You asked for it, and it’s finally here. is now mobile-friendly!
When you view this site on your mobile device, you’ll notice a few things are different.
- Loading time is much faster.
- Content is now sized and organized so that it’s easy-to-read on your phone.
- You can easily search for posts tags or categories from the navigation menu.
- When you visit the Store Deals section of MoneySavingMom, you’ll now be able to choose your store on the home page and then go directly to the posts for that store. This should make it much easier for those of you who want to access your store’s posts while you’re out shopping.
If you don’t see the mobile site on your phone at first, you can turn on mobile view by scrolling to the bottom of the homepage and clicking the ON button for the Mobile Theme.
Fiery says
Disappointed to see the mobile site doesn’t work on my BB Tour. Hopefully you will find the glitch and it will work soon.
I love your site and often browse it on my phone especially for recipes, deals and when reading e-mails on the go. Would be nice to have an easier to navigate and faster loading option for accessing the site.
Will be looking forward to updates on the option.
Beth says
Woo hoo!!! Thanks for making a mobile version of the site. I love it!
Also, I thought I’d mention (in case you didn’t already know) that you can do a screen capture on your iPod Touch by pressing the top on/off and circle (with square on it) buttons at the same time. The screen will flash once you’ve taken it and will automatically save to your saved photos. Then you can e-mail your photos to yourself. =)
Brianne says
I love it!!! I’m on it all the time. One problem I’ve found…when I finish reading a post and I hit back, it sends me back to the top of the first page. This frustrating when I’ve already scrolled through those and wanna pick up where I left off. I don’t know enough about computers to know if/how this can be remedied
Lori says
That’s great!!! It’s one of my most frequented wedsites and now it looks and acts so much better on my iPhone.
Damita says
Can’t find the mobile option either.. 🙁
Crystal says
It seems like it’s not showing up on all smartphones, so we’re working on fixing that right now. I’ll post an update — hopefully soon! My apologies on that!
Lee says
I have a Blackberry and canNOT find the mobile option for ur page. ?? Maybe my settings are wrong? Love the site anyway! Hope to be able to view mobile version soon! (That would be very helpful for when in the stores)Thanks for all you do!!!!!
emily says
It doesn’t look any different on my blackberry 🙁 do I have to have something newer for it to work?
AllieZirkle says
I noticed this yesterday or today and was quite pleased. It’s MUCH easier to manuever and is quite helpful. Thanks Joy for making it happen. 🙂
Lindsay says
You have no idea how excited I was when I went to your site from my iPod touch and had the mobile view – awesome! Thank you!
Amy says
Doesn’t seem to work for my phone 🙁 I have Sidekick LX…I just may need a fancier phone and I can think of no better reason to get one now 🙂
Hallie says
I am so excited about this Crystal! I cannot tell you how many times I have been out shopping and have wanted to access something on your site and have had trouble. I can’t wait to try the mobile version.
I love your site and am so appreciative of all of the great content. Thanks!
Darcy says
Is this made for specific phones/browsers only? My phone has the internet and it’s the nice version, too…not as nice as a BlackBerry or iPhone tho. I didn’t see the “mobile view” option at the bottom of the homepage. Do you have a different URL for it? Like or something? I can load the regular view fine, but the mobile version is much nicer to view!!
Crystal says
@Darcy, What phone are you using. We can make sure your type of phone is in the settings for the mobile theme.
Darcy says
@Crystal, It’s an LG Bliss
Virginia says
This is a great improvement to an already awesome site! Keep the deals coming. 🙂
Christie says
I LOVE it!! Was so excited when I saw the new format last weekend!! Very impressive.
Alena Diaz says
Yay!! Shopping got even easier!! Thanks Crystal!!
Stacey says
It is great. Thank you.
Lori J says
AWESOME!!!!! I love it!
Jennifer @ Saving and Giving says
Do you think this would give me the excuse I need to buy an iPhone? 🙂
AllieZirkle says
@Jennifer @ Saving and Giving, OH MY GOODNESS! There are SO many reasons to have an iPhone. It’s my sanity. But I work full time outside of the house and have 4 kiddos and have a teacher for a hubby. There’s a lot to manage and my iPhone is an AMAZING tool that just keeps getting better.
Calendars, Google doc syncing, social networking, blog apps, Nike+ pedometer, calorie counter, banking, coupons, cellfire, camera, radio, etc.
Now if you are pincing pennies, it’s hard to justify $25 monthly plan – for just me. but the new iphone in July will offer tethering so you can use it in lieu of a cable modem so the $25 will replce our $50 cable modem. Um, yes please. 🙂
Mindy says
LOVE IT Thanks!