Someone asked me the other day, “If you’re feeling overwhelmed and discouraged by everything in your life, what is the one of the most important things you can do to change your life?”
I thought of a lot of different practical things I could encourage someone to do, but at the heart of your success in anything in life is your attitude. If you have a can-do, creative, committed attitude, you’ll go far in life. If you have a can’t do, won’t do, too hard, whiny attitude, you’ll probably never go anywhere.
Change your attitude and you’ll change your life. This goes either way. You can choose to look at a situation with positivity or negativity.
The choice is yours. But your choice will have a ripple effect.
For instance, when Jesse started law school and we committed to stay out of debt during his three years of law school, I won’t pretend that it was an easy choice. Because it wasn’t.
We knew that the road ahead of us was going to be rocky and rough. We have a choice to feel discouraged and disheartened or we could approach it with all the courage and heart we could muster up (with God’s help).
We chose the latter, seeing the law school journey as an opportunity to learn, to make short-term sacrifices, to get wildly creative, and to look for the blessings along the way.
There were many days when it wasn’t easy. There were many set backs, curve balls, and disappointments. But we kept choosing to make the most of the experience. To do the best we could with the time and resources we had.
Looking back, every single one of those years of struggle and working so hard to try to make ends meet was worth it. Oh so worth it!
- If we hadn’t struggled financially, I wouldn’t have been highly motivated to learn how to pinch every penny.
- If we didn’t have to worry about how we were going to afford groceries, I probably would have never taken the time to learn how to play the Drugstore Game.
- If we hadn’t wondered how we were going to pay our rent and utility bills, I doubt I would have never spent hours and hours and hours of time trying to figure out how to make money online.
And it’s because of those lessons, that I started this blog. Writing books, speaking, growing as a person, and meeting so many, many dear people who are a part of the community… none of this would have happened without those lean law school years.
When the road ahead of you looks bleak, don’t give up.
When it feels impossible, keep going.
When you want to throw in the towel, hang on.
You never know what the struggles and difficulties you are going through might be preparing you for in your future. Don’t lose heart!
Angela says
This post was spot on! Pain is usually the trigger for change. The people that are strong enough to preserve through the pain, are typically our greatest influencers. We all have the ability to shape our own thoughts and it all starts with attitude!
Anna says
Thanks so much for this Crystal! I feel like God has really done a lot to change my attitude these past few months but I still have my moments when I really start to get discouraged and feel like things aren’t changing and this morning, and really the past few days, was one of those times. I was praying about it and just saw this post when I stripped. Thanks so much for the encouragement!!
Anna says
Oops!! Haha! Should be “stopped” not”stripped.” Oh autocorrect!! 🙂
Crystal Paine says
I was kind of wondering about that. 😉
Bea says
Having an intense relationship w/Our Lord is the best attitude adjustment of all time. Following Jesus’ 2 laws improves everything. Not to say that we don’t need other help, but we must remember that thru prayer, Jesus sends the help our way. God bless and have a wonderful week.
Jessica says
What a wonderful post – and what uplifting and heartfelt responses!
I, too, try choose positivity and joy – to choose Jesus – each day. It can be daunting, especially with a family member who regularly mocks my husband and me for our attempts to be grateful and happy and to teach those habits to our children.
I must say this, and I hope it helps someone reading it . . . if you are constantly negative, and refuse to recognize your blessings, you become a person that no one wants to be around. We continue to reach out to this family member – we attempt to be loving and merciful for the sake of what Jesus has done for us and for the sake of the Gospel. But it is increasingly difficult as the years go by, and she becomes more entrenched in her bitter manner. And eventually, we will have to limit her contact with our children.
Of course, we must recognize and acknowledge one another’s sufferings and grief. But the goodness of God does not change. Through Him, we can find peace and hope and THAT alone is a reason to be joyful.
God bless you all.
Carrie says
Hear, hear. I think a lot of us have set ideas about how things “should” be done and are thus reluctant to get creative. But it’s when you screw up the courage to stray from what “everyone” does that you find you can achieve things in your own way, whether it’s living on less than anyone thought you could, getting more done, or whatever your goal is.
Kristy @ Little Natural Cottage says
This is such a good reminder, Crystal! The old cliche is really true: attitude is everything.
Thanks for sharing. An upbeat, positive outlook is a breath of fresh air!
Zoe says
May God Bless you for caring enough to send such encouraging words.
Erin says
Very encouraging! Thank you! I love watching how God is using your work as a ministry and tool to reach others.
Victoria says
Reading this a day late, but I needed this right now. My mom instilled this very principle in me from a very young age. She would read to me “the little engine that could” over and over reminding me Victoria, it is all about what you think you can…if you think you can you can….if you don’t … won’t. (man I miss her)
Sybil Brun says
Happy anniversary! I was also just thinking about the fact that I would not have started my blog, She Lives Free, if it hadn’t been for all the challenges and hardships we have endured as a family over the last seven years. To God be the glory!
Tabitha says
Thank you Crystal for your encouraging words tonight! I needed them! 🙂
anonymous says
I came to your website looking for some good deals:), and instead came across this post. This post–so simply stated and so challenging. It resulted in a humbling and much needed conversation with God. Thanks. And Congrat’s on 11 years!
Crystal says
{Hugs!} And thank you for your kind encouragement!
Jessica says
I love this reminder! I feel like I really started to learn this lesson when I was 16 when my family had to move which meant I had to start a new high school. I had a terrible attitude about it at first, but looking back on it I see it as a turning point in my life and walk with God. Learning to have a good attitude has been so helpful as my husband and I walked through unemployment, college, and now having five kids in five years. Having a good attitude definitely goes a long way, thanks for sharing!! 🙂
Amber Kristine says
Wonderful post, Crystal! You’re quite an inspiring woman. I’ve always said the same thing to many people I know. Attitude really is everything. Even when bad things surround you, if you have a good attitude you’ll get through it with ease. I’m in the slumps myself right now, but I’m not dragging all the time simply because I choose not to be. Who knows where I’d be if I didn’t learn to think that way a long time ago. But after reading a lot of your posts, you’re quite the inspiration. Keep it up, you’re quite lovely. 🙂
Crystal says
Thank you so much for your kind encouragement!
Carolyn says
Thank you for your post. I’m 49 and am trying to change my attitud, wish me luck!
Lety @ On A Roll to Better Living says
Hi, Carolyn! I am so happy to see someone else in my age range here with Crystal 🙂 You can do it! It is NEVER to late to make changes 😉
Lori says
We are all very blessed that you share your knowledge and insights on this blog, Crystal. When my son was 2 1/2, my husband lost his job and it was a while before he was able to find another. I was very worried and very scared, but looking back we learned so much during that time. We learned that we could do without a lot, we made a game out of finding free entertainment and we learned that we could survive a major setback. when he did work again, we made sure we saved an emergency fund. One of my fondest memories comes from that time – I had picked up a job, and in leaving for work one morning, I saw my little son standing on a stool next to his dad in the kitchen. They were looking through a cookbook to find “something to make Mommy for dinner when she gets home from work.” Another good thing – my husband got to spend time with our son that he would not have had had he been working, they are still very close to this day. Sorry this is so long, but I did want to say good things can come from hard, scary times! I’m probably one of your older readers, Crystal, but I still learn and am inspired by what you share. Thank you so much.
Crystal says
This is beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing… and thank you for your kind encouragement!
Lety @ On A Roll To Better Living says
I’d always been one to look at the positives in even the most difficult of situations. But in my late twenties, I was faced with a challenge that completely took me by surprise and cost me my optimism. About 5 years ago years ago I hit rock bottom. I wanted to curl up and vanish. I began to pray, a lot, for something to save me. Then, I began to notice my blessings. There were old blessings that I had not acknowledged in a long time, and new blessings that were sent to help me pull through.
You are one of my new blessings, Crystal. Though our journeys were/are completely different, you’ve inspired for the last several years to hold on to God, dream big, and set goals to change my circumstances. I am still far from where I want to be, but I’m not going to focus on that. I’m going to focus on the blessings I have to get there. Thank you, Crystal, for all you do. God bless you and yours always.
Stephanie says
So so true.
When our first child was stillborn I made the conscious decision to not be angry at God or let unanswered questions tear me apart. I knew that trials make us stronger and refine us. I chose to turn to God and continue in the faith that I had always held. Best choice ever. Nearly seven years (and three more kiddos later) I am so grateful for the way having faith and a positive outlook has blessed my life.
In the year after losing our little one, my husband and I attended a monthly support group at the hospital for parents who had lost infants. I saw a stark difference between couples who had turned to God in their trials and those who were angry at God because of their trials. Those who had positive attitudes (you can still be broken-hearted and have a positive attitude) even through tremendous hardships had been molded into something wonderful and inspiring. It was so sad to see others whose anger and bitterness destroyed their lives and relationships with their spouse.
Carla says
This is beautiful! Thanks for sharing .
Tommie says
I love this post, I am a firm believer that having a positive attitude will help a person to overcome surmountable odds.
Been following you for a very long time and know I will always be blessed when I read your posts.
Thank You!
Erica says
Thank you for your post. We have been going through an incredibly difficult time recently. There are days where it is hard to keep going and see a light at the end of the tunnel. We will get there eventually though! Thanks again for your encouraging story. It gives me hope for our family.
Crystal says
{Hugs!} I am so sorry that you’re going through a rough time.
Luba says
Thank you for your shining example, Crystal, and also for your endless encouragement on this blog. God bless you and your family!
Carole says
Such a wonderful post! Thank you for inspiring readers on multiple levels and for reminding us that, yes, the attitude with which we approach various struggles in life determines the outcome! I’m a firm believer that when one door closes, another opens and that closed door closed for a reason.
Crystal says
Thank you so much for your kind encouragement!
Lisa says
Crystal, all I can say is thank you for being a vessel of God. You will never know how much I needed to read this post this very moment. I am encouraged to continue to change my attitude in spite of my circumstances.
Crystal says
{Hugs!} I am so sorry for whatever you’re going through right now. If you’d like for me to pray specifically for you, I’d be more than happy to. Email me: [email protected]
Aimee@Momma Needs Some Coffee says
Ironically, my post today was titled “Change Your Attitude, Change Your Heart”.( I have been feeling convicted recently to change my heart towards the people around, and even my kids, who I of course love dearly but am not always so patient with. Life in and of itself is not easy, but a little perspective and change of attitude can go along way towards making it fun! I’ve been praying for God to reveal to me the areas in my life where I need to practice extra patience, and your post couldn’t have come at a better time! Our family’s lifestyle has changed over the last few years and we have had to make many sacrifices due to my health and our youngest son’s health, but this was a great reminder that even though the choices we have had to make are not easy, we will be better off for having made them. Thanks!
Crystal says
Great minds think alike! Thanks so much for sharing! {Hugs!}
Paula says
How beautiful! Both articles touched me. Thanks for sharing.
Roma says
The most important thing I do is pray, pray, pray. Praying God will give me the strength to keep going. Praying for a softer and tender heart. Just laying my problems at the Saviours feet. This is what helps me so much.
Sally says
Yes, pray, pray, pray! I’m also learning not to worry and fret, but trust, trust, trust- that God will provide for me. He always has.
Roslyn Martinez says
You have no clue how much I appreciate you. God sends us food at the appropriate times. You are an example of that. Thank you. 😉
Cathy R says
Thank you for your words of encouragement, Crystal. My husband and I are going through something right now that I never thought would happen. We are older, and both are job hunting. I am so grateful for your website, which I found when trying to figure out ways to save money. I am now a subscriber. It has been so helpful to me. Have a wonderful anniversary!
Tammy C says
I think that is the big difference with Crystal.She was young when both decided to stay out of debt. If I had children in my 20’s she would be daughter.On that note I like coming to her website to learn from the young ones who have a different way of doing things.