Guest post from Tessa of The Recreational Word Slinger
I discovered my love of writing earlier this year. I was looking for a full-time teaching position, but I had to resort to substitute teaching. On my days off, I would work on my blog.
Then, I started a book. Then, I started submitting articles for publication. (I even had one posted earlier this year here at!)
I didn’t know it at the time, but I was a writer then. Just like I’m a writer now. I love to write like nothing I’ve ever loved to do before, except maybe play basketball.
When I started my full-time teaching position at the beginning of this school year, I realized it would be difficult to try and do both writing and teaching. But I wasn’t ready to give up my dream just yet.
I decided early on that I would just get up early and do it. I had to make myself get up and write. Some forty days later, it is finally a habit for me!
The best way to get started on your dream is to do something. You can’t expect something to happen from nothing. Dreams don’t work that way. Start small, and you’ll eventually build some momentum.
I used this concept when I wanted to lose some weight. The first thing I did was to cut out sugar. That’s all it took. Nothing life-changing, but I did something about it. And, you know what? I’m starting to see some results.
It doesn’t take a philosophical revelation to begin doing something you love. Start small. Write. Run. Paint. Take a picture. Bake.
Just do it.
I hope that you make yourself do something today. Tell me about it in the comments. I want to celebrate with you!
Tessa is a teacher by day and a recreational word slinger by early morning/night. She blogs at The Recreational Word Slinger.
Rhonda says
I started a group for girls of color out of my home. It’s faith based and we’re meeting monthly
Jordan says
That’s so great and such a beautiful calling! -Jordan, MSM Team
Elizabeth Kane says
Completely agree, Tessa. When you start with one step, you’re one step closer than you were yesterday. It think this is especially hard with writing because it takes time to be any good at it. It’s tough! Right now, I’m reading Jeff Goin’s “You Are a Writer” and he talks about the importance of taking yourself seriously, and putting pen to paper even when you’re struggling to make it a habit.
JP says
Hi Tessa – Thanks for the post. I particularly like two things about your post:
1. Start small.
2. Take action.
Leaving things up to “just starting” however can be a bit shortsighted. It sounds like you had great success – but other people may need additional strategies for the long-term.
I have found two things help to add fuel to starting small and taking action (put another way, help to sustain your new habits over long periods of time).
1. Automate – set reminders on your phone, pay bills by automatic withdrawal, set your alarm. It can’t work with everything but when you have the chance take decision making out of it, do it.
2. Get A Coach – Be socially accountable. Tell a friend, a family member, or co-worker and check in with them on your progress.
Tessa says
Automation is an awesome thing J.P.
Thanks for sharing.
Jen says
You post is so timely! My friend and I were just talking about the types of services we could offer to families in our neighborhoods. I want to start my own business and your post gives me the encouragement to take the next steps.
saverchic says
I love the idea of starting with something small. I’ve been wanting to declutter my closet and have a minimalist wardrobe for some time now. Maybe if I just get rid of one thing a day, it will eventually happen!
nicole says
I too completely understand the whole teacher looking for work – substitute teacher – trying to find your way – routine all too well. I’m glad that u finally found full time employment – I never did. I have been praying for “direction” specifically for a couple of years now. I think I finally have an answer to that prayer but to get started seems so monumental. “Just do it” is an important reminder. Thanks for the great article.
Victoria@Snailpacetransformations says
My just do it, would be cleaning, after taking party in Money Saving Mom’s “4 weeks to a more organized home” in April, I have finally been able to stick to a cleaning routine that includes two 15 minute a day tasks, that are making a big difference to the look of our home and my stress level when it comes to its cleanliness. The biggest thing for me is to get them done first, and then move on to things that are less difficult to stick to.
Jacqueline says
It’s amazing what small changes can make. I have trained myself to go through mail over trash can (which shredder is by). Junk gets thrown away immediately and items to be shredded…done. 🙂 That one trick has saved clutter piles on my hutch! :oD
Tessa says
I try and do the same thing! Amazingly, our kitchen table is actually being used for dinner now instead of a catch all for the mail.
KimH says
Sage advice. I received a lay off notice today and your words are great reminders of what I know to be true… Thanks!
Tessa says
I’m sorry to hear that Kim. Hope things work out for you.
nelia says
I am a culinary student and I just figure out I am shy about my food. I am starting to offer my baking and cooking to more people than before. I needed to break the ice. Great post.
Tessa says
Thank you Nelia. Good luck with your endeavor. I wish I could try some of your baking right now!
TustinTim says
Thanks Tessa! The longest journey always begins with a single step.
Tessa says
Definitely so true.
J says
Tessa, you make so many good points. I also share the love of writing but have always felt less than adequate. Earlier this year I entered a contest that concerned writing on a certain topic and to my surprise I won a prize! Trust me, never in a million years did I think I would even be acknowledged. It doesn’t matter what the love one has, each of us need to pursue the dream and not let fear of failure stop us.
Tessa says
That’s so great that you won!