This is a great deal on this highly rated book!
For a limited time, Amazon has this Daring Greatly Kindle eBook by Brené Brown for just $2.99!
This book was on my top 10 books list I read in 2013. It impacted me deeply and my life will never be the same as a result. In fact, I was so challenged by it that I had a necklace made that I wear almost all the time as a reminder.
Two caveats: the book is not written from a Christian perspective and has a lot of fairly strong language in it. However, it messed with me in such a good way and motivated me to confront the shame in my own life that I didn’t even realize I was there. Powerful stuff that has forever changed how I think and live.
Psst! Did you know you don’t need a Kindle device in order to read these free eBooks? Just download the free Kindle Reading App that allows you to read your eBooks on just about any device (including your computer)!