Guest post from Jessica.
Have you ever set out to lose weight and get into shape, only to find out that, while your pants might be feeling bigger, your wallet isn’t?
Did you end up crashing and burning after adding up the costs of gym memberships, fresh fruits and vegetables, workout clothing, and fitness gear?
My name is Jessica Bowman, and I am a failed dieter! After trying about every diet under the sun, I finally figured out how to lose 50 lbs the healthy and happy way, all while remaining frugal.
Here are 6 ways I have saved money while on my weight loss journey:
1. Make a meal plan.
I have experimented with pre-made meal plans in the past, but now I make my own each week.
First, I look to see what I have in my kitchen. Then, I search some of my favorite healthy food sites and cookbooks for recipes using these ingredients. This helps me use what I have in my pantry, saving me money while still getting to try some new and exciting dishes.
I cook or pre-cook everything on Sunday mornings, and this makes weeknight cooking a breeze.
My husband and I used to be so tired after working and then working out; we’d be tempted to get a pizza or fried chicken from the endless supply of restaurants nearby. But thanks to meal planning, we can save money and calories by just heating up our healthy dinner!
2. Shop at big box stores.
I LOVE Sam’s Club when it comes to buying healthy foods! I’m sure the other big box stores like Costco and BJ’s have great healthy items as well.
Not only do they have excellent buys on meat, but Sam’s Club also has amazing buys on produce and individual-sized snacks, too!
Some of my favorites are the Hormel fully-cooked Black Label bacon, the Planters individual size peanut packs, and giant bags of Mandarin oranges. You can even order your groceries online and go pick them up. Which brings me to…
3. Buy groceries online.
Did you know that some grocery stores will let you shop for your groceries online and then pick them up either inside or curbside? This can save you a lot of time when it comes to shopping for healthy groceries!
A frugal friend of mine and I disagree about this money-saving tip because there is a $5 charge for this at my local grocery store. However, I usually only shop on “free” weeks or can justify the $5 very easily. For one, that’s at least an hour of time I will not have to spend at the grocery store, and my time is valuable to me. However, the main money-saving feature for me is I don’t get distracted by impulse buys.
Last week I created my meal plan for the week and saw that I only needed to buy $8 worth of additional items to complete my grocery list. With some breakfast items it grew to $22, but that still wasn’t enough to justify an online shopping trip to me. I asked my husband if he could pick up these items in the store instead so we could save our $5. He came out with over $50 in groceries! We definitely save time and money on our healthy groceries by shopping online.
4. Make a thrifty home gym.
Whether you turn your laundry bag into a punching bag or find free workout videos on YouTube, it can actually be pretty easy to give yourself a space to workout at home.
You just have to have enough literal space (and don’t forget that cleaning burns calories, too!)!
5. Take advantage of the outdoors.
Did you know there is a free gym that everyone can join? It’s called nature!
When the weather is nice outside, nothing can keep me indoors! I want to be out in it as much as possible, whether it be walking, jogging, hiking, swimming, or even playing a sport or game like Pickleball or Disc Golf.
If you’re good at sports, you can check out some sites like Meetup or Facebook for some fun intramural sports activities in your area. If you aren’t, you might find lots of great walking or hiking trails or parks in your area.
Most high schools have walking tracks around their football fields you can go to for free!
6. Make money with your big-purchase items.
Did you know you can make money with FitBit?
I used yard sale earnings to buy my Fitbit Flex two years ago, but it still felt like a huge purchase to me. I was determined to make my money back on it! Little did I know, having a fitness activity tracker is actually an awesome way to make some extra money and earn prizes and rewards.
No, you’re not going to get rich, but being able to earn money just for walking is a great motivator, and your Fitbit will at least be able to pay for itself! I have paid for my FitBit many, many times over!
By making small changes, I was able to change my bad habits into good habits and lose 50 lbs without hurting my wallet!
How have you managed to save money on your weight loss journey?
Jessica Bowman is a weight loss blogger who loves to eat and hates to exercise. In 2014, she decided to stop dieting and start living a healthy lifestyle and managed to lose 50 lbs in the process. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two dogs. Her favorite pastimes include watching 80s new wave music videos, creating lighter versions of Southern comfort food, and putting Lisa Frank stickers on everything! You can find her at The Failed Dieter.
Codee says
Curious on how you made your money back on your fitbit? Are there money earning apps?
Julie says
Wonderful tips Jessica! Eating healthy and being active do not require expensive memberships or programs, just some planning and discipline. Something I’m working on heh.
Elise says
Another idea is to check with your local high school. Sometimes they open their gym to the public before and after school hours for free! (you can to sign a waiver and they give you an access code).
Our high school does that, and it’s surprising how many people don’t know!
Becky says
I follow the Weight Watchers program myself. I don’t attend meetings or pay for online. I have lost 24 lbs. since December 1.
Shannon says
Wow! Great tips! I love the idea of shopping online. I need to try it 🙂 Those impulse buys are terrible!!
Denise (Life With the Lid Up) says
Great ideas! A few summers ago I used a free online program called Lose It. It tracks calories consumed and burned. It was a easy to use and helpful for me to see those numbers. Reading your article may be just the motivation I need to get back on track.
Jessica (The Failed Dieter) says
I love Lose It, Denise! If you’re interested, we are going to be doing a water-drinking challenge in May on The Failed Dieter Facebook page; it’s totally free, and there will be prizes, too! I’m on FB at @TheFailedDieter. Thanks for commenting, and I hope you are able to get back on track…it’s an everyday struggle for me, too!
Kelly Cox says
Jessica, I’ve been so happy to watch your journey. You’ve come so far, inspired many and I’m excited to see how you have saved money along the way. Congrats, Jess! Thankful to know you and excited to see you here on MSM!
Jessica (The Failed Dieter) says
Thank you, and thanks for telling me about this amazing site and feature! I love MSM and Crystal and the community!
Jamie @ Medium Sized Family says
I’m seriously tempted to look into the online grocery shopping idea! That would definitely be worth $5 to me during my busy season (right now!). Great tips!
Jessica (The Failed Dieter) says
Thanks, Jamie! Give it a try and let me know what you think!
Dawn B. says
Great advice! I cracked myself up as I read the last paragraph in your first point. I read “endless supply of restaurants” as “useless supply…”
Second, I had never heard of Pickleball so I had to look that one up.
Jessica (The Failed Dieter) says
Haha, I’ve never played Pickleball, but it is very popular at my local park. It looks fun! I have played a made-up game called Bottle Ball that was also pretty fun…it’s like football-meets-soccer-meets-dodgeball, with water bottles.
Useless supply of restaurants works, too! 😉
Aimee says
When we couldn’t afford a gym membership I purchased several great work out DVDs from eBay for a fraction of the retail price!
Jessica (The Failed Dieter) says
Great idea! I have found some great “for dummies” videos on YouTube. I tried Dancing for Dummies and was still too uncoordinated to pick it up! 🙁 I burn calories just trying not to fall down.
Jen says
I need to go someplace away to go workout, but I found that using the rec center in my neighborhood was way cheaper than a fancy gym. It was $100 a year versus $45 bucks a month. Definitely worth it! Also, I recommend the C25K and Swork It! App’s for running and strength training on the go. Both are free.
Jessica (The Failed Dieter) says
Those are great choices, Jen! I just came from our local high school’s athletic complex, where I did my “lunch walk” with my husband around the football field. It’s wonderful because it’s so lovely outside, but it’s even better because it’s free!!