So, I’m just a wee bit excited… or maybe even a lot more than a wee bit excited! 🙂
You see, bright and early tomorrow morning (Tuesday, October 23, 2012), I’m launching a brand-new ebook called 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life.
If you’re craving more order, peace, and discipline in your life and you want some step-by-step help and motivation, you’ll definitely want to get a copy of this ebook. Plus, for three days only (Tuesday through Thursday), the ebook will be just $0.99.
But wait, that’s not all!
You know how I like to give stuff away? Well, I’ve lined up a Giveaway Extravaganza like no other to coincide with tomorrow’s launch.
For the next three days, there will be opportunities to earn free gift cards, beauty products, decor items, organizational items, free ebooks, a Kindle Fire, and much more. There will be multiple ways to enter and so many prizes given away that you’ll have a very good chance of winning!
You won’t want to miss our biggest Giveaway Extravaganza event of the year! Come back tomorrow morning for more details — and I hope you win something!
Psst! Are you a blogger? If so, did you sign up for our affiliate program? I’m offering 50% in commissions for all sales made through your referral link!
Sarah says
I downloaded your free ebook 21 days to a more disciplined life months ago. Is this the same one?
Becky says
I thought this series has already been turned into an ebook. I wonder which one I’m thinking of. I kind of fell off the wagon after a couple days so I should probably buy this.
Crystal says
We copied and pasted it into an ebook last year… with plans to revamp, edit, beef it up, and sell it sometime down the road. And, after a number of months of effort, we finally got it done! It’s based upon the series, but it has much more content, new projects, printables, etc.
Meeka says
I am really excited to get this book! I am at point in life where I need to shift some things and focus on what’s really important. This book will be a great help in setting me in the right direction.
MomofTwoPreciousGirls says
Put in my order this morning! Yay for you!
Susan says
Crystal, congratulations on your new book! I know already that it will be full of solid, practical advice and I’m looking forward to reading it and putting your advice into practice.
I wanted to mention something that you may not be aware of. I’m only through the introduction and first chapter, and I am seeing a lot of extraneous dashes throughout the text. I’m reading on the kindle version, if that makes a difference. Page one shows “man-ner”, “fo-cusing,” and “hus-band.” Chapter 1 page 2 shows “some-times”, “responsibili-ties”, “cir-cumstances.” I don’t mean to be critical, but it is really distracting to read with these errors. Hopefully you can fix this for others who purchase it later.
Crystal says
Hmm, I’m wondering if there was an error in formatting somewhere or if there’s something funky going on as that’s not how it was when we published it and no one else mentioned it showing up like that. Thanks so much for letting us know. I’ll go check on that right now!
Crystal says
Can you email [email protected]? She’s trying to figure out whether it’s just on your copy or whether there is a glitch that happened when we re-uploaded it last night to Amazon.
Thanks so much!
Tara H says
My copy is the same way.
Crystal says
Yes, we found out there was a glitch in the upload this morning. We’ve fixed it, but in the mean time, if you have weird dashes in your copy, email [email protected] and she’ll send you a corrected copy.
Tara H says
Thanks, Crystal!
Susan says
Thanks so much for the quick response Crystal.
Victoria@Snailpacetransformations says
Just bought it! hoping to have it read by the end of the week.
Tabitha says
How exciting Crystal! I’m looking forward to reading it. 🙂 I hope you have a great day
Tabitha says
I just got it on my kindle app. 🙂
Mel says
Is it tomorrow yet?? 😀
Maybe I need discipline and patience!
Crystal says
Psst! It’s live and available on Amazon and! 🙂
kathy says
Congratulations on your new book!! May God bless.
Tara says
Yay! I’m so excited for you! God has really used you already in my life and I’m excited to read this new book. I just ordered mine! Thanks so much for all you for so many people!
Oh and the giveaways sound great too! 🙂
Jill says
I worked through this series as you posted it and I’m still very excited about this ebook 🙂 Just purchased it on Amazon!! Congratulations Crystal and everyone on your team ~ God is accomplishing amazing things through each of you. Your blog is such an encouragement to me as a child of God, wife and mother. It is wonderful to “belong” to a community that values a simple, disciplined life (though I’m far from there yet!). Thank you for all each of you do!!
Stacy @ A Delightful Home says
I’m so thankful you wrote a book on this topic!
21 Days to a More Disciplined Life is going to help lots of people.
kariann says
I am so excited for you! I will be buying your book tomorrow. Discipline is the largest character need in my life. Yay!
Susan in St. Louis says
Yay! Sounds fun!
Isn’t your birthday around now too…I remember you used to do big giveaways on that day.
If so, Happy Birthday, Crystal! 🙂
Boss' Assistant says
I loved the series, so I am excited to read what you have added. I think everyone can use some more time management and discipline skills.
h. says
I thought i was pre ordering from amazon, but they sent it to my kindle already…
Crystal says
Yes, we put it up a little early on Amazon because it takes awhile for everything to configure. Surprise! 🙂
Lynn M. says
Ok so I am still new with the digital readers (I sound like an 80 year old not a 28 year old LOL), can I get this on my BandN nook? How would I get it?
Also is there going to be an announcement on the cookbook giveaway 🙂 Here’s hoping I won!
Crystal says
Check the Giveaways Galore post for the cookbook winners. 🙂
The ebook will be available as a PDF or via Amazon Kindle.
Jen says
I’m so excited for you Crystal. 🙂 You’re truly an inspiration.
Crystal says
Aw, thanks so much for your sweet encouragement!
Penni says
I’m so excited!! Been looking forward to your new book and the giveways sound fun! 🙂
Crystal says
Thanks so much for your kind encouragement! I’m excited to release the ebook — and to tell you all how you can win some fun giveaways!
Cathy B*****y says
how do you do it all?! And aren’t you also going to Allume to speak this week too?? Wish I had an ounce of your energy, Crystal! HUGE Congrats!
Cathy B*****y
pbprojecthope at yahoo dot com
Crystal says
I have a fantastic team of people who work for me — and they are doing most of the behind-the-scenes work on this ebook otherwise I’d be crazy to be releasing it the same week I was traveling to go speak at a conference! They are the best!
Carey says
I have been looking forward your book ever since you announced it last week, I can hardly wait!! Yay, tomorrow is the big day!!!!
Crystal says
Thanks so much for being excited with me!
deborah says
Excited about the giveaways! 🙂
Crystal says
Me, too! I can’t wait to unveil the link with all of them!
J says
I am so excited for you! You would think it is my book….lol…I am confident it will be a HUGE success.
Crystal says
You are so sweet! I’m pretty excited, too! 🙂
Anna says
Drum roll…………………………………….beat, beat, beat
Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap clap!
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Crystal says
Thanks for being an enthusiastic cheerleader!