Are you joining us for the 12 Months to a Healthier You Challenge? If so, it’s Friday and guess what that means? It’s time for our weekly check-in to post our progress.
January’s Challenge:
We’re focusing on developing the habit of exercising more in January. I encourage you to set a simple and doable goal for exercise and to stick with it.
If you haven’t set your January Exercise Goal yet, be sure to do so and then leave a comment on this post telling us what your goal is. New to this challenge? Read more details on the plan for this year here.
My Exercise Goal for January
My goal for January is to consistently exercise at least 5 times per week. I plan to follow the P90X workout schedule except for the days when I’m traveling/out of town. On those days, I plan to stick with cardio/running.
This Week’s Progress:
You may have noticed that I’ve been absent from here this week. That’s because I had a bit of a crazy week… one that didn’t allow time for blogging or exercise.
I spent most of the week doing interviews and media meetings in NYC (I’m posting a recap in a bit for those who are interested in getting a peek into my week). So I pretty much bombed my exercise plans.
Unless the one mile I ran on the treadmill or all the walking I did in NYC counts. Other than that, I did zero exercise. But I’m going to give myself grace… and get back up on the bandwagon again tomorrow. 🙂 And hopefully I’ll have a much more positive report to share next week.
How Are YOU Doing?
Leave a comment telling us how you did on your exercise goals this past week. If you’re blogging about this challenge, leave the direct link to your blog post about the challenge below.
Are you on social media? You can also share your progress on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter by using hashtag #12MonthstoaHealthierYou.
Loan N says
I only got in a couple of mini-workouts last week, but went on a long hike with a couple of friends yesterday – friends sure make exercise a lot more fun! Congratulations on getting so much accomplished; Hope you are recuperating ok!
Telena says
My family has been sick all week but somehow I still managed to get my exercise in. It felt good! Hope you had a blast in NYC…I hope to visit there someday!
Vicki D says
I got a horrible stomach virus and am still not 100%….but I’m committed to check in anyway. I’ll be back on track I’m hoping, by Monday ….I will not give up!
So happy for all the wonderful things that are happening in you life.
Jaimie Rachal says
Last week was my struggle week. I always do better when my husband is away at work when it comes to food and exercise. When he is home for his two weeks off, I lose track and focus.
Sandy says
I worked out 3 of 5 times but I sabotaged my eating. Ate well until Thursday when I had Mexican out then Friday was Cheesecake Factory. Today was Chick-Fil-A. Pathetic!!! I’ve got a plan for next week and my husband is joining me on the plan. I want total success next week!!
Jessica says
I imagine you’ll kill it next week, Crystal. And even if you don’t, you are an inspiration! It was seriously because of this check in that I did my workout when we got home tonight – third week in a row I met my goal of work out 6 days/week! My workouts are only about 20 minutes, but they’re intense. Thanks for all the work…I cannot WAIT for your book next week!
Crystal Paine says
Thank you so much for your vote of confidence! I did P90X again today and it felt so good to get back to that again!
Beth Cranford says
Wow, if I walked around NYC, you can bet I’d call it exercise! And you did that mile on the treadmill, that’s something!
I’m working on getting into a routine again so exercise happens more naturally, of course this is the week we had tons of interruptions and schedule changes. Oh well, you do your best and push forward.
Angela says
Just finished my last of five times of 30 minutes of exercise for this week. I had to change one of my exercise days due to another commitment, and my son came down with stomach flu this week, but thanks to the accountability here I stuck with my exercising commitment. So thank you!
Kellie says
I used to live in the heart of Chicago, so I know city walking totally counts!
I met the challenge for the week — 3 days jogging on the treadmill for 30 minutes and 2 days of strength training DVD for 40 minutes. Thursdays are still my hardest day to get motivated, so I’m very thankful for the accountability.
Marie says
I struggled at the bigging of the challenge because of dealing with a sickness for over 12 days! Plus I needed to really figure out what to do. But after really figuring out what was realistic I decided to start Ian Smith’s Super Shredder diet and doing Jillian Michael’s Ripped in 30 DVD. The best thing is that my husband is doing it with me!!! We are on day 6 and I’m amazed. I am the gal who HATES exercise of any kind. I know it’s good for me etc. but just struggle because I don’t know what I’m doing. But since my third baby, struggling with post partum and just a crazy life I have been so tired, exhausted, run down etc. I knew I needed something but lacked the motivation. So while 6 days doesn’t seem like much it’s HUGE for me since I’ve been consistent with eating AND the exercise!! For me I knew I needed a really structured plan and my husband doing it to helps. I don’t know if I’ll lost any thing yet (staying off the scale til Monday) but I have noticed I can actually function during the day!!! Thanks for the encouragement.
I will have to get used to the new look and feel of the site.
Cathy says
I made my goal of 4 workouts this week, though I hope to be active today as well. Planning for 4-5 workouts again next week.
Jessica says
I hit my goal of 5 yoga sessions this week! My husband even joined me 3 times, which is awesome!
Emily E says
I didn’t get around to signing up for this challenge but I wish I had! (I guess I still can…) I got a new recumbent exercise bike for Christmas and have made time to exercise 12 out of 17 days this month. Not too bad! Before I was good to get in 1 or 2 a week. But I’m really making an effort to put the exercise priority first- I can always do the dishes later. 🙂
Kelli says
What a fun week you had! Congrats on all your hard work. Also, I’ve done P90X and loved it, and am now going through P90X3 workouts – you might be interested to know they are only 30 minutes long. It’s still intense and still Tony’s goofy jokes… but the time makes it a little easier to fit in. 🙂
Crystal Paine says
Thanks so much for the recommendation!
Jessica says
I appreciate your honesty and ability to be real!!! As hard as we try life gets in the way sometimes. We just have to keep going!! I’m happy for you. You deserve this success!
Laurie says
You deserve credit for staying accountable on here – even though you had a REALLY good excuse for not following your planned schedule. And yes, all that walking counts for something! I’m doing P90X3 and loving my new program! Been a little sick this week, so didn’t have the best intensity, but still got in 5 days. 🙂
Crystal Paine says
Way to go on getting in five days!
michelle says
I did it – 5 days of working out. 4 were the Insanity workouts and 1 day was running. I’m loving this challenge – I feel so motivated. I even siigned up for the 5k that I’ve been wanting to do for a few years!
Crystal Paine says
WOOHOO! Way to go!
Maria says
I did really good! I did my 12 minute video every day this week! I’m trying to decide if this is really enough, though I’m also trying to hold back and ease into getting up early to exercise. I can always make my exercises longer/more challenging later. Right now, getting up by 5-5:30am to get this accomplished is good enough for me!
Dacha says
Still keeping up- I’ve been running less ( as my annual break) but have done more swimming & yoga. Some mornings were hectic but I congratulate myself even on 20 minutes of yoga! And walking definitely counts!
Jillian Kay says
You might be surprised how many miles you walked!
I like your new look on the blog!
Mom25Munchkins says
I am currently on week two of T25 from Beachbody. I’ve only missed one day (I do the 25 mins for 6 days instead of 25 for 4 and 50 for 1) so far! WooHoo!:)
Holly says
I wish I’d been in NYC! I had a rough week – work stress, a kid with an ear infection and a teething baby, all of which led to an average of 5 hours of sleep per night! I managed to get in two days at the gym for 90 minutes total, but I missed the mark for my goal of 200 minutes this week, boo. So glad for a long weekend will get me back on track!!
Shelly says
I would count the walking as exercise for sure. I count every little extra thing I do. 🙂
My week went well but we had a pretty much normal week at home, nothing like the week I just read you had. I was tired just reading what you did. I hope this upcoming week is a great week for you.
Joye says
This week I added five minutes of strength training to my workouts, and so far I’ve gotten 4/5 of my planned workouts in this week. Got one day to go!
Emily says
I did at least some Pilates 4 days this week, but my foot injury and teething baby limited me somewhat. I’m hoping to keep up with Pilates and add TTapp and walking at the gym, but I have to go at the pace that my foot allows.
Natalie says
I worked out 5 days this week! I wasn’t planning to take the January challenge, but found myself motivated to begin by all the encouraging posts! I’ve also begun writing notes to my husband to focus on my marriage as well!
Brandi says
Good job Crystal! Giving yourself grace is so important! You are such an inspiration!
I did really well this week about 12 miles total!
Karen says
I got all my exercise in this week. I am doing a 30 Day Challenge for thighs/abs/arms. I can see a difference already in my energy levels. On top of that I walk/run 20 minutes on the treadmill. I am hoping to up that to 30 next week. I cannot believe how much better I feel in just 3 weeks! I also gave up pop. I had only meant to cut back, but have not had one since New Year’s Eve. I think that all the walking you did in NYC can definitely be considered exercise!
Wendy Klik says
I have been enjoying my kickboxing classes. Today our instructor encouraged us to sign up for a 5K in the beginning of August. It has been a long time since I was able to run but I might be able to do a run/walk 5k…I will think about itl
Sybil Brun says
This week was hard for me to fit in fitness too. But not for reasons anything like doing press in NYC! Congrats on your features, Crystal! And thanks for hosting this link-up!
susan says
I am doing Jillian Micheals 90 day body revolution and I’m almost done with week one. I am solo sore! It is worth it in the long run. I feel better.
Brittany says
I would say walking is exercise!!
This week, I stuck to not eating grains, preservatives, and dairy pretty strictly–even when my family ate pizza, went to McDonald’s, etc. I feel pretty proud of that and am feeling SO much better, so I have motivation to keep going. I’ve cheated a few times and had some sugar (a cookie the other night and three chocolate almonds tonight)… but it has been incredibly limited, so I still feel like that is a success. 🙂
My one big fail was having a Starbucks vanilla latte today. I try to work from Starbucks once a week, so I need to anticipate that next week and start prepping myself now to just have tea or something. 🙂
Kerri says
This was not a stellar workout week for me either. I managed 1 & 1/2 workouts. (My 3 yr old crashed my second workout of the week and despite my best efforts, he was not to be deterred in his efforts to end my workout.)
I’m glad to hear that I am not alone in this boat. Tomorrow is a new day and I am looking forward to a fresh start.
Heather says
You are not alone, I struggled this week as well! I didn’t have nearly as good an excuse as you did LOL! Hope you had fun and don’t worry about it, next week is a brand new chance to rock it! =)
Lisa says
I say all the walking you did in DEFINITELY counts! Especially when you factor in all the additional calories you burned shivering while out pounding the cold streets of NYC! 🙂
Lynn says
Have you checked out
Lynn says
If you have a Shop Your Way account, you can earn 5000 points for walking or running 14 miles. Plus you also earn points for logging into the website. It is nice to earn money for walking! I can use the money to buy essential items!