I had the privilege of meeting Lindsey recently. She and I have known each other through blogging for four years, so we were excited when we found out that their family was going to be in our area so we could finally meet in person!
Lindsey has long been such a blessing and encouragement to me and I was thrilled to have to opportunity to get to chat with her over coffee at Starbucks for two hours. What an amazingly authentic, genuine, generous and sweet-hearted person she is!
Always a giver, Lindsey put together a gift sack of some of my very favorite-in-all-the-world foods (she knows me well!) plus other fun things — like these beautiful homemade cards.
I had to write her and ask her who made the fabulous cards. She told me that her friend, Amanda, made them. I like them all, but I especially loved the “Find Joy in the Little Things” card. Is that not the most creative idea for re-using a juice can lid ever?
(By the way, I found out that Amanda does occasionally make cards for other people. She’s a stay-at-home mom of four and this is a little side business she has. If anyone is interested in buying cards from her or inquiring about her prices, you can email Amanda at [email protected].)
Lindsey’s precious daughter. How cute is she?
Silas and me — photo taken by Lindsey. Love this photo even if Silas was being a little stinker and refusing to smile. 🙂
I feel so blessed that blogging has given me the opportunity to meet Lindsey and so many other wonderful people. Isn’t technology amazing?
Amy f;) says
Your hair is looking really great!
Elizabeth Sue says
I feel so blessed to have met you through technology Crystal. Avery still talks about “Mrs. Crystal” all these years later. Love the chunky highlights on you by the way!
Bridgette @ Blessings Multiplied says
It is amazing the number of people you can meet and get to know through blogging! I had the privilege of talking with several readers recently on a trip to visit family. What a blessing!!!! =)
Tanya says
What a blessing…a long chat with a friend over coffee! I read L.’s blog …and yours! You’re the only two I check reguarly. 🙂 I didn’t even know you “knew” each other. L.’s recent postings on hospitality have been so encouraging and motivating. In fact, I’m have a face to face coffee date with a friend tomorrow too! It’ll be at our dining table or our living room or whichever room we can escape to in order to hear over the kiddos. Thanks to BOTH of you for all your diligent efforts in letting Christ shine through your writing. Blessings!
Diane says
Beautiful pictures!
Susan (FrugaLouis) says
Yay! That is so fun. I’m glad you two were able to enjoy some quality in-person time! 🙂
Roxanne says
Nice post!
And….what a beautiful, flattering photo of you.
You look so young, rested, healthy, and happy 🙂
I hope this picture puts to rest all the concerns from the last picture!! 🙂
Crystal says
You are too kind. 🙂
sarah says
any skinny…don’t forget skinny!
Rachel says
I found out first hand how cool it is to meet your bloggy friends in REAL LIFE last year at Relevant!
Now that I have met even more lovely gals going this year- I am even more excited to meet them all in October…
{And to give you that BIG hug that I missed out on last year!} LOL 🙂
Love the juice can lid idea- who knew?! 🙂
Crystal says
Cannot wait to meet you!!
Brandi @ Savvy Student Shopper! says
Thanks for sharing this! The pictures of the cards and children are beautiful! I look forward to meeting others through blogging as well.
Sheri Glup says
That awesome that you were finally able to meet IRL and I love the re purposing of the can lid to, since I’m a cardmaker;0)…you know how many of those lids I’ve thrown away through the years, NEVER AGAIN;0))
I look forward to visiting your blog often and hopefully learning some money saving tips…defiantly needed in this day and age.
Sheri G
Crystal says
I know, I would *never* have thought of the idea on my own! But it’s brilliant. Of course, you’d only want to do it if you were actually giving the card to someone in person rather than mailing it!
Amanda Shade says
Hi, I made these cards and just some FYI, they go through the mail with just a regular stamp- hope your’s turn out cute!