In our previous installment in this series, we discussed taking a deep, hard look at what your passions, skills, and giftings are.
Once you have come up with some ideas, you then need to flesh them out. How can you turn your interests into something which will also earn an income? Start by jotting down every single idea you can come up with which might allow you to mesh your gifts with working from home.
At the same time, you also need to think about what will earn an income. Be realistic and realize that you can’t always start out with your dream job. And you also don’t always know what your “dream job” is until you try your hand at a variety of things.
So begin by taking small plunges into arenas that are similar to where you want to eventually be, but which also will be more likely to earn money at this point. Start small and don’t bite off more than you can chew or invest more money than you can afford.
One of the best ways to know if something will work, is to just jump out there and test the water. Expect that you’ll fail some–especially in the beginning–but don’t let that drag you down. Failure can be one of the best ways to learn valuable lessons. This has certainly held true in my life.
While you are attempting to make a go of something, also be learning everything you can along the way. Check out stacks of books at the library, pick the brains of anyone you know who owns a business or works from home, and bounce your ideas off of everyone who will listen.
Gradually, you’ll likely discover things that do work well, things you enjoy doing, things which earn money. And, on the flipside, you’ll learn things you don’t enjoy doing, ideas which don’t work, and lots of things which don’t produce income.
Persevere even when the going gets tough, learn everything you can from setbacks, and it will pay off in the long run!
Cathy says
Thanks for all the good advice! I realized that I’ve been spreading my interests for awhile. A little here and there really does add up in the long run-plus it gives me a real sense of accomplishment!
Trixie says
You made some very good points about trying out ideas to see if they work and if you like it. There is no education like experience!
I’ve been a business owner for 14 years and spent many of those years trying out a variety of things. Some I enjoyed a lot, some not so much. Some don’t pay very well and others don’t pay well at all! Lots of learning oportunities:)
Take Care,
FoxFire says
Maybe I missed it somewhere, but can you reccomend a book/article/resource on writing, publishing, and promoting an ebook?
Thanks for all you do here at MSM (and BW), Crystal! And congrats on another baby! How blessed your children are.