Welcome to the 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home {Simplified} series!
From November 5 to December 7 (skipping the week of Thanksgiving), every weekday morning at 9 a.m. EST, I’ll be posting the day’s assignment and then every evening at 7 p.m. EST, I’ll be posting my progress and pictures, along with a link-up for you to share your progress and pictures, too.
Day 9 Assignment
::Get dressed in something that makes you feel great {there’s something about dressing in clothes that make you feel great that just gives you more energy and zest for life! Get your free copy of SarahMae’s ebook, Frumps to Pumps, if you need more motivation in this.}
::Sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, refer to your list of weekly goals, and make a list of no more than 5-7 specific things you want to accomplish today.
::Set the timer for 15 minutes and do a quick-clean of your bathroom. Need specific directions? Read this article on How to Clean Your Bathroom in 15 Minutes.
::Clean your light switch plates. You can use a damp rag with a little disinfectant on it or a cleaning wipe. If you have younger children, they’d probably enjoy joining you in tackling this project!
Take pictures of your accomplishments and blog about them, if you’d like. And then come back here at 7 p.m. EST to share your progress posts or tell us about your accomplishments in a comment.
Elizabeth says
I wiped down the light switches but bathroom will have to wait I don’t think I’ll get that far. I’ll get there just not tonight.
Katie@Cozy Seaside Homestead says
Nicole says
I needed to do bathrooms today… How did you know? Also had never thought to do switch plates thanks!
Mary says
Baby wipes make great cleaning wipes. I hand them to the tots in my life so they can safely help too.
Shelly says
Yesterday while the kids and myself were doing the door knobs I told the kids lets do the light switch plates too. So I have that cleaning done for today. I need to do the bathroom and it is such a nice crisp fall day I need to go out and pick up the leaves in the yard. We don’t have any rain today so today is the day for leaf patrol. Not that it will look like I did anything in 24 hours but at least I can enjoy it while it lasts.
beth says
wouldn’t it save time to do this at the same time you are doing the door handles?
Crystal says
You definitely could!