I’m the least likely candidate to be giving fashion tips, but ever since I posted the video of my minimalist summer wardrobe, I’ve gotten question after question after question about my wardrobe. So, in an effort to answer a few of those questions, today I’m sharing four tips for having a minimalist wardrobe.
1. Only Own What You Wear
Are you wearing everything you own on a regular basis? If not, why are you hanging onto it? It’s just taking up space in your closet and cluttering your life.
Don’t know what to keep and what to get rid of? Try the one-year wardrobe project that J.D. from Get Rich Slowly did. Personally, I think you could probably accelerate it to three or six months, if you want to get a move on your clutter more quickly.
2. Mix and Match
Never buy something that can only be worn with one item you own. If possible, only buy items that can be worn with just about every other item in your closet.
3. Know Your Colors
About ten years ago, a friend of mine introduced me to the concept of color palettes. Up until that time, I just wore whatever I found at the thrift store or got off the sale rack. I didn’t really feel great in many of the items, but they were inexpensive, so that’s what mattered–or so I thought.
But after discovering what my color palette is and switching to only wearing clothes that are my color, I’ll never go back. Wearing your colors instantly makes you look more youthful and energetic. Plus, I find that shopping is so much more efficient because I can scan the racks for my colors, instead of having to look through each and every item.
You can take a free color analysis here (I’m not sure how accurate it is since it’s online, but it might be fun to do.) Also, you might consider checking out a copy of Color Me Beautiful from the library.
4. Accessorize
A few accessories can make a big difference and can spruce up a small wardrobe in amazing ways. For instance, if you only have six tops, but you have three scarves and two necklaces that match with almost all of those tops, you just extended your wardrobe possibilities quite a bit. Best of all, most accessories can be very inexpensive. You can even make your own.
In the cooler weather, scarves are my favorite. The whole figuring out how to wear them used to scare me–especially because I’m no fashionista and can never seem to pull off the cute looks others do. Jen from Balancing Beauty and Bedlam, generous friend that she is, bought me a scarf and taught me how to tie it. After wearing it a few times, I was sold. I went out and bought a few more scarves and I’m now rarely seen without a scarf in winter!
Watch Jen’s video here on how to tie a scarf. You can also check out her post here. Also, Tip Junkie has a post on 12 Trendy Ways to Wear a Scarf.
Having a minimalist wardrobe will not only save you quite a bit of money (the less you shop, the less you spend!), but they will also help to simplify your life.
I know I might be weird, but I find that it is so easy to get dressed in the morning when you only have a few options to choose from. In fact, I’d rather have a few items that I love and feel great in, than a closet full of clothes that I don’t really like, don’t fit that well, and haven’t been worn in a number of months.
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Kathy says
I just did the free color analysis you linked to. It was helpful!
Jennifer Snuffleupagus says
Girl, you are no joke.
This is a great, definitive list.
OMG you are a true workhorse and researcher.
I just wrote about my forced minimalist wardrobe, as some that lives apartment less, moving from one petsit to the next in NYC. Do I live up to your hopes?
Living sustainably on $100/week in NYC
K Ann Guinn says
I agree with all of your points, and am working towards a more minimalist wardrobe. My clothing color choices changed dramatically (for the better), once I was “draped” by someone using the Color Me Beautiful system. My husband and I often realize that we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time, as we’ve heard, so I’m working on paring down. We have older closets that are quite small, so this is especially important. I love my scarves, too!
Heidi says
Thank you so much for this article! I really love the tip about knowing what colors look good on you, so you only buy those colors. It has helped me avoid colors that aren’t as flattering on me. It has also helped me rethink how many clothes I really need.
Jennifer says
I just did the color analysis. They picked colors for me that I love! I’m horrible at fashion sense, but I think it gives me a step in the right direction.
El says
Crystal, where did you purchase the beautiful gray open front cardigan and aqua earrings and scarf that you have pictured with your ‘4 Tips for Having a Minimalist Wardrobe’?
Crystal says
I don’t own them. I just *wish* I did. 🙂
El says
I hear ya! 🙂 (Me, too!)
Angie says
I’m a little late, but I have to share that this article got me interested in the Color Me Beautiful system. The idea is nothing new to me: I grew up in 80’s suburbia when many of my Mom’s friends were “getting their colors done.” Being frugal, my Mom thought spending money to “get your colors done” was frivolous. However, I’m not against spending money on something if there is value there. Perhaps there is value in knowing your colors if that helps you know what to avoid when shopping.
I tried to figure out my colors myself through online research, but that has proven difficult, and I doubt borrowing the book from the library will help. Originally there were 4 seasons (Winter, Spring… etc.). Now there are 12 seasons (3 Winters, 3 Springs… etc.).
Someone with obvious dark or light coloring should be able to figure out their own “season” but I cannot. All I know for sure is that I’m definately NOT one of the winters. I have very pale skin (always the lightest foundation in most makeup brands) with freckles. I say my eyes are green; my Mom insists they are hazel. My hair is what really throws it off. I have medium brown hair with both blond and red highlights. I think I am one of the springs, but the celebrity examples of springs on color analysis sites all have blonde hair. However, I read on one site that most springs naturally have brown hair and dye it blonde. I know many people with my coloring go blonde, but I can’t be bothered to touch up roots and therefore I go au natural.
I have also considered if the presense of some red in my hair and green in my eyes makes me one of the lighter autumns (soft autumn or warm autumn, but definately NOT a deep autumn). One site says the presense of freckles indicates I’m probably a “warm” season (warm spring or warm autumn) but I look at those colors, and I’m not convinced. I have narrowed it down to like 5 of the 12 seasons, which really doesn’t narrow things down : )
Anyway, I have this turquise cardigan and I have been told that color looks good on me so I’m going to use that as a starting point, since I can’t really afford to “have my colors done” at the moment. I admit, while as a kid, the idea seemed silly, if I had the money, I would definately have my colors done now.
Carol@simple_catholic says
You’re a woman after my own heart, Crystal. 🙂 I’ve been following principles similar to these for years. Well, except “knowing your”colors. I’ll have to read up on that one. And, I don’t wear much jewelry – but love my scarves!
Amber Cullum says
I love that you shared these tips. I am know fashionista, but one thing I have done at the beginning of each season is make a rule to wear everything in my closet once, before wearing something a second. I get rid of what I won’t wear.
It has worked, but I still need to get rid of a lot of clothes, because I just don’t want that much stuff anymore.
I will put a few of these tips into action immediately, so thank you.
Candice says
One of my best friends has a really good wardrobe approach.
First, she pared down her wardrobe to a size that fits her personal & professional needs. Not a tiny wardrobe, but certainly not big.
Next, anytime she buys a new article of clothing she forces herself to retire (donate) an existing article in her wardrobe. This really helps her to evaluate whether or not she is willing to part with a piece of clothing in order to get something new. If she has X number of shirts that she’s really fond of, why would she get a new one.
This is also a really good practice because it ensures that you won’t have to constantly expand the storage space for clothing because the total size of your wardrobe remains relatively constant.
Katie says
First of all, THANK YOU for introducing me to Jen’s blog. I bought boots at a thrift store because of her, and they make this SAHM feel so much more put together.
Secondly, do you think it’s more economical (in terms of time and money) to hang on to clothes that don’t fit when you are in the process of losing/gaining weight? I’ve been pregnant three times in the last years, and gained and lost 50-60 lbs each time. (!) It’s a lot of clothes to hang on to, but I hate not having clothes that fit and it’s hard to find the time to find good deals on clothes when I reach a new size. I’ve always heard that it’s best to only have clothes that fit, but I know that this size really is temporary for me. Thoughts?
Crystal says
Can you have a tub in storage for clothes that don’t fit, but that you love and plan to wear again? That way, they aren’t in the closet, but they are readily accessible when you need them again.
Andrea says
If you really love the clothes and they are in good condition, I would keep them, especially if you have successfully got back to your pre-pregnancy size in the past!
If your closet it crowded, can you store some of the things in a tote under the bed? I have a box of maternity/postpartum clothes stored with the newborn baby stuff in my son’s closet.
Sharon@DiscoverExploreLearn says
I recently went through all of my clothes and got rid of anything that does not fit right now.
After 4 kids, even though I’ve lost the pregnancy weight, my body shape is a bit different. I was tired of looking at clothes in my closet that “might fit me someday.” It was very freeing to donate them and only hold on to the items that are useful to me and make me feel good about myself right now.
I am a minimalist in so many other areas of my life, so it only makes sense to carry that over into my wardrobe choices.
I follow the same method for my kiddos. They each have 7 shirts, 3 or 4 pants, 2 shorts, and 2 sweatshirts.
Bonus: I can’t get too far behind on laundry, or we wouldn’t have anything to wear. Good motivation to keep on top of things !
Stacy says
I have to say I love Pinterest for the Style section as much as for the crafting. Plenty of the pins there aren’t anything that I would ever wear but I have seen some great and practical ideas. Most recently after seeing many outfits featuring cardigans I decided that a few nice-looking ones in basic colors could replace the shapeless zip-up jackets I wear when it turns cool (I live in Phoenix so it never really gets cold). 2 days later I found a beautiful cream-colored cardigan at Goodwill for $3 and put one shapeless jacket in the probably-going-to-Goodwill pile. I’m now on the lookout for a black or brown cardigan.
Anna says
Owning only what you wear is so freeing. Since we moved halfway around the world I had to really pair down my clothes (and my husbands, and two boys) to only what I thought we’d truly use. That was the only way we could move her by airplane without paying any extra baggage fees and have things besides clothes we need/want. It is a really good principal to apply to toys, books, and kitchen items as well. We have truly found that we can exist quite happily with a lot less stuff around. Rarely do we miss stuff we chose to leave behind, and have only had a few small things mailed to us.
I know the moving method won’t work for everyone, but packing stuff away for a while to see if you really need it is a similar concept.
Heather says
I loved this post, and i looooove polyvore as well. I just spent the last hour making outfits out of some older clothing and accessories that are still amazing, and am really pleased with what a came up with. I am a fashionista who loves to shop and am trying to curb my habits, so this was a nice exercise for me. Love the scarf tip as well!
Karen @MSEnthusiast says
P.S. Accessories are key! I’ve even been known to wear my kid’s Justice bracelets. . . .Shhhh! You would think it would be the other way around.LOL
Karen @MSEnthusiast says
A person after my own heart. I just don’t understand why people would have clothes that they don’t wear. Mix and Match or BUST!;0)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Amy f;) says
My weight fluctuates a ton…I still can’t really figure out if it is hormones or water retention or what? I’m trying to be extra consistent with excercise and what I eat to see if that helps.
I ended up with 3 different sizes of clothes (plus I’ve been pregnant three times in the last six years;) for each season. I have totes in the garage for the size I am not currently at (mostly keeping favorites or clothes I need for special occassions). Right now though, there are two sizes/seasons in my closet because I’m still losing baby weight and just got back from a trip to a different climate and it is a diaster!
One of my goals for the week is to tackle thecloset and this post and the link to JD’s post are just the encouragement I need to simplify. And enjoy it!
Jerilyn says
It’s also good to shop for body types. I read a book that helped me see that rounded necks only exacerbated my sloping-shoulder-t-rex-arm syndrome. Wow- I knew I looked like that but I never realized I could manipulate it. I now wear v-neck or some other shirts that create angles. And it’s easier to shop- I don’t bother looking at certain styles.
I didn’t see p.j.’s on the list though 😉 okay, that’s just me! I don’t have a huge wardrobe. A lot of my clothes are clothes that I only wear really for a season- pregnancy & after pregnancy. I have one pair of jeans that I wear everyday in winter. And after this next baby, I’ll probably purchase another color- kakhi or black for nicer occasions, or just to mix things up. Now I don’t work outside of the home so I can’t say what I would do then, but I think the biggest thing is just not caring. Who cares if you wore that shirt yesterday or the day before? Not me! I have enough clothes for a change everyday for the kids but I wear the same thing a couple times a week and just do laundry once a week. My husband wears a uniform for work, so it’s easy to keep it simple.
Becky says
One tip for cleaning out closets-turn all of your hangers backwards. When you wear something, turn it around. At the end of a set period (3 months, 6 months, etc.), you’ll know for sure which items you aren’t wearing.
Andrea says
Here is the source of the image shown in this post: http://www.polyvore.com/grey_blue/set?id=33305203
On the right side of the Polyvore page, there are details about the items.
Mandi says
i LOVE the outfit in the picture also…would like to know what brand the pieces are or where to find them.
Andrea says
See my comment below. It’s an image/collection from Polyvore.
Susan says
I love the cardigan in the picture! Does anyone know where it is from?
Andrea says
This one from Old Navy is similar: http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=60783&vid=1&pid=864926&scid=864926022
Susan says
Thanks! I found the one in the pic on a site and it was $70, more than I want to spend right now on one piece of clothing.
Maegen says
One thing my sister taught me (after decades of sloppy dressing on my part), is to try stuff on.
I hate dressing rooms, but having one pair of black pants and one pair of cute jeans that fit well and flatter my body is worth way more than half a dozen ill flattering looks from the clearance rack.
She’s also converted me to T.J. Maxx. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could get really trend-on things there for not all that much more than I was paying at the thrift store.
Jeannine says
I make all of my own clothing. I use good quality fabrics to start out with so they are long lasting. I use wash and wear poly-cottons so I do not have to iron them either. Another tip to making clothing last is to hang dry. It saves the clothing and keeps your electricity bill down.
I wear one basic pattern but with different fabrics.
I also think that when we buy or make clothing we should think about glorifying the Lord.
Brandi @ Savvy Student Shopper says
Great post with great ideas! I agree that it’s definitely easier and nicer having a simple wardrobe.
Nicole Z. says
Johnlyn- I am with you! I used to buy all kinds of shoes for my size 10 feet that were on sale. I didn’t love them and they weren’t that comfortable. Since the birth of my first child three years ago, I have purged all of those shoes and have been adding the slightly expensive, super comfortable Clark’s brand shoes to my wardrobe. I usually buy a pair or two the morning of Black Friday when they have the best deals. I could live in them and I know that they will last me for a long time!
The funniest part of all this is that my husband was the one that told me to “invest” in better shoes. LOL! He was like “your shoes should not be uncomfortable. You are on your feet all day. Some things are worth it.”
Johnlyn says
Very true! I love Clark’s!!!
Meredith says
Oh, thank you so much for How to tie a scarf links. I admit I have about 10 in a drawer and I have never worn one afraid to tie it!
Diana says
Thanks for the tips. I’m having trouble with wardrobes for my children. My tween daughter wants to be fashionable on a budget and we’re having difficulties finding pieces to mix and match. Any ideas?
Lindsey says
I have a tween fashionista and a budget, too! Before we shop, we take inventory of what she has. Then, we decide what she needs to complete a few outfits (this shirt and this shirt would both look good with a black maxi skirt- and you could wear these accessories!) so , we start with a list of what is needed to maximize what she already has. I let her go through her clothes and get rid of stuff that doesn’t fit or she doesn’t like. I don’t help, because we argue. We always add basics to the list (skinny jeans, solid color t shirts and long sleeve shirts) and then accessorize with stuff we find on clearance (scarves, cardigans, etc). Also, if she falls in love with a particular piece, she has to tell me at least 2 or 3 other items she can wear it with, or she has to use her own money to buy it!
Jess says
I love this! Thank you for sharing.
mariah says
I would be willing to answer any questions on wardrobe challenges, etc. I have a lot of useful tips on my blog and an e-mail address to contact me with questions. This is my line of work as a Personal Stylist.
Lyla says
I struggle with having to have separate wardrobes at this point in my life- keeping maternity clothes, currently nursing, and then my clothes that are neither. I don’t know what to keep or get rid of or buy in this transitional phase of life!
Jessie says
I’m in the same phase of life, so I understand! I think each wardrobe can be it’s own capsule. I don’t buy things that are very trendy since it can be years between wearing them. It would be wasteful to buy and then re-buy clothes each time you went through a pregnancy/ postpartum phase. I just wish that I had thought about this with my first 🙂
Meredith says
Hi Mariah!
I’m so glad you posted your comment, any tips on how to find a stylist in my area? I live in Indianapolis, Indiana. Thanks in advance!
Amy says
These are great tips! One day, I will go through my closet and purge. I have so many sizes of clothing in there, but really almost nothing I wear. I have been pregnant or nursing for the last ten years and my size is always in fluxuation, but some things I have not worn in three babies!
Anyway, I love the cardigan in the picture, and gray is one of my colors. That whole outfit is very “me”, I think. Any idea where it came from?
Andrea says
I work outside the home full time and I am sure have more then what I need in some areas. I only have 4 pairs of work pants, 2 black, 1 brown and 1 gray so I have to wear the same pair twice each week. I will spend too much on shoes but I keep a pair of shoes for 4 0r 5 years so I do not mind spending $70 on a pair that will hold together good and are comfortable. But I love tops, I probably have 10 for each season that can be worn with any bottoms. I wish I could get into accessories though to spruce up my closet.
Meredith says
I have probably more clothes than crystal but I still don’t have a big wardrobe. I am a sahm. However, I can’t just wear one color all of the time. I have about one shirt in each color and pair it with my jeans or khakis. I have a few dresses that I have hung onto over the years that I wear from time to time. I also have a few extra sweater cardigans. Other than that, it’s pretty simple. I worked in jewelry in college so I over purchased a bunch of things that I can accessorize with. That was a long time ago but the stuff still works! Different colors just make me feel good so I like to keep a good pallette around!
Kelly @ Fru-Gal.org says
Thanks, Crystal! This post inspired me to go through my clothes and get rid of many items I rarely wear. I’m also trying to get better at the mix and match concept. Anyone know of a great store for buying inexpensive, cute scarves and accessories?
Kathy says
Target has an array of cute scarves
Andrea says
I keep an eye on the clearance racks at Macy’s, Gap, Banana Republic, etc. I’ve gotten some amazing deals, especially at Macy’s.
ann says
I enjoyed the post, and agree with it in theory, but I’m not sure it works for everyone. I’m a stay-at-home mom and my kids end up staining my clothes with messy hands often. If I had just a few tops and got stains on them that couldn’t be cleaned, I’d feel the need go out and buy a replacement (and end up paying a higher price) to have stain-free clothes. Currently, I pick up things I love at garage sales or thrift stores for less than $1. I can afford to have lots of things to wear so that when something gets permanently stained, I have other options.
Andrea says
I wear the stained things at home on the days I know we’re not going out and keep other things for days that we leave the house. Sometimes, the stains fade after a few washes. I have one top that got stained the first time I wore it. I added a scarf and no one can see the spot. If I can juggle the time correctly, I don’t change in to my going out shirt until we’re almost ready to leave.
Sara says
Once I had a child I was shocked by the amount of stain management required of me! Now I just google remedies for each type of stain – about.com has become my very best friend! I have yet to have a stain that site has not had a remedy for. The only stain I couldn’t remove using their methods was permanent ink, but to be fair the site did warn that ink might not come out using any method!
Crystal says
Ballpoint pen ink comes out with hairspray. I’m not sure I know of any remedy for permanent ink, though.
Shout gets almost everything else out–except for blood. Hydrogen peroxide is best for that.
And we’ll see how my new homemade Oxiclean holds up to Shout.
Sara says
Interesting! I’ve never used Shout, because honestly pre-child we rarely had any stains. It seems that all the remedies I’ve used from about.com are random grandma-style remedies – boiling water for berry stains, cold water and bar handsoap for blood stains, vinegar for others, etc. Thanks for the tip!
Perhaps you have a good tip for baby spit up stains? All of my son’s newborn stuff was DISGUSTING after a couple years in storage. Apparently the Dreft stain remover I used for his clothes didn’t cut it for the long haul, and maybe I was too sleep deprived at the time to realize the stains weren’t fully out??? Or perhaps Dreft just masked it somehow? Thankfully I’m having a baby girl so I wouldn’t have reused his stuff anyway, but I’d like to have more success with her stuff if we’re not done having children. Thanks!
Erin says
We don’t get too many stains, but when we do, they are doozies! I’ve found Shout to be very ineffective. I end up using old school products like Fels Naptha soap, but I still haven’t removed the latest stain–a faint poop stain on my daughter’s adorable (and brand new!) pants. When my son was a baby, I found the best stain remover to be Totally Toddler. His stuff was pristine. The problem is, this stuff can be difficult to find and it doesn’t seem to go on sale!
Andrea says
Many types of fabric will yellow when stored in plastic or (especially) in cardboard. If it is exposed to extreme heat (like in an attic), it will yellow quicker. It seems that some types of laundry detergent actually make it worse. I’ve had this happen to plain cotton fabric that had never been used.
Before storing clothes (of any type), launder them without fabric softener and do a second rinse to make sure the soap is completely rinsed out. Store in acid free containers, preferably inside the house where they won’t be subject to extreme temperatures.
Hanging the wet clothes in the sun will sometimes lighten the stains.
Stephanie says
I love Shout- I will soak the stains overnight before washing and everything (except sharpie maker which doesn’t come out of anything) including blood comes out. Stain remover has saved us so much money and our clothes look pretty good.
Another thing I do to reduce wear and tear in the washer/dryer is wash all the clothes inside out. It takes a few extra minutes but over time the clothes stay looking nicer longer.
Kim says
I am so thankful you posted this. I have been thinking for weeks about cleaning out my closet and that I needed to look up your previous post on the minimalist wardrobe. I’m not quite ready to reduce that much, but I’m working on it.
I work in a professional office and wear the same clothes a lot! Sure I would like to update a bit, but we have no credit card debt and are working very hard on paying our house off in the next few years. Some of the ladies I have worked with wear amazing clothes – and also have a lot of debt and stress.
I also read Jessica’s post recently and think it is time to rethink my whole wardrobe. You can still be stylish and cute, without being overwhelmed and spending lots. Thanks for the reminder and the encouragement.
Kimberly says
This has been a blessing! Thank you Crystal! Now I just need to figure out where to find a good pair of Corduroys for this fall/winter season… then I can move forward from there!! Any suggestions?
Heather / It's So Suburban says
An easier approach I’ve read relating to item #1 is to turn your hanger in the opposite direction after you’ve worn an item of clothing. Then you can see what you’ve worn without having to move your clothes between rooms (side note: this works best when the rod in your closet doesn’t fall down, as mine did a few days ago).
Angie D says
Thanks for the tips! I think my whole house needs a “what would Crystal do” approach. LOL! I need to be more intentional about this, but working on it. Most of my inventory is solid-colored tank tops, SS Tees and LS Tees and I love my scarves too!
Crystal says
You’re one of those people who always looks so cute; I wish I could be like you!
Leighann says
I think this would work great for me! My only problem is that I just don’t wear scarves, and I tend to not wear much jewelry, unless it’s a special occasion; I might throw on a pair of earrings, and my wedding rings, but most of the time the rest of my jewelry stays in the box. I’ve bought scarves, but never seem to wear them; I just don’t feel right in them. Oh well, I’m a t-shirt and jeans girl, anyway – although it is time to clean the closet out!
Kathy says
This post- and the followups – are great! As a plus size reader, I think this is even more important. A decade ago, the plus size clothing industry started expanding 🙂 and now we have lots to choose from. It’s very easy to get carried away and buy too much. Simple, clean, fairly fitted clothes in neutral colors (not just “slimming” black) generally look best, with some zing added through scarves , jewelry. I think it’s even more important for a plus size shopper to buy the same item in several colors if the item is particularly well cut. While there are lots of choices, a lot of clothes still are modeled after the “let’s hide her in a tent” philosophy.
Kathy says
I meant “clean lined” clothes; obviously we know to wear clean clothes!
Jessica @ The Abundant Wife says
When we moved to China 4 years ago, we (my husband and I) were only permitted to take two fifty pound suitcases each. That meant anything that we didn’t wear or use often was out! After leaving a lot of my clothing in storage for two years, I realized that I never missed it. Now I pride myself on my small wardrobe, and really try to keep it down to what I really wear and really like. Thanks for the reminder!
Misty Wayne says
Boy the -only own what you wear- just wiped out 2/3 of my closet-lol. Im inspired to clean it out. I have a bad habit of hanging on to clothes that “will fit” and then I run out of room for those that “do fit”. Thanks for sharing.
Holly says
I personally follow the old ways of having house clothes (nice t-shirts and jeans- very casual) and a few going to town/church clothes (skirts, nice pants and dressier blouses). I purged my wardrobe a lot this year, and invested in fewer better quality pieces which will last. I am in no way a clothing hoarder nor a minimalist. I like to think I am in between…
Jessica says
I really enjoyed this post. I am loving the Old Navy tall section with discount codes, and, happily, feeling like I’ve got a cohesive wardrobe this Fall. I’ve got a brown pair of pants and a brown skirt and a few pairs of black pants, a pair of boots in brown and black, and one brown and one black bag. I picked a basic neoprene laptop type thing in a nice shape. It’s waterproof, can be washed, looks appropriate at the office, but isn’t too stodgy for happy hour or the weekend (and it looks gender-neutral enough that my guy offers to carry it for me, which is a HUGE plus; I have back problems). I’ve organized myself into little zipper bags (I love cheap GPS travel cases for this) so I can just dump the contents of one bag into the other when I need to switch. I still tend to wear one color for the first half of the week so I only have to switch once. I keep it mostly empty, which means I can shove a lunch or a few groceries in there when I need to. Several of my sweaters are neutral (white, cream) and so they can go with anything. I’ve pretty much switched over to skinny pants with (conservative, flat-heeled) knee-high boots. There have been a lot of days where it’s wet, but not really rainy enough to warrant rainboots, so this has worked out well. It’s also one of the only types of shoe that goes with both pants and skirts. I tossed the summer clothes I hadn’t worn all season in a donation bin and put the rest in spacebags. It’s nice to know that I’ll open them up in a few months to find things I actually like, and having the extra space in the closet is wonderful.
I agree that you have to keep a few things you don’t wear that much (like a really warm jacket, for example) but I like having staples be the majority.
Alice@EarningMyTwoCents says
I just wrote an article (which was featured on the Krazy Coupon Lady website!) which talks about how to plan a clothes swap. Check it out here http://earningmytwocents.blogspot.com/2011/09/free-clothes-for-frugal-fashionistas.html. Clothes swaps are a great way to keep your wardrobe up to date, purge clothes you don’t wear or don’t fit, and benefit and bless your friends. You can take home “new” clothes and keep some excitement in your wardrobe. I personally swap all the time and find that at least one article I wear each day I got for free at a swap, and I get compliments all the time.
It’s not all about what you have or if you have a lot in your closet, but how you wear it. Sometimes wearing a shirt with a different skirt or pant can freshen up an outfit, and a new accessory can make a real difference and easily keep you looking fashion-forward without a big purchase or a lot of new clothes cluttering up your closet.
Johnlyn says
Someone else told me that with my skin color I should wear brown instead of black.
I agree, but finding things in brown has been so difficult that I now buy things in black again and that simplified my life. I would suggest shopping with an honest friend and holding up different color shirts to see what colors look best on you.
I totally agree about the scarves!!! Here in South Dakota I need all the warmth I can get for 6 months out of the year and they are perfect for that!
Janie says
Personally, I LOVE having lots of clothing options in colors that look good on me. I feel good when I can wear cute, distinctive outfits, and not just the same-old, same-old. But, to each his own. 🙂
Maryalene says
Loved seeing your video! I’ve been using Project 333 — http://www.theproject333.com/ — to help me pare down my wardrobe. My before and after closet pics are on my blog here: http://lowell-living.blogspot.com/2011/07/kickstarting-project-333.html
It’s been helpful, but I still have a long ways to go. Seems like items keep creeping back into my closet so I think I need to purge again.
beth b says
I think Minimalist Wardrobe means something different to everyone. Like Crystal always says, what she does may not work for someone else.
For me, clothes have always been A Thing. Having an insanely large wardrobe when I was in my early 20s (Um, 40 sweaters. Really.) contributed to the problems I had with credit cards. I’ve since reformed, thank goodness.
It boils down to determining the amount of clothing that works for your life. How much closet space you have, how much trouble you have deciding what to wear on a regular basis, whether you like wearing the same few pieces or need more variety, your laundry habits, etc .. Not putting away laundry because your drawers and closets are too full might be a sign you have too much. 🙂 Frequently panicking because you forgot to do laundry and have nothing to wear could be a sign you have too little.
I work outside the home part time. While there is some overlap between work and Mom clothes I always change before work so I look more fresh or dressed up. I also have the weird category of concert black for concerts and gigs. My performance wardrobe needs to include various levels of formality for different temperatures as well as adherence to a fairly strict dress code so it can be challenging.
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what I need and want my wardrobe to be. The change in how I shop is amazing. Not only am I fiscally responsible but I’m much more mindful. No longer do I buy something because it’s a good deal or a fun item I’ll never wear (hello red satin high heeled sandals ). I enjoy clothing just as much as I ever did but now I feel better about my purchases.
Alison says
I’m still working my wardrobe down, I fall into the same trap as others of buying items just because they’re cheap. It’s taken a long time to learn what colors, styles and brands look good on me (and last!)
One thing that helps me let go of items is to ask myself how many other of the pieces I own would I choose to wear before this particular one. Often I realize that something that I was telling myself I might wear is very low on my list!
Jen @ Master the Art of Saving says
I actually really love the outfit in the photo. A minimalist wardrobe is def. on my to-do list so this post is really helpful. Thanks. 🙂
Angi @ schneiderpeeps says
I think the point of tip #1 is to not hang on to clothes you don’t like or don’t look good on you and because of that you don’t wear them just because you got a good deal on them. There are always things that are good to have on hand even if we don’t wear them but a couple of times a year. For instance, my husband is a pastor and hospice chaplain. He dresses in khaki’s and nice shirts normally, but he also needs a nice, well made, good fitting suit for weddings and funerals. Just because he doesn’t use it often – doesn’t mean he doesn’t need it in his closet.
Everyone’s needs are different as to the number of outfits, but I think the principle of not keeping what you don’t wear is valid for everyone.
Andrea says
This is one of the reasons why I don’t like these types of recommendations. Some clothes are made to last for decades!
My husband’s black suit may get worn two or three times one year and then not again for 18 months or more. His suit cost $500 about five years ago and he’ll have it for many more years to come. Same thing goes for my long wool dress coat (it was free, but I’m not about to buy a replacement!).
Brittany says
I save money by buying only those clothes I can’t NOT buy. If I’m trying it on thinking, “do I like this?” or “it’s almost perfect, except…” I put it back and wait til I find something that is perfect. I’d much rather have just a few things I LOVE, than a drawer full of “look like crap, but it was cheap.”
Danielle B says
I’m working hard on losing weight right now, so I’m not even letting myself think about what I’m wearing. My wardrobe is HORRIBLE at its current state, but it’s just not the main focus of my attention at this moment. I really look forward to spending more time and little bit more money on it in the coming months though.
Sarah says
That’s where I am too. I had a baby back in April and I had been working on getting down before then. Now I’m starting all over and I’m feeling quite discouraged. I know I am frumpy, but I’m sure a lot of that has to do with my self-image. I also refuse to spend money on clothes right now- it’s like giving up and resigning myself to always being fat. I’m going to try the scarf thing this fall and winter, and by next spring, I’ll be ready to do some shopping.
Andrea says
If you can sew, you can probably alter some of your tops to fit better. I’ve seen no-sew ideas on Pinterest, too.
Karen says
I’m working hard on weight-loss too right now. The crazy thing is I’m finally actually happy with much of my wardrobe (because they’re now making lots of nice plus-sized clothing) and am already feeling a bit sad for when my cute new(er) dresses will be too big! Although, it will be a good thing too, I know.
Monica says
You should look into a tailor. I am doing that with some of my pants and shirts.
Coral says
I disagree with the posts that say if you work you must have more clothes. I work in a business casual office. No jeans allowed. I have one week’s worth of summer and one week’s worth of winter clothes. No one cares if I wear the same clothes every week. I have a few nice skirts and different tops. For weekends, I tend to just also wear the same clothes. I’m comfortable in them, so why not? In fact, I’ll even be taking most of the same wardrobe with me to Disney World. Again, it’s business casual, but I look nice – it’s not frumpy clothes at all. Most of my current wardrobe comes from Cato.
Jacci says
Great post! Your blog, getrichslowly.org and frugalgirl.com are my three go-to blogs every morning. I LOVE when you guys mention each other.
Mary S. says
I think a couple of these are good tips no matter what. I personally like having a few more options and a lot of people are saying that working outside the home increases the amount of clothes they need which is true. But if you own only things you love and wear, make sure everything fits with more than one outfit and know how to dress outfits up or down with the right accessories then that is the perfect minimalist wardrobe for you.
The number of items you own may be three times the number someone else owns but it may fit your life perfectly. I try to not get caught up in specific numbers of outfits. I think these are great tips for everyone to have a functional wardrobe that works for you.
Julie says
I love the idea about the one – year wardrobe. I work full time out of the house, so I will need more clothes, but I am going to give it a try. I have 2 closets in my bedroom and will cram everything in one and slowly move everything to the other one as I wear things. This will be done just in time for when my boyfriend moves in.
I am going to do the same with my shoes….
ksenia says
I entirely agree. It saves money, time, and sanity to have fewer pieces. Through trial and error, I think for the “going out in public” or “work” clothes it is definitely worth spending a little more money so you really love how you look in them and that they withstand constant laundering, which is necessary for a minimalist.
For people who say they work in a business environment and can’t implement this: I teach college in the evenings and last year had only one pair of nice slacks and had about three or four tops with two jackets and a nice sweater that I would mix and match and layer. Worked for me. I guess it would be a different situation if you HAVE to wear a suit or something.
Jessica says
Thanks for the post- I try to do the same thing, with a few more pieces added in. I work 4 days a week and it is obvious to me if someone is wearing the same shirt with a scarf, or without it. I try to have 10 shirts and 3-4 pairs of pants to mix and match.
Luckily we are casual in my office, so my work clothes and leisure clothes are all the same!
I have also found hang or laying pieces flat to dry extend their life versus putting in the dryer, they will stay looking newer, longer.
The Prudent Homemaker says
I’ve noticed several people have said that they notice about shirts. It’s interesting, because a man can wear a white shirt and a suit everyday, and just change his tie. (He can own several of the same white shirts, though).
Why can’t a woman wear a button-up blouse every day, in that same basic manner? Whether she’s wearing it with a skirt or pants, or a scarf or different jewelry, it’s the same outfit.
If you have several of the same blouses (a basic button up) in one or two colors, it should be sufficient. Yes, you may need enough for the week, but once you find a blouse you like on sale, you can just buy more of them. It might look like you’re wearing the same shirt even when you’re not, but men do this all the time. No one says he has to wear a blue shirt, then a striped one, then a white one, then another color, etc.
Also, I just started using spray starch, and what a difference it makes in getting a crisp blouse!
Molly says
Thanks for the helpful tips! I never thought about a color pallete before, I’ll have to start shopping that way. Great post!
NICKI says
I think having minimalist wardrobe is a great way to save money. I do like to spend a little more on my clothes, since I wear one pair of pants 2-3 times a week (That’s a lot of laundering) or at least make sure it’s good quality. I also try to choose “not too trendy” pieces so they aren’t dated after one season.
Amital says
Quality is important to consider, too. I’d rather pay a little more for those good staples that will last than go through more of the cheaper items. I find they look nicer overall.
I love the sentiment behind this idea. When it gets tricky, though, is when pregnancies are thrown into the mix! I have four beautiful kids, and my oldest just turned 7 (youngest is 5 months old). I have been pregnant, breastfeeding, and on my way up or down for the past 7 years! It makes a more minimalist wardrobe more tricky because I have the size up from the norm before maternity fits and for after the baby, plus different styles for nursing ease and the different size I am on top while nursing…
Maybe it comes down to have several sizes of minimalist wardrobes for the seasons around pregnancies? I’m still not sure how it works! 😉
The Prudent Homemaker says
Elastic waists skirts and blouses with a little give 🙂 I’ve been pregnant and/or nursing for the last 10 years (my oldest is 9 and I’m expecting number 7 right now) and I’ve found that elastic waisted skirts are helping me at the beginning of the pregnancy and afterwards as well. I never thought I’d say that when I was a teenager, but I didn’t know how much my size would change! (When I was in high school I told my mom I would ALWAYS tuck my shirts in and never wear them on top of my pants like she did. My mom burst out laughing! Now I wish I could tuck them in!)
Heather says
My four sound about the same ages as yours, but older by two years. It’s hard; I always had to have a lot of clothes: Pre-babies normal, early pregnancy, big pregnancy, 9th month-losing my mind-impulse-purchase, “fat” clothes, nursing bras, and the new normal. The pre-babies normal are donated now, sadly! I avoided buying dresses because it just made me sad not to wear them while nursing. I also worked during my first pregnancy, so I had to have maternity work clothes – expensive. Didn’t need those for the other pregnancies. And then pregnancies in different seasons . . . .
I would say don’t try to go from maternity straight back to your normal clothes. It’s really helpful for the morale to have some “fat” clothes to bridge that gap.
Kathryn says
Yep. My baby is six weeks old today, and I had to buy “fat” jeans last weekend because I’m still not back in my regular jeans. (They are VERY unforgiving. I’ve actually lost all the weight, but I haven’t lost the inches yet. But I got cleared for exercise today, so it’s only a matter of time!)
I discovered that during pregnancy is actually the best time to go through one’s closet. I simply asked myself about each item, “Am I excited about wearing this again someday?” and if the answer was anything other than an enthusiastic “Yes!” I got rid of it. Didn’t actually trim my closet much, though, because I’m pretty good about not buying clothes I won’t wear.
Rachael says
Have you tried a nursing dress? I bought one for my daughter’s baptism and it is one of the most flattering items I own. I got it from a company called Breast is Best.
Lucky @ Making My Own Luck says
If you don’t mind wearing dresses I think those are best for the in between stages. I have a few sundress types that I can pair with a cardigan in the winter that hide a multitude of sins.
Valerie says
I agree. Whenever I think about a minimalist wardrobe, my main issue is pregnancy (especially early pregnancy before I need maternity clothes and then post partum when I don’t fit into my regular clothes yet). I like jeans quite a bit, so I keep a few different sizes. I have been able to throw a few pairs out though and just keep my favorites in each size.
Esther says
Thanks Crystal for this post! I’ve been working on weeding out my wardrobe and it’s been great. I do find that since I work outside the home in an office, I have two separate wardrobes, but I’ve been trying to have some overlap between the two by using basic mix and match pieces with various accessories. Now, if only I could get my kid’s wardrobes under control! Little kid’s clothes are just so cute! 🙂
Teresa says
I also tried the color assessment out of curiousity. I wanted to see if it would agree with other assessments I’ve done. It was completely off, as the above poster mentioned. I think it’s too general. It didn’t even ask about skin undertones, which make all the difference.
Charity says
I tried it too… wasn’t that helpful. I wish it were because I have such a time with this subject! I here all the time “you’d look good in anything” which to me means nothing I wear ever “pops.” And aside from that I know it can’t be true!
Jenny says
Great tips! I’ve got about 5 shirts that I consider my “work shirts” ( I’m a SAHM).. they are shirts I don’t mind if they get dirty,sticky, paint covered, etc. With 2 little ones it happens alot! Then I probably have 5 nicer shirts that I wear out and about when we go shopping, out to eat, etc 🙂
Brittany says
I have had the best luck in the past few years getting tops on clearance at Kohl’s, specifically the sonoma brand. I think every top I’ve gotten, probably 10 so far, has been in the $5-12 range. As far as bottoms, I wear mostly jeans in public, and most of mine are 3-5 years old (from high school!), but I did get a pair just last year for $10 at Walmart! I usually wear a t-shirt (not sloppy, not skin tight), jeans, and tennis shoes. It works for me!
This spring I’m going to finish my schooling and be an RN, and I’m trying to figure out the best way to build a scrub wardrobe. I like the idea of everything mixing and matching. Maybe pick 3 colors of bottoms and try to have every top go with at least 2 of the bottoms?
Dawn says
I worked as a RN for many years. One thing that I did after a few years of nursing was switch to solid scrubs. It was much cheaper to own 3 nice solid uniforms than buy lots of the crazy bright prints. I worked in a cardiovascular intensive care unit after I was a nurse for a while and noticed that all of the male nurses wore solid colors, often just one color (green, blue, etc.) I also can tell you as a long time nurse that you will appear more professional to your patients and physicians. There is much opinion about this – But I always felt more confident and professional in my navy scrubs (navy also hides stains well especially blood and betadine) Good Luck!
BethB says
I agree with regard to looking professional. My husband was in the hospital for 50+ days in 2010 (four different stays) and I spent a lot of time walking around the complex. Single color scrubs or conservative prints look a lot more professional and comforting, IMO.
Holly says
I work in the CVICU at a pediatric hospital, and we are encouraged to wear bright, colorful scrubs with patterns since we are caring for children. It makes their environment more warm and friendly. I am thankful that we don’t have to stick with solid colored scrubs. There have been multiple occasions when I have used my fun scrubs as a distraction for kids when starting IVs, lab draw, and other uncomfortable procedures. I guess it just depends on your work environment!
Amie says
I’d be careful buying too many scrubs if you don’t know where you’ll be working. The hospital in my town, where my mom was a nurse, has moved in recent years to a dress code of blue (many different shades are acceptable) and white. The floor nurses are only allowed to wear these colors, with the exception of the maternity floor which wears a different color to distinguish themselves for security reasons. Not sure how many hospitals, or even clinics, are operating this way, just something to keep in mind. Best of luck to you!
Monica says
I agree about the scrubs. My mother (nurse) and sister (med tech) are allowed to wear pretty much anything. My husband, however, could only wear black and white, so after purchasing purple scrubs for school, we had to turn around and buy black ones for the cardiac unit he was working with.
Emily says
I’m an RN in a hospital and I would recommend buying 3 sets of scrubs. I just own 2 pairs of scrub pants (1 black, 1 navy) and 3 different colors of tops. They are printed tops, but are not super bright or wild. I have worn the same scrubs for 3 years now and haven’t had to buy any new ones. The next time I buy scrubs again, probably later this year, I am only going to buy solid colored tops.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Coupons says
My hospital only lets me choose between navy and white scrubs. I don’t like the idea of wearing white (because I don’t have that many white tanks to wear underneath), so I just wear all navy. I would suggest you buy 3 sets of scrubs if you plan on working 3 12-hour shifts. It’s a lot less laundry.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Coupons says
Love this! One thing I will say about Color Me Beautiful – it leaves out some GORGEOUS colors. There are two colors that look good on pretty much everyone: (and they happen to be very “in” right now) coral and mustard. In some variation, whether it be necklace, printed skirt, cardigan, or simple shirt, this color can be a staple in anyone’s wardrobe. Talk about making your coloring pop and look youthful!
I mention Color Me Beautiful in this because I worked in retail and had a beautiful woman with olive skin, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes question me when I brought her a coral top. She said it wasn’t in her color palette. It is now!
I need to go clean out my closet again….
The Prudent Homemaker says
Coral and mustard don’t work so well for those of us with super pale skin. I have to wear the lightest makeup, and most companies don’t even make it light enough for my skin tone. Plus, I can’t stand either of those colors!
I’m better off in red, navy blue, white and pastels. My wardrobe consists mostly of the first 3 (white blouses, with some red and blue) and a few pastels. I do own some black skirts, but black on top just leaves me looking very washed out (people ask me if I’m feeling okay when I wear black).
I’m pregnant some part of every year (for the last 10 years) so my maternity clothes are a more regular part of my wardrobe. Thankfully I was able to get several great white blouses from Land’s End Business in the clearance section for $6 each. (They don’t shrink and they wear very well). My preferred outfit is a white blouse and a skirt every day. I’m home all day, but this is what I find to be the most “me.” (I’m NOT a t-shirt person at all).
I also wear an apron every day. I have one for gardening (green), one for baking (toile), and one for cooking and canning (red). (And on any given day I may wear all three!) These protect my clothes and make them last a lot longer.
Lucky @ Making My Own Luck says
This is a good point. Proper laundry care and protecting your clothes is key when you have a small wardrobe.
Kathy says
I have also found Land’s End shirts wear very well. And the customer service is so great – if there is a problem they will take care of it.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Coupons says
I’m pale too! I’ve seen pictures of you on your website – I’m about that pale too and have the same issues finding makeup. And I dye my hair red. It’s “cool tones” all around! Something about those colors just brings out natural warmth in every skin tone. But if you don’t like the colors, it’s a non issue.
The Prudent Homemaker says
I wear Mary Kay’s Ivory 100 in foundation and Ivory 1 in concealer. I went to a Mary Kay party in college and I was amazed to finally see makeup in the right shade.
The only powder that is light enough if Lancome’s translucent, but they discontinued it (this is the second time now; enough people complained that they brought it back once before, but I doubt they will a second time). I don’t know what I’ll use when mine runs out, because all the other powders seem to have shades of orange in them, and they’re too dark.
The foundation and concealer usually last me 18 months (I just wear them around my eyes), and the powder even longer. I’ve bought the powder at Black Friday before when they have specials at Lancome (free lipstiscks and such with purchase), and that weekend you get double cash back from Ebates. I’m getting low on loose powder, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know!
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Coupons says
I bought my makeup from Everyday Minerals when they were having a clearance. For $32 and some change, I got 6 containers of loose foundation (unfortunately the color is no longer available – glad I bought 6!) and two lip balms. Shipping was free on orders over $15.
The powder goes on very light and blends well. I’m a nurse who works night shift, and this stays on all night long.
They do have a neat “find your perfect color” system. You select your skin color “fair, medium, dark” and they send you little tubs in all the shades of that color. Cost is $5. They often have other fun promos, like right now they have free blush on orders over $21. I’ve been VERY happy with this company. Best of all, they use as much organic materials as possible!
Andrea says
I can pull off coral easily, but I look horrible in mustard. I love it, too and wish I could wear it!
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Coupons says
Try some mustard accessories! I have a headband, a purse, a pair of ballet flats all in mustard. It’s a fun pop of color. 🙂
The Prudent Homemaker says
What about wearing it as a skirt. That’s what I do with black.
Heather says
I just bought myself a mustard v-neck blouse at a yardsale this weekend. I disagree with the poster below me, I have the fairest of fair skin, and red hair, so dab on some coral blush and lipgloss with that top and I am good to go.
Tania says
I love these tips and these ideas but the first one doesn’t work for anyone in a professional environment. I never wear my full suit but every few months I need it or if I were interviewing for jobs, I’d need it everyday. I also might not wear a certain jacket all fall, winter and spring but days in the office during the summer require it. Tie in “weekend” clothes and things automatically get a bit more complicated. I’d rather own a few more items I don’t wear frequently if ever than have to buy a $100 suit for an interview or have to go shopping for a dress for a wedding or the like. Short term give for long term gain. Love the other tips though!
Rachel at Rachel's Giveaways says
Thanks for the tips! I’m pretty good about sorting through my clothes each season and reselling anything I don’t regularly wear. My weak spot is buying stuff mainly because it’s on clearance, but maybe it’s not the most flattering or best fit. I really need to focus on quality over quantity – the few expensive pieces I’ve invested in, I’ve been able to wear over and over again and always get compliments on.
Sara Z. says
I’m working on minimizing my wardrobe as well as my daughter’s (she get’s a lot of hand me downs from my nieces). I love the idea of having just a few items that I can mix and match, but I have never been successful at pulling it off! Maybe this is my year 🙂
By the way, I tried the color palette link. Maybe it will work out better for other ladies, but I completely disagreed with their assessment. Most of the colors it suggested are exactly the kind that make me feel washed out and frumpy 🙁 I’ll stick with my instincts! I may try the Color Me Beautiful book though 🙂
Meg says
With the expense of maintaining a professional uniform, I find it easier to just make a “uniform” for myself for work. I own 4 identical black skirts, 8 pairs of black tights, 5 long sleeved black t-shirts, and 5 cardigans in different colors. I may look boring, but, unlike some other people on my office, I always look appropriate. I am knitting myself some new sweaters, but other than that, I’m very happy with this wardrobe.
On weekends I wear other clothes.
Tammy @ Skinny Mom's Kitchen says
great tips. I would also add to the mix and match…layering. This is how I am able to use some of my summer clothing in the fall and winter.
These tips are also really useful with keeping my kids clothing under control.
Sarah says
I do this too. I have a handful of shirts that are all the same in different colors, so I’ll mix and match which one is on top and which one is accent. And in the winter I can do a more sporty look with a long-sleeved tee under one, or more sophisticated with a jacket on top (with a scarf, I now know!).
Kelli @Taste & See says
I would agree, especially with the kid’s clothing. I have two boys who haven’t outgrown their t-shirts and some polos from summer yet, so instead of buying an entire wardrobe for school/cold weather, I added only a few long-sleeve shirts and some jeans, then got each of them a white, and a navy long-sleeved t-shirt to put under all those summer clothes. Worked great!
Lesley says
I love this post. I remember throughout college that my roommates would totally fill their closets, 5 drawer dressers, and two tubs under their beds with clothes. I could never understand how someone could have so much AND lug it to college. I have one drawer of clothes and half a closet full. Its only been recently that I added new summer clothes (all dresses). I filter out my closet every three months. My finace has twice as many items in his closet and drawers than I do.
Another tip though, if you find something you like, buy it in multiple colors. I have the same style shirt in my favorite colors. That way I have a style I love (which is rare for me; I love layering and that isn’t in right now), in multiple colors. This makes it really easy to mix and match!
Holly says
I do this too!!! I have multiples of the same shirt style in different colors and it totally works.
Karen says
I to the multiple-buying thing too! In fact, I currently only have 2 styles of shirt I wear, but I have each in several colors. Glad to hear I’m not the only one to do this.
Laura says
LOL LOL This makes me feel better. I HATE shopping and when I do I’ll find a top and buy two in neutral colors! I just did so this weekend!
Jen @ MyPotpourriWorld says
I just had to say that I love the outfit in this post. Too cute! 🙂
peever says
I am working on being better about being more minimalistic. I am good about purging my closet every 3-6 months and I’ve gotten much better about only buying something if I love it and not just because it’s cheap, but I can’t get buy with only having 6-7 outfits. I’m fortunate that I usually find some really great deals at thrift stores on nice quality things that I love. I rarely spend more than $5 on any of my clothing, but I honestly manage to permanently stain my clothes nearly as often as my children do and I’d never make it through a season with only 6-7 outfits. I also think it’s a little depressing to get dressed with so little options! So I agree, but I need a little more. 🙂
lori says
I have always been terrible at buying clothes for myself. I cringe at paying more than $10 for a shirt, but then I won’t wear it if it doesn’t look good. I think sometimes being an extremely thrifty person worked against me because I was always so intent on finding a bargain and scarfing it up that I didn’t pay enough attention to whether I really liked it. Duh.
Took me a loooong time to just suck it up and pay a little bit more for a few items I love and in the long run I have found that I actually save money because they last longer and I get more use out of them. They still have to be on sale with a coupon of course, but now I am more careful to choose things that make me look and feel good instead of the $3 clearance rack item!
Awesome info as always. I feel the need to clean out my closet now 😉
ksenia says
I agree entirely. I am the same way — always wanting to find a great deal. Then I would buy something because it was “ok” and cheap. And of course I never wore it, but couldn’t let myself buy something else because I “already had stuff”. Now it makes more sense to spend more money, less often, and feel good. 🙂
Jessica says
So true. Today I spend $70 (!) on boots. The big selling point for me was free shipping and free returns (and cash back from Ebates!). I have neither the time nor inclination to shop in person, and I found that I was buying several cheap pairs that didn’t fit or fell apart, and then I didn’t want to pay shipping to return them. If they last 2 years instead of 1, they didn’t cost me any more than the cheap pair would have. It’s really nice to feel put-together.
Johnlyn says
Goodness – I just spent $115 on my boots so don’t feel bad. They are bjorn and will last forever though. I keep my shoes forever and have to have extremely comfortable shoes so that’s my excuse LOL!
In that same trip I bought a pair of shoes because they were cheap (great brand name, but on clearance)….came home and told my husband how much they were and his response made me return them.
He said “do you even like them – you told me how much they were and how much you saved, but didn’t go on and on about how much you like them like you did with your boots.”
Jill says
I love that question. I was in the habbit of buying things because they were a good deal not because I really needed them. I think I am going to start asking myself do I really like or do I likeit because its a good deal? Thanks
Marlana says
Well, I only own seven shifts and fit the minimalist category since I only own what I wear, but four of my shirts are homeschool alumni t-shirts. so I fail at the style part. However, my logic has always been own what I wear. And I’m a hiker and biker and always outdoors. T-shirts are my world and really own need one shirt that’s not a T-shirt.
Sarah says
I do agree this is a great idea, but harder for someone who works full time in a professional office environment. I know it is probably my own insecurity more than anything, but I would hate to wear the same things over and over. So what I do is, as you said, make sure you aren’t hanging on to items that you never wear and having a decent range of options, but still limiting it so it’s not overwhelming. I have five pairs of work pants that I literally wear once a week each and then pair tops with those pants. If the pants are plain colors, it is easy to match most items with them. I have three shades of grey pants, one black and one brown and nearly every top I own can be worn with one of those. I do have a few tops that only look good with jeans, but only a few. I would for sure have less clothes if I knew I was not going to work outside the home again, but for now, I just follow those rules, just to less of an extreme.
laura says
I agree. This is a nice idea, but certainly not for everyone. I also work in a professional office. I have pants, tops, cardigans and suit jackets that can be intermingled. Only having a few outfits and wearing them continuously would appear rather unprofessional. By no means is my closet full, but I have options. The weekends on the other hand……..LOL. I own one pair of jeans and tops. 🙂
Kelli says
I though the same thing when reading this article, I am sure it is easier to have less clothing options if I was a stay-at-home mom, but I am not I work in a professional setting where I am required to wear dresses or suits…which isn’t practically then to wear on weekends.
Christine says
I agree with this statement. I love the idea of minimalist, but I recently went back to work full-time after being a SAHM for a few years. Additionally, we’ve moved 1300 miles south of our prior home – big climate change. What a scramble to have two wardrobes (home and work) for a new climate. I’m trying to be minimalist, but it is so hard when you are in a new environment, a new climate and a new culture (SoCal vs PNW – fleece just isn’t as fancy here in socal).
But thanks for the reminder. I’m going for high value basics (trouser jeans) and a few pieces that can help my wardrobe transition through the seasons – cardigans.
Jessica says
I work in a professional environment, but I have a tiny wardrobe. No one notices or cares if you wear the same plain black pants on Thursday that you wore on Monday.
Lucky @ Making My Own Luck says
I agree. Maybe it depends on where you work, but the people in my office probably wouldn’t notice if I wore the same thing all week.
I have a pretty tiny wardrobe too, although in the winter my sweaters seem to take up a ton of room.
Stephanie says
I too used to work outside the home. One day it dawned on me that I didn’t remember what anyone wore the day before, so why should I worry if I wear the same basic pair of pants more than once a week? Same would go for a skirt if my job was such that I chose to wear one.
Rachael says
It might be different for teachers. Once a third grader told me, “you wear the same thing every day.” I wasn’t offended, but the kids do notice!
Angie says
I so agree! My third graders are quick to tell me when I “look” better that I did yesterday. They even notice my makeup, shoes, etc. But they are also quick to compliment me and make me smile! Love my thirdies!
The Gentle Mom says
I had a very professional job for years, where people paid close attention to one another’s wardrobe and appearance. I kept things “minimalist” by having only a few, very basic bottoms, and a larger variety of attractive tops (about three weeks’ worth). All my shirts, blouses, and sweaters looked good with dark pants or skirts, so I never had to worry about creating an “outfit.” I just picked a top I liked, then chose either a skirt or pants in black or grey, and I was good to go.
Laura says
As I stated, it’s not for everyone. I work in a law firm and quite frankly if I wore the same things a few times a week, it would be quite noticeable. I think it also depends upon where you work though, so, if you’re able to do so, then by all means do so! LOL. For the record, I did not state that I have dozens of pants, suits and jackets. I’m merely stated that I do have a few more options than owning just 2-3 pairs of pants, etc.
Rachel says
I actually tried the minimalist approach at work and was written up for it. So it really does depend on the industry you are in, and your boss.
Jessica says
True. I imagine if you work in fashion or another high end/image-conscious business, it’s different. I know that noticeable pieces are harder to recycle, but I think with a basic black skirt or pair of pants, it would be pretty hard for anyone to even notice when it’s paired with a different top. I have more than 2 or 3 also- I have enough bottoms to last a week, because sometimes I spill stuff or get dog hair all over me. Most people still seem to consider my wardrobe pretty minimalist, though. Bf asked “how is there anything left?!” the last time I donated. I repeat outer sweaters and wraps a lot, too, but so far no one seems to care. That sucks about getting written up! Seems like if you’re neat, clean, and presentable, they should mind their own business.
lizajane says
I can’t for the life of me think of a rule at any place I’ve ever worked that said how many outfits you had to have to work there! Unbelievable! Maybe I’m just not understanding it correctly.
I agree with the basic color slacks and then a variety of tops. I need a variety or I get bored with wearing the same things, even if I think nobody would notice or care. I see people in my office with the same sweater or jacket on every day, but that’s just because it’s always cold in there so everyone keeps something at their desk to wear. I don’t even think twice about it anymore.
Lora says
I worked in an office with a professional dress code and had a minimalist wardrobe. I have less now as a SAHM mom, but then I had a total of 7 shirts per season, 3 pairs of pants, a skirt, and 2 jackets to spice things up. I also had 2 pairs of heels at any given time. My coworkers had much more elaborate wardrobes, but no one ever commented, and I doubt many people even noticed. I really think that our mothers were right when they told us that people are too busy thinking about themselves to think about someone else. 🙂