Welcome to the 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home {Simplified} series!
From November 5 to December 7 (skipping the week of Thanksgiving), every weekday morning at 9 a.m. EST, I’ll be posting the day’s assignment and then every evening at 7 p.m. EST, I’ll be posting my progress and pictures, along with a link-up for you to share your progress and pictures, too.
Day 3 Assignment
::Get dressed in something that makes you feel great {there’s something about dressing in clothes that make you feel great that just gives you more energy and zest for life! Get your free copy of SarahMae’s ebook, Frumps to Pumps, if you need more motivation in this.}
::Sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, refer to your list of weekly goals, and make a list of no more than 5-7 specific things you want to accomplish today.
::Set the timer for 10 minutes and do a quick-clean of your bedroom: Do a quick clean-up, make your bed, and vacuum, if you have time.
::Set your timer for 10 minutes and do a quick clean-out of your freezer. If you have a deep freeze, don’t worry about cleaning it out unless you have extra time today. Have a lot of time and want some step-by-step help? Read this guide on How to Clean Out Your Freezer.
Take pictures of your accomplishments and blog about them, if you’d like. And then come back here at 6 p.m. EST to share your progress posts or tell us about your accomplishments in a comment.
Are you joining me today?
Katie says
Got a few things done around here!! Thanks for the inspiration!
Heather says
I actually cleared out my fridge last week before trash day, but needed to wipe it out which I did yesterday. Today I tackled the attached freezer…which led me to my stove! Nope, not because I was cooking, but because I was using it as counterspace to put my stuff on it. Then upon clearning stuff off the cold burners, I thought…WOW those look awful! I then took all the burners out and started to clean them. I then thought, I know my hubby HATES the smell of the cleaning that goes on in the oven and since he won’t be home for hours, why not clean the oven? So, one thing leads to another, but both my fridge and freezer are cleaned out and sparkling and my stove looks brand new! Now if I only don’t shop or cook/bake it will stay that way!
Thank you for this series…knowing that someone else is trying to decipher what that
“mystery meat” is in the universe with me makes me very happy & not sooo alone! 🙂
Whitney says
I did this today, and wow! I found all kinds of food I didn’t know I had. I was worrying about our grocery budget this week, but I seriously have enough meat and food for another week. Thanks for helping with my stress this week – seriously!
Angela says
This has been on my to-do list for two weeks. How did you know? 🙂 Guess I’ll have to do it today. Thanks!
Christine Mikel says
Hey! Just used this to help get organized. Thank you SO MUCH for the direction. I really needed it! Will be following along!!!
Varsha says
Did not clean my fridge yesterday :).So today I cleaned the whole fridge and freezer .Washed all the drawers .. It took a few hours but worth it in the end.My fridge and freezer looks so clean 🙂 Just straightened the bedroom no vaccum today 🙂 I am already tired with the fridge cleaning … LOL 🙂
Shelly says
I am only doing my freezer attached to the fridge. My deep freezer is packed full and needs to be defrosted so it will have to wait for another time. 🙂 When it isn’t as full.
Mary says
I’m in (and need to get unfrumpy asap!)
I love these assignments; they are truly motivating. Thanks!
Mackenzie says
I’m afraid to look into my freezer! LOL 🙂
Jo says
Just put a cow in the freezer (900 lbs) so we had to clean it out two weeks ago. Yummmm, beef!!! 🙂
Kayla P @ Practicing Prudence says
Okay, I’ll be honest. Not looking forward to this one. Things fall out of my freezer when I open it. 🙂
Marie says
I can’t believe I’m actually ahead of schedule. I did the freezer yesterday when i cleaned out the fridge!!! And I vacummed my whole house this morning and picked up and straightened the bedroom so i feel like I got alot done already!!! It’s taken a few hours but it was definitely needed!!!
Kate says
I just put over 300 lbs of meat in the deep freeze last week – I won’t be cleaning that thing for a loooong time! 🙂
Nicole says
LoL my bedroom was an hour clean today there were 5 loads of laundry in the pack and play to fold.