Somethings Need to Stop Believing. Read 5 chapters of Atomic Habits. Read 5 chapters of You Who?
3. Do pelvic floor exercises at least four times.
4. Do 3 days of Couch to 5K.Home/Family Goals
5. Read three chapters of A Boy’s War as a family.
Read three chapters of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to the babies and Silas.
6. Go on a date with Jesse.Work/Blog Goals
7. Record a video for an upcoming online parenting conference.
8. Finish the Appendix for my upcoming book manuscript.
9. Plan my topic outlines for the live coaching sessions for my Blogging Mastermind group.Word of the Year Goals
10. Do the Rhythms for Life Journal daily this week.
This Week’s Goals
Personal Goals
1. Take 3 morning walks in our neighborhood.
2. Read 5 chapters of The White Rose Resists. Read 5 chapters of Atomic Habits. Finish listening to Catch Me If You Can. Finish reading You Who?.
3. Do pelvic floor exercises at least four times.
4. Do 3 days of Couch to 5K.
Home/Family Goals
5. Read 20 pages of A Boy’s War as a family. Read three chapters of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to the babies and Silas.
6. Go on a couples’ date with friends.
7. Clean out and organize pantry.
Work/Blog Goals
8. Get back to inbox zero! 😉
9. Plan and teach a live coaching session for my Blogging Mastermind group.
Word of the Year Goals
10. Do the Rhythms for Life Journal daily this week.